Does Yas Forums want to deport these kind of immigrants too?

Does Yas Forums want to deport these kind of immigrants too?

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Yes. They can go be great in their own countries and visit mine, but should not be voting citizens who decide the future of my country,



yea, they spread corona all over the country and kill people

Where is New Korea?

Why do all.chinks look exactly the same. All 3 are like triplets or some shit

I have a feeling he's not crying about white supremacy.



that guy is a role model and larger than life, but he shouldn't be in my fucking country. NONWHITES GET THE FUCK OUT

>chink animal gets payed to kill for fun, molest kids, and sit in offices doing nothing

Lmao he is a fucking spy. Why else was he able to do all of that?




Not even gonna look at the picture, just gonna say yes.


only Chinese should be deported

deported to death camps

pretty skinny wrists for a navy seal
that gives me hope that my wrists aren't as much of a hindrance.

It's like someone asked him what he wanted to be when he grew up and that little chink said EVERYTHING!

Slant eyes is a fucking AGENT

Its the same dude learn to read
>Joined military after highschool, became a seal
>Used GI bill and got a degree in mathematics, then went to havard medical school
>Became a doctor
>joined NASA and became an astronaut at age 34

Please show me an illegal that's even 1/1000th as credentialed a sthis guy.
You can't.
So what's your fucking point, Jew?

Are they illegal? Yes

Are they legal? Yes

fpbp /thread

>taking academic spots and good jobs from white high achievers

Kill yourself fucker


Seals are faggots though.

>Does Yas Forums want to deport these kind of immigrants too?

Absolutely. Overachievers like this are fucking it up for everyone else. This gook is taking up three goddamn jobs!

Correct. Immigrants that fully assimilate are better than a large portion of the people we already have here.

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>white high achievers


>strike out 999 times in a row, hit a home run on last pitch.
>we've got to sign this guy
insufferable logic complete rejection of statistics

Hes north korean tho.

As an American immigrant in Britain I'm totally pro-immigration as I'm just as bad as they are, I've already knocked up 16 girls in 9 years.

I will fix the genepool here.

Surprising amount of based burgers ITT

It's not better to be replaced by high IQ gooks than by low IQ niggers and spics

He has to go back

Atleast he stayed here. Most "international students" at American Universities go back home after they get their degrees

None of those look like they are in the US illegally.

Andrew Chang has clones

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He's not even an immigrant, he was boring in fucking L.A

Ok, Jew

Better than you since you can't read.

I wouldn’t deport them, but I wouldn’t have brought them in the first place. They are fine people who should be in their ancestral homelands, within their own culture, building up what is their own birthright.

It’s a terrible thing to be divided mentally between two civilizations. It’s a cruelty being inflicted on these people really. I’m 100% certain, most are psychologically harmed by this duality... it probably why they overcompensate by being hyper patriots or go full anti white globalist. I genuinely feel bad for the situation they are in. We tell kids, itdoesnt matter at all... but the truth is, it does matter ..a lot.

He stayed because he isn't an immigrant you fucking mongoloid. Just because OP says something doesn't make it true.

Asians are the master race. Just look at all the whiteoid cope ITT.

Didn't your country create such viruses in the first place, Chaim?

Ask the new austronaut.

>begs to come to US
>literally no white people trying to enter their countries
>"master race"
Ok, Jew.

We are flooded with unemployed, we graduate a new crop from every university every year, there is no lack or need of non White resources, companies don't want to pay and jews are on an anti-White agenda.

>Asians are the master race.
Asians are more pathetic than crackers t b h

t. ching-chong ping-pong

He would have made Korea a better place

>punisher skull
how can you be so many things and still be a faggot


Why even do all those things?

plenty of english teaching bottom feeders in japan and korea

The west and east asia did most of it
As long as we're psychologically and socially fine whit it I'm ok


because he can :)
The cope responses itt are pretty fun, not gonna lie

Tryhard psycho. Seal lol

You’re very clever Hans. I’ll give you that much. They say Germans lack the instinct for side splitting humour... they are just dead wrong about that.

and I'm sure I was rejected by MIT for one of them

Yes, he can go make Worst Korea great again.

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These are the same person

No immigrants assimilate. Assimilate takes generations. Perhaps third generation descendants can be said to assimilate and only if heavily mutted

>pretending this is equal to even 1/1,000th of the # of Japs that have immigrated to the US

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This + Niggers

It seems he can't make up his mind and pic one profession.

im talking about corona

Pic makes it sound like all jobs are a totally different thing. He was prob a combat medic. Astronaut requires you to have some crazy experience like engineer and fighter pilot too. He should have been an engineer too

Yes. White countries are for Whites.
It's really quite simple.

Yes, most asian immigrants are communist double agents, especially the chinese ones. There should be a ban on immigration from East Asia except for Japan.

deport everyone except whites
from there they will continue working for us as slaves

>seething kike
stay mad, your end is approaching

I would rather live in a nation of hard-working, america-loving, intelligent immigrants than live in a nation of low-functioning, "racially woke," europeans.

Sorry neo-nazis. Get your shit together then lets talk.


My fucking sides. Based burger, keep up the good work.

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Only if illegal.

Immigrant detected.

Yes, who amoung us wouldn't want any of these positions for ourselves or a family member.

>my country

Are you a full-blooded native American?

If not, then not sure why whitey should have the claim on that land. He wasn't there first.

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"because of this one exceptional guy, millions of sub-mediocre shits have to stay too"

I'd rather live in a country full of dumbass white trash with zero brown people. There are intelligent people of every race and Europeans have the highest ratio. Better to live in a pure country with a good IQ distribution than try to maximize global brain drain whilst also maximizing unwashed brown insects.

yes, better don't annoy us before we unleash it on your shithole of a country

And I bet his dad still never told him that he's proud. It's never enough.

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He keeps getting fired

>Are you a full-blooded native American?
That's entirely irrelevant, actually. You're talking about the land upon which my country sits. I'm talking about the country built on top of the land by my minuteman and Continental Army ancestors.

The United States of America is a European country, commie.


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You’re not even a country, shut your mouth nigger

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Imagine allowing literal rice niggers into your country.

Used to be I supported immigrants, but the media insists on conflating legal immigrants with illegal aliens. So, not any more. No more immigrants of any kind. Deport all immigrants.

Check the rest of the astronaunt group 22

This isn't the case dumb nigger. Nations need to die, everyone needs to return to natural selection after which point most people will die and we will return to tribalism, the natural state of human psychology.
Idea of a Nation and any state is already a shower slippery slope, there is no way for civilization not to turn into a degenerated shithole eventually, there is no magic cure it best political movement that can achieve it.
AnTrib is the only way.

Yes. A white man could have filled all of those roles and done it better

Deport? Who said anything about deporting?
Practical reasons would be higher plunder potential than spics and niggers

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>I'd rather live in a country full of dumbass white trash with zero brown people.

Then move to Poland/Belarus/Ukraine retard. Your ethnically pure nation of white dumbshits is out there, you can be home tomorrow.