What kind of pasta-quarantine are you, user?

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I'm unknown shitposter rapidly degenerating in porhunb user.

Me sad.

oh cmon, provaci, negro

Here a description of me tho:
>prep two months ago when this shit started in China
>bought gold, silver and bitcoin
>go to give blood and gets infected like a dumbass

Elena :/

Here, faggot: .
Happy, now?

definitely shitposter
those glowniggers know everything about me

How scared are you guys right now?? Here in Sweden it’s getting pretty bad but nowhere as near as in Italy.

show tits
I'm just bored. this country is just hopeless, this is the final blow to a dying body, now it will just become a corpse.

Lmao i don't give a fuck, i prepped, and if still die, i die.
What i worry about is how to grow food in my land if the commies start a nuclear war and infect it with their bullshit.
But i today i got a qt's cell number.
So it could be worse.

accoppati frocio

>i got a qt's cell number.

Elena also...shampooed the carpets, did all my laundry and housemates laundry, cleaned all the bedding. Its day 2...

Porhub user

User1488, scary how accurate the description is, I'd be fucked without that date and time in the bottom right senpai.

Where are you from, how bad is there, and how are you holding up?

ok tranny
based coomer

>show tits
Shut up, show abs.
>I'm just bored. this country is just hopeless, this is the final blow to a dying body, now it will just become a corpse.
Do you think that this will fuck in Italy really really bad in the long term or something?
Alrighty, good that you don’t seem worried, the hospital video I saw from your country on the news today made me extremely scared.
Rip :/
Have you watched the newest episode of westworld? If you haven’t that’s something to distract you for 1 hour at least. :)

Well, i asked.
Went to give blood cause of the "helping the nation", "blood shortages" meme (probably got infected with my luck btw).
She was there.
That's about it.

just bored, don't care what happens outside my home

Pornhub user

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>the hospital video I saw from your country on the news today made me extremely scared
Dude, it's just commies being commies and culling their herd to fix their balances.
Nothing new under the sun, just a tad more high tech.

>Dude, it's just commies being commies and culling their herd to fix their balances.
What do you mean by that?

>just bored
Here then, faggot.
It'll do you good, and it's retard friendly:

>show abs.
Just got a reverse turtle :(
>Do you think that this will fuck in Italy really really bad in the long term or something?
we never recovered from 2008 crisis, we'll not recover from this one, that will be even harsher, no doubt about it.
che culo

You meming?
You KNOW what i mean.

80% Fumagalli except I don't live with parents that's not something we do in Europe when we have a job.

Anyone on Yas Forums that is not the unknown shitposter is a faggot.

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>che culo
I ll have you know, i'm a charming fellow.
Nearly chad-like, at times.
But yea, she probably felt pity, cause i just had some bodily fluid taken out of me, and not in the fun way.

my gf is currently working more from home than in office, that's fucking hilarious.

>we never recovered from 2008 crisis, we'll not recover from this one, that will be even harsher, no doubt about it.
I know that Italy was pretty chaotic but not THAT chaotic.. Rip I guess, do you have any plans for how to survive in Italy or are you planning on moving?
No I don’t.

user1488 reporting in

Stop using porn. Just stop. Just fucking stop using it.

do you get bald from cooming?

>I know that Italy was pretty chaotic but not THAT chaotic.. Rip I guess, do you have any plans for how to survive in Italy or are you planning on moving?
I'm a medicine student so I think I'll have a future here. I'll push for the complete privatization of healthcare wich we'll grant me a very high salary.
Italy is not "caothic", is just choking on its debt, created in the 80s. We either need to cut every social state expenditure or leave euro. But we'll do the first, with a lot of pain, because we're the slave of germany.

Me sad now, Styx.

>No I don’t.
Come OOOON, man!
Put yourself into the commie's shoes: you can't take down public pensions, cause then you would be a capitalist and a proven liar to your people, and you would prove that your retarded system is bullshit.
But you gotta cut the budget else you spend too much in the long run, and you ll cause too much inflation.
So what do you do?
You kill old people.
Less people to pay lmao.
It don't matter that the system acively genocide your people (cause the state is too big and women marry the state at this point), cause you ll just replace them with other slaves imported from other nations (that you will destabilize)!

