Never forget what they stole from you

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What exactly was stolen from us?

I hate women

>Never forget what they stole from you
It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of border-less, race-less, culture-less, identity-less, dumbed-down, easily controlled subdued sheep. They make up 1.4% of the US population and .0025% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.

In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and to discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the past and present in that effort.

And while the elite globalism pushing jews are one thing, the elite can only exist because of the 'regular' jews. Jews are far more politically engaged and culturally aggressive than other peoples, it's why they are so 'successful'. There are basically no jews who just want to be left alone, the type of person that makes up the vast majority of other races. 99% of them are in a constant state of striving for dominance and ethnic self-promotion.

They get into everything, any institution, and steer it towards protecting and enabling the tribe. Many of them aren't even fully conscious of why they do it, it is just completely ingrained into their culture. So, there‘s the grand jew globalist conspiracy at the top, and the overall trend in behavior (that results in various smaller schemes) towards the bottom.

Understand what jews have done to the West. See these threads for more:
>The truth about the world wars:
>The truth about slavery:

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Pursuit of happiness

the right picture is in Russia faggot

At least muzzies don't respect confinement and will kill the first zogbot trying to implement them with a Mr. Gates Microchip

>I hate women
Blame the cancer (jews), not the symptoms of the cancer (feminism etc.)

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Great post. All 100% truth.

Correct. The globalists will be held accountable like the nurnberg trials and those found guilty will be hanged.

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Paris had ~600,000 arabs in 1960

why are canadians like this?

We're much better off than we were before, you only deny this because you're racist.

I love feminism
It freed men from women

I'm not from France... So...
What 'they' stole from me?

Sweden had 5% mostly European migrants 1960. Now it's about 30%. Mostly none Europeans.

noooooo not the french sluterinos DDDDD:


You could have prevented this, you know. I'm not saying you deserve to be punished for other people's stupidity, that's just democracy, but you shouldn't be surprised when a terrible decision ruining the country is a terrible decision ruining the country.

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That shit happens in Paris too. A bizarre sight to say the least. Never seen people praying onto city streets here and we’re 100% muzzie.

Not really

I love seeing the streets of France clogged with brown people. The french are the biggest snobs and assholes in the world, now they have to learn to be humble and accepting which of course wont work and will only make them quiet assholes

i see he is from famous legio IX illyrica

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Better off? We live in a dystopia. We cannot even fanthom how beautiful and wonderful Europe would be without none-Europeans.

It would be absolutley wonderful.

It's better off that our barbaric European ways is replaced by a more inclusive and culturally enriching foreign way of life. It's the only way we can become civilized.

Last time I checked only 15% in sweden were not europeans

are replaced*

A bike 15 years ago.

That is incorrect.

europe, and canada was civilized 40 years ago even without muslims and niggers everywhere. stop being like this

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Those are all wealthy people, now the average person is much more financially insecure than the old times and that's why they dress like shit. Today's people literally can't afford to dress nice.

a secured existence of our people and a future for white children

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> Ugly, stick-thin, more or less useless females
> Disciplined, god-fearing healthy and work-able family men

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That is a good joke. We Europeans are superior in every way possible to other people. We have stood for 90% of all important scientific discoveries and inventions. ^

Our architecture is better. Our music. Everythhing.

We have more empathy towards animals and other people (which has been our doom now). Letting in these migrant scum who want nothing but bad things for us.

Pay people like you will pay eventually. Don't worry. Canada is lost. But there is hope in the US and Europe.

>hope in the us

Ask me how I know you haven’t been here

Alright well, mass migration and diversification of culture is still important to insure that everyone is given equal opportunities. It's only fair considering the damage european countries have done to the world in the 20th century.

clean streets ?

wtf i love russia now

Well, you have huge land masses, guns, property etc. All you need to do is start white communites. Buy up whole areas. Then ofc work towards getting the right to etnically isolate yourself. Getting your own states for only Europeans.

how many were "french citizen" ?

i always wanted to visit paris, too, now i cant. france was my favorite and fucking jews, niggers and muslims killed it

I would really like to know where exactly you got that meaningless statistic from.

>our architecture, music, etc is better
That is your own opinion..

>Canada is lost. But there is hope in the US and Europe.
What do you mean by this?

You deserve to die you disgusting European hating curry/nigger/spic.

Your shitposting is merely a distraction from the fact Trudizzle will be replaced with Peter MacKay and then your country will be formally annexed by China before being nuked by the USA.

Low quality bait. Sage.

only if you are not white.


Try Lyon. Its really good aesthetic IMO

I am actually white French-Canadian and please don't use racial slurs like that, it is very ignorant and barbaric.

