Horse face set to address the entire nation today after 14 cases (and nother 4 being investigated) have been confirmed.
All TV Channels, Multiple Radio stations and online steams.
we /lockdown/ boys?
Horse face set to address the entire nation today after 14 cases (and nother 4 being investigated) have been confirmed.
All TV Channels, Multiple Radio stations and online steams.
we /lockdown/ boys?
She'll find a way to blame it on gun owners, most likely.
Fuck this dumb bitch...why do faggots elect women to rule over them?
She wasnt "elected" she joined a coilition with a half nigger half irish dude (NZFirst) and came to power that way.
They didn't, she got in power just like Hitler did. The party ran and needed to choose a new leader, they voted the party in then they chose this fucking waitress as their party lead. Its a sham show
I wonder what color hijab she'll wear this time.
Fair enough...but goddamn...we need real leaders. Like...forgive me...America and China and Russia have.
I can't believe NZ has a tranny horse for a leader. Unbelievable. Only in clown world is this possible.
VIDEO LINK TO START IN 30 mins 12pm NZ Time
>Tanks in 30mins
something something first in the world something something virtue signal something something.
>omg she is so genuine.
>unless a volcano, a terror and a pandemic you cant critic her!
where is her burka?
How are the politics going kiwibros? Do you have two parties like USA or something different? Genuinely curious
They have a European model, multi-party system that is constructed via coalition.
we have 2 main partys, Labour (see DJ Horse face above) and National (bunch of chinese money loving sell outs) and some fringe parties.
Basically the county is fucked either way.
First take away guns. Now take away rights.
does she have a big penis?
dude I am actually really turned on right now wtf
At least you guys kept your guns. Good luck boys
I want DJ horse face to mix my shit up and buck me,
It is so comforting to have strong female leadership. Makes me proud to be a New Zealander. Almost proud enough to get out and wave our flag around, like other proud citizens do.
Hilary looks like she's about to feast on that chick's brain
this is so stunning and brave
That is one ugly cunt you faggots elected
>allowing women anywhere in po^W^W^W outside the kitchen
I thought you idiots knew better.
Stream is up boys
>I thought you idiots knew better
kiwis were the first to fuck it up!
All that fucking horse head movement is making me car sick.
Its Ms. Prime Minister for you asshole
kek bretty gud
I knew zoophilia was prolific down under, but to this extent? Science has gone too far.
>No nukes
>No guns
>female leader
>fuckton of chinks
You kiwis ain't doing yourselves any favors. Maybe her entire speech will be just be one of those gay hakas.
well that was a whole lot of nothing
yeah, much dissapoint
Jacinda literally worked for Tony Blair.
Any man who elects such abominations to represent them deserves whatever they get.
I miss jacinda posting, thank you based tarrant. Seriously what the hell is that bulge?
Does she have nice feet?
please send a couple nukes our way when the shit hits the fan.
bill english was robbed. poor bloke. apparently winston peters had a grudge against him dating back decades from when winston was expelled from the Nats. imagine your whole countries future (election outcome etc.) being decided on some faggots two decade old tanty. embarrassing
Lol i miss Branton so much
Does Kiwiland even have fucking tanks?
>muh based maoris
that what you get for trusting a sea nigger with important decisions
The official narrative is fucking bullshit, this virus has been circulating around the world since December 2019.
Guaranteed - when it gets to that point, we're going to hit all Chinese held territory.
We have tractors and some corrugated iron.
If that fails we tell the maoris (niggers) that they will get free wellfare for life if they fight.
yeah theres one outside the army museum
behold, slopes didn't stand a chance
If Jacinda gets re-elected there will be some
Lol come on kiwis elect a hot broad at least
Say goodbye to both islands then, champ.
New Zeland going to war too then?
Pacific division?
Jesus fucking christ who gives a fuck what this horse has to say?
kia ora
they already get free welfare for life.
There's actually two outside the museum. A
And another one inside.
Women rulers are God's punishment on sinful people
She said literally nothing
May as well have stood a real horse up there
I went to this museum. I bought a Bongo in Auckland in 2010 and fished and hunted around the SI for about 6 months, spent 2 of those in wanaka. NZ is kick ass, and that museum is kick ass. I drove by the museum when fishing around taupo area (if that's the same museum). One of the curators was retired artillery officer, super cool guy, basically gave me a private tour for a couple hours. sweet as. crack a nasty Speight's for me
Just relocate all the chinks and lebs to the Outback. They won't last 48 hours.
The fuck sort of wiggers are you kiwis
>Horse face set to address the entire nation today after 14 cases
She's going to come out in a corona-virus costume and declare solidarity with it.
Just LAVs
>crack a nasty Speight's for me
Yuck, we're not on lockdown rationing yet
I voted for her because I had been living in the woods for a year and knew nothing about politics and my gf duped me into voting for her plus all the homeless. She's useless. Bill English would've been the best PM ever. God forgive me. Hopefully she dies of corona, and Winston, and the national ones and Bill comes back
It's like if we made AOC president. All they will do is say whatever they think people want to hear.
I hope HE'll be safe during this whole debacle, I hope HE will be able to free himself and find armed comrades in the chaos.