Was it the South Park of our generation?

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What is that?

No 99.999999% don't even know that show exists.

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How do you not know??

>a generations anything

LMAO the show looks the like shit and is actual textbook CRINGE. nobody fucking watches it except for bottom of the barrel poltards and other neo nazis

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Murdoch Murdoch, alt-right animation:


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>a leaf
Nice spacing by the way r*ddit. Also, kys nigger; MM is based

I loved my autistic faggots, and always will.

>Nit picking spacing
>Even more coping

Keep coping faggot murdoch murdoch is retarded and so is the fanbase

is this what we are talking about

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They're three weeks late. But, Murdoch is not a quitter. He typically releases Sunday night.

Maybe with this corona virus break, he'll produce more. And maybe he won't.

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MM is fantastic. My only complaint is that some of the early episodes are very topical about the current events in the movement and are cringe as fuck now. Kind of like the song "Meme Harder" by Mr. Bond.

Wtf is this

It's Yas Forums south park, it's a really good show just not "generation" level because it's not that popular but it should be.

It's shit

No, it was too small. It is more like the Slaughter Me Street of 2016
It is a fringe internet show that will always have a fringe audience and will NEVER be mainstream. At best, it can hole for a Raid: Shadow Legends sponsorship.

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>4 posts


No - that's "The Kommandant" or some such. Try this: Or this:
"Galaxy MM88"

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Believe whatever you want to leaf

But are you one of the Murdoch chads? Some of us actually like the show.

Yeah sure

Looks gay. Why watch a wojak cartoon when there’s high quality hitler speeches available in color with subtitles.

The whole thing is cringe

danger 5

I love their stuff, it's one of the few things that make me smile. Thanks MM.

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See here

you guys are gay faggot tourists. Neck yourselves.

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>everything that doesn't name the jew and call for genocide is shit

Looks really really fucking gay.

I miss them. shame they have become a bit boomer tier lately, but I still hope they will get back in form. some episodes were epic

uh ... uh ... uh ...
Wouldn't the pool be more /open/ due to Corona Chan? Well whatever you say.

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cope groyper

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Not a bad observation. My answer? Maybe. I just enjoy watching the show. I’m glad an annon recommended it to me. I watch it at least once a week. It’s simply comforting to know there are people who share similar views and make a faggoty cartoon for others to watch. How do you feel about it OP?

if it was closed for aids it's closed for corona

ffs newfaggot she's not going to fuck you

Well I guess that shot is worth 2 or 3 episodes if it is what it's kind of implying.

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cringe and cringepilled

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I love them! i just wish they would made more vidoes.

I am unironically a jew and I love MM



Kys, kike.

fuck you nigger

honestly i've been on here forever and I never watch any of the cringe autistic shit that gets posted here
what is it, a comedy? probably not dark enough for me. I hate comedies

stay safe out there murdochs (esp chan) dont get the chinky pox

This pic couldn't be more accurate.

Wish all low-IQ retards on Yas Forums would just stop breathing

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Sup Murdoch. Hope you will show up Papa Nurgle in the inevitable corona-chan focused episode

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you're that one tranny that posted himself from time to time.

what happend to chandra bose???

I remember seeing one like this that said: "Twitter taught me that Drumpf is Satan."

Based leaf, MM is cringe. They themselves admitted on TDS that they hope someone else comes along and does a better show than they do one day, they merely wanted to start the trend.

I'm glad there are some adult anons on pol

For those that want to answer what’s your favourite episode?
Metamorphosis and wanders choice will always take the crown, they are absolutely the best videos they’ve produced and that’s okay.
For me I always can watch revenge of the murdochs, and I’ve come to really like yellow dawn.

who dis?

>imagine thinking that owning da libz is based

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what kind of cope is this?