These countries should simply be one polity. There is no reason for them to be separate.
Germany and the Netherlands
are you retarded?
Nah, dutch-niggers should get glassed.
well yes but actually yes..
gerland or nethermany then?
4th reich*
No Germany government is incompetent.
Look at how Austria is handing this shit vs Germany.
No germans are cucks
Goblinos like to lump people like the very lumps they are.
The Netherlands are better off without us. Dutch people are taller, richer and more intelligent than germans.
Tell me, what would be the difference between the Netherlands being part of Germany vs. Bavaria?
Both are remarkably different from "standard German" culture. Dutch culture is already similar to Niedersachsen.
massive groups/country is the best way to make the needs of cultural groups get ignored, we need more small countries in confederacy than massive blobs with overpowered central governments
teringdom idee, de landen zijn veel te verschillend, achterlijke klapmongool.
Says the gook slug.
Just like the US and Mexico should just be one country.
Only three of my grandparents were black I'm white.
You’re right. We need to establish containment zones for the the mutts of North America and the mutts of Europe.
Open a German history book once and see why it wouldn't work mutt.
You already got Commiefornia for that though
Based (but let's exclude Belgium)
Last time I was in Germany, people were pretty mean to me.
I just wanted a waffle and when I ordered one it was like NEIN KEIN WAFFELN
This just one example. It was really weird.
>saying semmel instead of Broetchen is a remarkable difference
Maybe in the most autistic of fantasies.
Only if they finally drop the act of using a sillier version of German and speak a proper language!
It worked with Bavaria. You could argue that the Dutch are closer to Prussia than Bavaria. So why wouldn't it work with the Dutch?
lets include belgium without the belgians*
pic related is a 10/10 in bongland
Bullshit get a clue.
There are like 5 diffrent cultures in Niedersachsen alone.
>that one with the grey hair
Holy shit I now know what Franklin meant when he called the Swedes "swarthy". That's disgusting.
netherlands is basically nigger capital, no thanks lol
What's there differences between a dildos and the Germans.
The Germans are real dicks.
We have different languages and cultural differences, so they would probably view this as a subjugation, but I would like to unite with them if it can be don't with their consent and without enforcing German culture on them.
Sorry bro, I'd give you some waffles
the same is true of the Netherlands.
Holland, Friesland, Limburg, etc.
more like Netherlands should be fluded (blow up the dams and sand dunes) and dutch people should be sent to Surinam instead or South Africa maybe.
We should flood the netherlands (it will happen one day anyways) so we can enjoy nice beaches in west Germany.
Quiet Sl*v or I will burn down Moscow.
Nah I don't think so. We have grown separate and are a different thing. Germanic but not the same.
Someone's mad
come at me bro. nobody ever took moscow and kept it.
I think the real reason German nationalists in the 19th century didn't try to include the Netherlands was because you guys already had an empire, which would make it more difficult to absorb.
Belgium wasn't included in Germany because it's half-French.
The real question is, why wasn't Luxembourg made part of Germany? They were even part of the German Confederation.
nah i'm just shitposting, the only thing i didn't like about Netherlands were the progressive shit back in the old days : literally everyone : "Look at Holland : muh weed, muh gays, muh whores such an open mentality (usually all this said with a faggot voice by NPC's)" the rest i don't care
Nah. I like my Netherlands the way it is (annexing Flanders and becoming Groot-Nederland would be epic). Us annexing NL would complicate our (mostly) friendly relationship.
Also they'd probably have to conform to our anti-THC policy thus no more coffeshops. Hell no.
Another interesting tidbit:
Hitler initially planned to keep the Netherlands independent after the war. He wanted to do this to keep their empire intact. After the alliance with Japan, Germany acknowledged Japanese hegemony over the Dutch East Indies, which of course was the most important part of the Dutch empire by far. So he changed his mind and decided the Netherlands should be part of the Germanic Reich.
they're the same thing
you mean germany and austria
to be more specific you mean bavaria and austria.
he's an amerimutt so yes.
lets include Belgium without wallonians, flemish is sexy
there's no such thing as germans as there is no such thing as italian.
Our nations were both errors born in the 19th century but by no way a bavarian is the same as a prussian.
Holy Roman Empire it is
>by no way a bavarian is the same as a prussian.
Yes, for the last time goatfucker, you should crawl back to the rest of Hungary's bitchboys and die out there, noone is holding you back other than your fellow Bavarian drool-drinkers.
Better yet, a Nordic Union, Netherlands, Germany, Denmark, Sweden and Norway. Would be an economic powerhouse
We do just fine.
Our niggers and arabs are extremely concentrated in the cities though. There are plenty of villages that are almost 100% white. Besides, white people who work in these cities often live in the bigger houses in villages surrounding the cities.
Go compare it to the total population of the Netherlands and youll see you're at least 30% worse off than us mutt
this is what hitler wanted.
F i n e, but us souferners will fuck off with the Austriacks
oh look its another thread where a mutt thinks he knows everything about the geopolitical situation in a certain area and says how things should really be
Will rename it Qağanqala.
Both countries should be wiped off the face of the earth for being hubs of complete degeneracy
Nigga, don't know about Benelux
imagine unironically saying that as an american
M8, the VAST majority of degeneracy in the west stems from the Jewish American entertainment and media
good idea
ill call up the military see what we can do