The 14 words

I got it from research into this category and then divided into ethnical origin. Yes 90%. The other group who has made the most contribution are ashkenazi jews. A few arabs/persians and east asians.

South americans, indians, africans etc. Pretty much 0. African have come up with 0 imporant inventions.

>peter mackay
who the fook is that guy

I know what you stole from me, so give it back.

Top tier trolling. Although I am going to have to sage your bait thread, sorry.

No you are not, and it's very appearant. You European hating filth and you deserve the rope.

It is understandable that you degenerate anti-Semitic yanks don't know the history.

Jews have been in the UK since 1100, Benjamin Disraeli was a Prime Minister since 1863 and ruled the Empire. If he wanted to import pakis who were in fact pajeets at the time he'd do it centuries ago without any problems since India belonged to the Empire. The same stands about the faggot marriage.

Everyone knows that the degeneracy and the "nation of immigrants" comes from you filthy American goyim, you don't want feel inferior looking at your European masters, the true representatives of the western civilisation.


I still don't understand the point you're trying to make. Are you saying that Europeans are superior because they made a disproportionate amount of scientific contributions? In that case, I am going to have to disagree.

in 1863 pajeets were rightly still considered subhuman so no he couldnt

Communities where there is no pandering or being accused of racism or having constant vilification of your ancestors parts in history. A chance to take history into your own hands versus those of ideologues whom care only to make their boring culturaless utopia.

I agree never forget what the Britbongistans and Americans took from Germany.

Get a life. Sage Sage SAAAAYGE Sage... Fucking retard kys

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I don't hate Europeans, I am French! All I am saying is that we should reconcile with the rest of the world by letting them into our countries so they can enjoy our way of life. Maybe even redistribute some of our money to them so they are given true equal opportunities.

Of course. We are superior in creative force and intellect to all groups.
But really I don't want to opress anyone, I just want our countries to be free and our people allowed to live in our own nations without being invaded.
If anyone is hating is all other people, because they feel inferior. I don't want to invade their country. They want to invade ours. Cause we are better. We build better societies.

He was a Prime Minister he could push any agenda through the newspapers. Jews were powerful and influential. They controlled banking, industry, politics yet they didn't import pakis, pajeets or poles.

They have to live in a frozen wasteland where groceries cost a weeks wages and their leader is a major faggot. It drives them to lash out for attention, even if it's negative attention.

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You fell for the bait, retard, and your autistic meltdown proves it.

Du hatar invandrare eftersom du är rasistisk!

Which bait? This is important to never forget what they took from us.

I think people should redistribute their fists to your Face.

Ok at least say you're Jewish in order to LARP properly according to the Yas Forums delusion about "muh jewish conspiracy to destroy the sovereign nations of the european people"

Wow did you google translate? I hate people who come to my country spit on my culture and try to destroy my people and my nation, plus act like the own my land. Correct.
Flattery will get you nowhere. If the truth is "racist", then it's really your problem.

tip top kek you are retarded so ill waste just few more letters for stupids who will read this and stop replying.
it is impossible to push an agenda drastically different from popular opinion in a timespan that is less than 50 years in a non-revolutionary environment, and those 50 years assume control over majority of media and policy-making which mr shlomo shekelberg absolutely didnt have and im not even checking if he really existed

It's Moscow

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The Leafposter

What would you do if you saw this guy in your wife's bedroom with your wife? :)

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Bumping for this based post.

Good work, blessed user. Keep fighting the good fight.

jews are mongrel scum, and they are all complicit.

Of course you hate Europeans, you just said our annhilation "serves us good" etc. You deserve the fking rope.
If you are European you are a traitor to your people. If not, then well, it's the classic inferiority complex and blame everything on white because you fail with everything.

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oh also retards like you forget that there were no mass-media like tv radio or internet then which complicates agenda-pushing A LOT

Haha, now you show your true colors huh? Dumb Tyrone wakanda nogger.

Attached: Imagine.jpg (948x676, 76.89K) can us white european "men" even compete with this? I give up europe to them. :/

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Sorry, I just make up names for my files. No thought has went into naming these images.

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The thing with humans is they could have this utopia or the closet thing you can get for your people, but some would get bored or not trust the wisdom of their ancestors and search for ways to actively alter it. The pursuit towards globalism is simply how many people perceive the pursuit towards a utopia can be for all nations.

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>France BTFO again

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I'm not a traitor to our people, I am just speaking the truth! Please stop being such a racist :/

beat the living shit out of him and repeatedly kick him in the balls

He's trolling m8. Sage.


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Why does nu/pol/ always take the fucking bait? Holy shit.