That's kinda the same because I tend to fuck around more and in consequence have longer days.

Okidoki, I wish you the best of luck in the future!
Well I know that if old people died it would technically benefit the country a lot. I just didn’t know that your government were literal commies lol.

Nice effort 10/10 laughed hard

I had to self quarantine as I was in Milan for a month right before the panic, spending my day lifting and cooming.
I’m quite scared because I made tinder out of boredom and after this shit ends I have like 6 dates but I have to drive to meet them and if I drive I can’t drink enough and if I don’t drink enough I won’t find them interesting enough

>if I drive I can’t drink enough and if I don’t drink enough I won’t find them interesting enough
come ti capisco

>your government were literal commies lol
Every country that uses fiat money has commies in power.
Now, they prefet to be distincted from one another, like between commies, and fascists.
But they are the same genocidal retards that wants to use the state to do shit.

Reminds me of last summer when i got the number of a qt while we both waited inside a technology store as both our computers were broken.
Sadly i fucked up by acting autistically in the second date and probably scared her. The curse of being a physically decent autist is that you can have multiple first dates opportunities, but rarely beyond three when your autism will inevitably shows up

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That video was from my home town in Bergamo. My family is stuck there and I'm in the Jew S. At least they have all the food I stockpiled and my old 12 gauge.
I don't know what I would do if SHTF back home and I'm not there.

I think you’re being a bit extreme.

fucking diaspora

I have a head full of hair and I'm cooming daily. it helps your prostate and relieves stress

oh fuck the usual goldstandardfag

Prenditi uno (you) di solidarietà

Sad to hear that :/
Why are Americans so obsessed with guns... I don’t think that corona will get THAT bad.

I'm hairy as fuck from my legs to my head and I COOM daily too so no

None, spend the day watching documentaries about wild animals.

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Pornhub User + User1488 + Unknown Shitposter = me

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daily seems too much, i just coom like once or twice every 2 weeks

Dude, you gotta embrace the autism. In moderation at first tho lol.
It shows her that you are different.
Women want a person to be with, not a fucking talking sack of meat.
You gotta show that you have personality.
Then you gotta develop emotional stability.
Those are the 2 top qualities.
Beng rich and having a nice face and being fit helps tho, but it's not necessary.

Leonardo, for sure.

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'm only here for university because I got a fat scholarship.
When this shit calms down Im getting the fuck back, to go live like a hermet in Umbria or some shit.

That's the truth, man.
Sorry that you don't like it.

I just KNEW you were the same commie-poster!
GTFO of my country, you statist piece of shit, and let the italian people free!!

If you have never held a gun you can’t understand. If you’re weak and suddenly have a tool that gives you power over other people’s life your self esteem and sense of security will skyrocket, hence why in times like this they need to held as many guns as possible

Needs something for coomer but instead of blackedhub, it'd be rule 34

Not american,
Italian / Afrikaner, here for university

If you have ever been to South Africa, you know how nescessary a gun really is, thats why my family left

Versione originale

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>Why are Americans so obsessed with guns
Cause of what happens after hyperinflation.

Lol, faggot!

It might be, but I hope not.
>If you have never held a gun you can’t understand.
I haven’t so I guess I can’t really understand.
>If you’re weak and suddenly have a tool that gives you power over other people’s life your self esteem and sense of security will skyrocket, hence why in times like this they need to held as many guns as possible
Fair enough BUT the problem is that everyone has a gun in the US so no one really has an advantage.

Yea sad indeed. After multiple cases of long and slow dates across months that all ended nowhere i tried to be more direct this time and made clear my intentions, but fucked up how to do it and made myself look like a weirdo

I legit scared her by trying a lip kiss on the second date. suppose the true core problem is that i would not like to dating someone like myself if i was i woman. Why pretending other people should be willing to dating me if i am the first who wouldnt in their place?

Anyway enough of this self-promotion faggotry from me, this is not my personal blog

Luckily I have not been there.

based ermitfag
ok 14enne, ora crepa.