From the article > Anti-extremism experts also pointed out that in addition to anti-Asian sentiment, anti-Semitic sentiment has also been widespread in the midst of the pandemic. > Much of the rhetoric has focused on either conspiracy theories about COVID-19’s origin centering on Jewish philanthropist George Soros, or Jewish communities where the virus took root, such as in New Rochelle, New York.
>What do you say to Americans who are watching you right now who are scared?
>I say you are a terrible reporter. I think that's a very nasty question. so instead of trying to lift our spirits and give us hope he throws a hissy fit at the reporter for asking a perfectly valid question. when did you lose hope in our leader?
I am not a fan of Ethiopians. I find them to be some of the worst niggers around. They ruin this board with their low quality posts and they have one of their own running the WHO.
Guys, I like Trump but we have to stop calling it the Chinese Virus.
Viruses have no nationality. It could have started anywhere. There is absolutely no reason to call it the Chinese Virus. We don't know for sure that it originated in China.
Trump is otherwise great, but its just a bit racist to call it the Chinese virus so we really should stop. Please tweet at him to stop.
Isaac Brown
Screw you! Give Americans money!
Julian Garcia
SPLC They ain't southern They ain't poor They give NO fucks about the rule of law And they're left of center...
Camden Hernandez
You think babies do it cause they're not trying to offend people?
Mason Watson
My company had to fire 99.9% of its staff last week.
Those 627 Italians were old folks who were going to die anyway. The young, black, migrant neo-Italians who will be partying in the old folks' houses and living off free gibs won't suffer from Corona at all.
Noah Wood
>india >superpower the jungleniggers in brazil will be a superpower long before the poos >and that's never going to happen
Michael Bennet (D-CO) Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) Benjamin Cardin (D-MD) Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) Jacky Rosen (D-NV) Brian Schatz (D-HI) Bernie Sanders (I-VT) Chuck Schumer (D-NY) Ron Wyden (D-OR)
House (8% jewish, 600% US over-representation)
David Cicilline (D-RI) Stephen Cohen (D-TN) Susan Davis (D-CA) Ted Deutch (D-FL) Eliot Engel (D-NY) Lois Frankel (D-FL) Josh Gottheimer (D-NJ) David Kutsoff (R-TN) Andy Levin (D-MI) Mike Levin (D-CA) Alan Lowenthal (D-CA) Nita Lowey (D-NY) Elaine Luria (D-VA) Jerry Nadler (D-NY) Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) Dean Phillips (D-MN) Jamie Raskin (D-MD) Max Rose (D-NY) Jan Schakowsky (D-IL) Adam Schiff (D-CA) Kim Schrier (D-WA) Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) Brad Sherman (D-CA) Brad Schneider (D-IL) Elissa Slotkin (D-MI) Susan Wild (D-PA) John Yarmuth (D-KY) Lee Zeldin (R-NY)
Supreme Court (33.3% jewish, 2,400% US over-representation):
Ruth Bader Ginsburg (D) Stephen Breyer (D) Elena Kagan (D)
>Due to the current crisis, the new 150,000 will have to do the welcome dance together. DANCE WAGIES
Jeremiah Torres
Just got a text from my boss that local government expects to be back to normal by April 6th. I live in PA fwiw. Two more weeks of this shit. I'm going stir crazy desu.
>This shit is done within ~3 weeks, and then it's express elevator up. Maybe 4 tops. Then the fear of being left behind takes over. Take every opportunity to buy at these prices as a gift.
I mean where? California and Washington are both projecting 9% "temporary" unepmloyment. California would be 4 times those numbers alone.That is before you include Illinois, New York, and possibly Ohio.
WA state will continue isolation indefinitely, but then it's WA, so it's not like anyone had friends or left the house anyway. Schools are online into the summer at least.
Luis Bailey
Potatoes look nice and flavorful, but the chicken appears as if it might be a tad dry, I typically would add some kind of sauce or marinade to a grilled chicken like that.
Jackson Cooper
That's probably it. If you don't like soulless bugniggers eating animal dicks you're a white nationalist now.
>Be me >Rural IL fag >/ptg/ night shifter >go to bed this morning at 10 am >wake up to about 10 messages from county alert system >state is locking down tomorrow fuck this gay earth and fuck these democrap kikes running this shithole into the ground. I take solace in the fact that the lockdown will kill tax revenues and finally force IL into bankruptcy. You stock fags better figure out how to short a state because the bankruptcy is coming.
