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Impeachment 2.0 upcoming


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Yeah, another bullshit report no one will read will solve everything

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All fake.

She goes to the extra hot oven

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I've lived through those things too

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People were really like that? I was just like shit; that really sucks

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my favorite pasta boy

I was laughing at all the dead Yankees.

So .... Israel is behind all this?

>So .... Israel is behind all this?

They’re right you know. This is a bigger thing than 9/11. This is like Columbus voyage or franz Ferdinand shot levels of happening

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Just get the ropes, clean out the administration, 95% of the senate and house, and start over.

Holy fuck this guy thought that was a biting commentary

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So a bunch of people who will sit around for 15 years and collect a fat check for no reason and at the end finally come to a superficial conclusion? unbased

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Damn, our troops kick ass

oh look a mossad shill is fearmongering 9/11
fuck that guy

Is that epstein or Anthony bourdain

Did the 9/11 commission ever determine why the FBI let that Israeli spy ring go back to Israel? Did they ever determine if the Israelis knew about the attack and failed to warn us?

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So many other Western and Eastern countries have had to lockdown their societies to combat coronavirus. Why is the U.S. any different? How has our response been worse than others?

>So many other Western and Eastern countries have had to lockdown their societies to combat coronavirus. Why is the U.S. any different? How has our response been worse than others?
No they don't. Those countries are controlled by pedophiles and kike puppets. Deal with the fact you Israeli pricks are going to pay the price.

Its Y2K,not 9/11

What we need is to start arresting all the jews

Orange man bad.

Every journalist at every major newspaper, along with their entire extended families, should be placed in concentration camps and executed

Perhaps we need to think about why Congress was tied up and distracted by a useless impeachment at the time it became a growing threat.

not really, they could've done a lot better than that

You mean you were 5 years old and had no idea what was happening.



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Daily reminder trump did everything right and could not do anything faster without liberals screaming that he was being fascist

the bush administration ignored all warnings from every letter agency, but I would never expect a brain damaged jew to twat the truth

>We need a 911 coverup committe preferably full of jews to guide us.
Only this time the innocent will be pursued where as the 911 commision was solely enacted to protect the guilty from any possible investigation.

>We need a major coverup for an inside job, when this is over

Wait what?

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She'll be getting removed, she's not the only one. Trump's so many steps ahead, she has no idea

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>Did the 9/11 commission ever determine...
No and Fuck NO!

I think it's that guy from the Eagles.


I remember Dr. Pierce’s final birthday, his 68th, on 9/11/2001. So many things he warned us about came true on that day, or shortly thereafter: The rage of the oppressed he had told us would be the price we would pay for our subservience to the Jewish state, when he suggested in a 1998 ADV program that we “stay out of tall buildings,” came to us forcefully on that day; the creation of a police state under the concept of ‘Homeland Security’ which he made part of the plot of 1989’s Hunter; the complete hijacking of the conservative movement by Zionist Jews, which he’d talked about for decades; the imminent use of US troops to fight Israel’s enemies; and a hundred other things he’s been proved right about came to a head on his last birthday.

So no, our leaders knew damn well the WTC would be targeted again. It's wasn't a "failure of imagination", it was treason.

Dear god Twitter is a cesspool of nerds trying to get the attention they missed out on in high school.

That and double speak corporate cunts trying to eek out a living.

(((states))) will have to borrow (((money))).

This. I wonder if this jewess would produce a different color flame, like burning cobalt over a bunsen...?

this feels nothing like 9/11 and everything like y2k. millennials are trash.

wow that might sound good to zoomers but they actually spent years blaming bush for 9-11. they blamed the inaction of his father and then when clinton handed off the presidency to bush, they said they gave them detailed opsec on bin laden and these mujahadeen, they opened like 3 investigations into blaming bush for not adequately preparing. unlike 9-11 people knew about coronaviruses and almost no one said it would get out of control. just look at the different responses in the world. most countries aren't even locking anything down. I know they're desperate to blame drumpfy because historically any kind of global disaster or war helps the incumbent president tremendously. This is just jewish media 101.

>terrorists hijacking planes
Citation needed

a new commission made up of megacorp ceo's from medical, insurance and big pharma

Yeah. I was in city on 9/11, back there few days later helping a buddy run his cadaver dogs. This ain’t nothing like it.
Maybe for the city fags, they are just reliving staring at their TVs wondering how their bubble got popped and reality snuck in.

>for no reason
not doing anything is one of the most well paid jobs in the world

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>I wonder if this jewess would produce a different color flame
I always imagine they represent the fag flag in the colors they give off when they burn.
Pick a jew point to a stripe.

Yup, we should call that in Rubin's living room, right now. We're also gonna bring fondue to share, eat straight from the fork goys!
There is a reason we used to burn witches.