España meets coronavirus
España meets coronavirus
Paracetamol y pa tu puta casa chaval.
España ha entrada en la champions league de la pandemia mundial y ya estamos en semis
No me sale de los cojones estar en casa bajo arresto mientras gente que antes de esta pandemia hacia multiples delitos (trafico de drogas, conduccion temeraria, ...) pasea impunemente con su perro 4 veces al dia, y no solo eso, sino que encima te increpan desde la ventana y llaman a la policia.
Esta noche, igual que otras, aprovechare la noche para pasear varios kilometros por calles donde se que no habra policia, es un deber moral.
terceros en la tabla, pero alemania viene fuerte
Me cago en la puta Pedro solo tenías un trabajo
right before the coronavirus in China I bought 10 masks cause I wanted to clean without breathing dust, I also wanted a real happening to stay at home and think without have to go out, I must have some sixth sense.
Los Brotes Verdes
not funny user, el machismo mata mas que el coronavirus
te han increpado por salir? son de meneame seguro, estan como una cabra, si me paran me lio a ostias yo
Me dan pena las limpiadoras, por solo 900 euros al mes estan haciendo mas trabajo (y mas arriesgado) que policias, medicos, bomberos, etc.
Si oigo otra puta vex al vecindario aplaudir y despues poner esa puta mierda llamada reggaeton enserio que voy a cometer un francisco franco. Estoy hasta los cojones de que nos comportemos en masa como monos suramericanos
jasjajja, mister fantasma
Espanja wtf. Two weeks ago spanish tourists in Helsinki were laughing about the italian virus. What went wrong?
Tomemos este momento para recordar que el coronavirus exploto 2 dias despues del dia de las mujeres
Las putas feministas fastidian otra vez todo.
Then change it for RETRASADA so we involve the mongoloids associations to the mix
>que policias
there are already 2 police dead, and the guy that worked for the police that warned of the virus in january was kicked
not anymore lol, more deaths than since 2003, feminism will take a blow for this, I already knew girls that were tired of it this last 8m (my sister included, saying she couldn't tolerate seeing girls painting purple shit on the pavement and that the ones that would have to clean it would be probably males)
they were lefties, you should have kill them
cause the retards don't even wear helmets or gloves
International women's day. Corona got serious 2 days after it. Roasties/ attentionstarved wallhitting feminists ruined a country yet again
>exploto 2 dias despues del dia de las mujeres
no, the 8m there were 700 cases, the 10 was when madrid started closing schools
Que cambios sociales creeis que traera este virus?
Ok so PPSOE, Podemos, C's, Vox and indepes are the same liberalcuck antispanish shitlords, who is gonna govern us after this pandemia passes, spanishbros?
they dont let them
we didn't close the airports, just ten days ago we were having Italian football fans
Hay alguien más de barcelona aquí? Se está poniendo bastante mal
The Men in Green with Guns party
nothing, the virus will be a lie from the eXtremright in a few month. They have all the power
>Valencia - Atalanta game is closed doors
>Let 3,000 Italians fans travel to Spain regardless
top fucking kek
Thank God that I don't have any neighbor putting music like that.
Browsing a female-centric forum and having a blast. The charos are frantic. Two months ago they thought it was irrelevant. Damn, 10 days ago they were doing feminist marches on the streets, saying men are far worse than a chinese virus. Now they want the government to build prisons all over the country and incarcerate anybody they see on the street.
Women are fucking children.
>the government said I shouldn't care so I won't care at all
>the government said I should care so I will care to the most extreme extent
You guys need Franco for times like this
Con suerte la gente se centrara en cosas mas importantes que en chorradas como el feminismo.
pero a corto plazo esta siendo llamativo lo facil que es recluir a la gente en sus casas y hacer que se vigilen entre si, y lo docil que es la gente.
No adelantemos acontecimientos, de momento, una buena crisis economica de la que ni siquiera vemos el tamaño
what is your primary source of information, anons?
Is there any based spanish media outlet you could recommend?
join portugal and let them rule for some years
This one?
lol sure
It's too late for that, we can only hope one of those asteroids hits the center of Spain instead
yo estoy en sagrada senpaiília, aquí todo normal
please don't die
i want to visit sometime in the future
Unironically this
My mother and my sister were both mothingburgering until the very moment the government told them to worry now they cant stfu about it. Women are willingly slaves
ok faggot, is true, but as you say
Espera a ver si no es el colapso completo de occidente....
remember always, women are children with tits that vote
I don't know, okdiario is the only one that come to my mind right now. They don't have any fear to criticize the government.
why would they ban them from puting gloves and masks cmon dude
How is the situation in Spain?
It looks like your curve is worse than ours
kindly drop a link for us hermano
You funny guy, you gonna build El Valle de los Caídos 2 first
Subnormal sounds better than Retrasado/a.
con la fertilidad que tenemos cualquier cambio sera a mejor, ahora mismo continuar con este sistema significaba nuestra extincion
woah two cops, such huge numbers besides they weren't even working during these last two weeks
When you start to push down your numbers, spain gonna reach you in a week.
it is mio amici
we will surpass you.
what about good'ol Mongolito
the only ones who have 5 children are the moors
so much this, me tienen hasta la polla
burbuja fora
yes they did, because since each cop buy a diferent mask they woulnt be the same uniform, you can look it up, there have already been a cop that refuse to dont have a mask and they did him an expediente(dont know how to say it in english but you know what i mean)
but the rhyme! it needs something ending in -ada.
The forum is abroparaguas, an excision of the now extinct forovogue. The thread is
we have more cases than you in less time, and with far less population, so yes, we are bad
Va a ser igual que Eurovision, vamos a estar a un pelo de alcanzar a Italia y va a saltar otro país que nos quite el premio.
Efective, but I'd say subnormal still works better.
How unracist of your government
today i read a new of a lady that spit at 7 cops, and she had it.
Stfu faggot
Iker Jiménez is your guy.
>El Resetera del Abismo
Estoy en Poblenou, aquí no hay nada más que turistas varados y policias que gritan a los boomers cada noche