Attribute to Katie Miller, Press Secretary to Vice President Mike Pence:
“This evening we were notified that a member of the Office of the Vice President tested positive for the Coronavirus. Neither President Trump nor Vice President Pence had close contact with the individual. Further contact tracing is being conducted in accordance with CDC guidelines.”
What to buy? Which companies are getting fed dollars?
Kayden Edwards
Potatoes come from Peru. White people didn't have them before the sixteenth century. Chocolate comes from Mexico. Those spicy "Thai" or "Korean" or "Japanese" peppers all come from the Americas. African peanut soup comes from America. There is no regional traditional cuisine older than the 16th century: the Portuguese globalized everything in the 16th–17th centuries.
If I had used the flight with the A321 it would’ve made me go through Detroit. Usually it’s quite nice there but the thought of being stranded in that town this time of year made me rethink
Hotel will get a bailout but they already rallied. Great deals can be found in oil patch but only in the midstream's. Consumer goods are where I'm putting money to work.
I just bought some Halliburton. Those fuckers have had their fingers in every war since Vietnam (as Brown and Root, then KBR): they build the bases... and the oilfields. I've also bought some CoreCivic, Aramark, and Carlyle Group lately.
Owen Campbell
i'm telling you, this is their hail mary "destroy Trump at any cost" move it'll fail, but this is their final volley
Brandon Fisher
I don't disagree. He's the one who came up with this boneheaded nationwide lockdown idea. I'm glad Trump shot that retarded idea down.
Dominic Johnson
You guys will defend this without clicking the link and seeing the video, mock my words!
>this is their final volley we haven't even hit the general yet and shit is already this insane i hope he wins again because i don't think they'll be able to handle it there will be suicides and i will be sure to fly cross country and dab on each and every grave
William Bell
>guy on the left That is a big mask
Hudson Green
Uhh do you mean walmart or total? Because millions of people have been laid off in America alone.
That term was invented to slander based jews. They've actually written entire books on it, they despise and fear those that don't play along that much.
The reporter of all things didn't say or ask anything wrong. Trump is just overreacting like a child.
Hudson Bennett
i bought the complete series dvd not knowing how raunchy this show was i am extremely embarassed and don't want to know what the girls at the anime store were thinking when i purchased it i honestly thought it was just a silly comedy oh god why
I tell people about how much I love it, you can't be bothered m8. It's outstanding.
Julian Morris
It's due to experience. I knew a cute catgirl once. She became an art major and, within weeks, was wearing a slut/slave collar; within months, she'd gone through three artificial hair colors and then shaved it all off. Sometimes now she wears pink or green wigs; other times she goes bald. No more cat ears, though.
> be californian > go outside to take out the trash > stopped by police officers > "We're here on authority of Governor Newsom. What are you doing outside your home?" > I'm just taking the trash out > "a likely story" > get arrested > go to jail > released immediately > get home > convicted criminals looted my house > take a shit and wipe with my hand > ding-dong > "hello again sir, these youths will be staying with you until further notice. Direct orders from Emperor Newsom" > watch as the youths have sex with my wife > at least I dont live in a flyover state
freshman art majors are great lays but after that they enter the danger zone and it's best to stay away
Camden Torres
>249255928 >STILL DEFENDING A JEWISH REPORTER I can smell your dirty semitic nose from here, dunecoon. >Alexander was born on July 29, 1976,[4] to a Jewish family[5][6] in Oakland, California, the son of Terry (née Pink) and David Alexander, an attorney,[7][8][9] who are divorced.[6] He has two younger twin siblings (born February 4, 1979): Kevin Alexander[10] and psychotherapist Rebecca Alexander, who has Usher syndrome type III.[6][11][12][13] By his father, he has a half-sister, Lauren. Alexander is a graduate of Northwestern University's Medill School of Journalism.[14]
Yea, I got that from day 1 when he started talking lockdowns. Then the shit today about the chloroquine. I guess from a scientific standpoint he can't make declarative statements until all data has been gathered and put through proper scientific observation.
Juan Torres
Why not just allow them to be aborted if they choose that? They do it to innocent little babies that never asked for an abortion.
Oh yeah, great idea. Tons of indicators that corporate earnings will be going up. You made a great move. Totally.
Thanks for holding my bag.
Jacob Morris
Adam Cruz
>joined D&D group >was suppose to play my very first game with them this week, but college extended the spring break >when I get back they're moving everything online for the remainder of the semester and don't say if the buildings will remain open or not >D&D group hasn't said anything about it either Feels like I created a character for nothing.