
Attached: 1439AD24-FE5F-4DD9-8ED9-55CB68F44A50.png (900x753, 769.16K)

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good luck

This is spam. Stop spamming.

that's a neat little cosplay you got there fucking faggot nigger

Glowing so bright I had to turn down my screen brightness

Are you guys at the fbi socially isolating as well? Is that why you’re so bored you posted this?

Lmao pathetic incels

>paint suits $20
>paint masks $30
>gloves you use when you clean toilets $9.99
>a buddy to jerk off during the quarantine... priceless


Meanwhile when your arrested and the gay masks and shit come off

Attached: THE BASE.jpg (1024x576, 76.02K)

Into the garbage it goes

Brenton Tarrant training in Pakistan is a nothingburger. He went around the whole world for god sake!

Some things just aren't significant, let it go.

>Hey mom! Take a picture so I can show all my friends on Yas Forums how much of BADASS I AM.

nGL I find this black sun and tarrant worshipping shit cringy and retarded but watching leftists get worked up over all this shit is funny af

Attached: KEANU CHUNGUS.jpg (560x525, 36.6K)

me before and after the coronavirus outbreak

Attached: ydcsiyjw0gw01.jpg (960x960, 131.96K)

lmao who are you gonna shoot? the covids?

you're not gonna do shit you PUSSY
niggers will continue to nig
kike bankers will continue to get bailed out
and little cracker faggots like you will continue to seethe and LARP

Holy fucking cringe


What level autism is putting all that shit on to pose with your fuck buddy for your internet friends?

some of you guys are alright... don't go into public toilets tomorrow

nice cosplay faggots. at least get a proper gas mask with drinking tube. if you're gonna be shooting people at least do it well hydrated.

This is so fucking cringe

You look like a pair of washing up gloves... fucking benders

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Hey user we talked before. You still natty?

no u

His face just screams beta, even with the muscles


nice shop there faggot

You wont do anything

Attached: Planeintonosedive.jpg (800x600, 54.32K)

So are you DHS, FBI, or CIA?

>1 post by this ID

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>bright yellow suits
>massive cleaning gloves
>double filters for no proper shouldering
RIP and thanks for the rifles.

Unbelievably based

He looked better before. Too skinny and ripped now. Left pic reminds me of Wendy the Whippet

Attached: pillar dog.jpg (601x832, 67.98K)

tier 1 cringe post. larping homos probably fucked that night

Literally free supplies for raiders.

You should rather prepare to sow corn as soon as winter is definitively gone. Then the pumpkins and the beans when the plants are about 6'' high.


true , this zoomers never learn

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Maybe next time don't purchase such a brightly colored outfit that will give you away at 500 yards and make you such an easy target some boomer with a scoped 22lr can hit you.

use Brave browser

Not anymore

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>2 post by this ID

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you are a bunch of faggots

>telling people to use Brave browser
I think we know who's the real faggot here

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Planning some domestic terrorism?
Would be a shame if someone... noticed.

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I love your tabs.

How much do they pay at intelligence agencies?

A lot of us will need jobs after this whole corona thing is over

Absolute fucking Chads

Larp fags with only 120 rds. Wont even last 10 minutes in a firefight

>10 minute firefight
What sort of retarded Star Wars idea of combat do you think plays out in the real world?

it won't be the Battle of the Bulge. Your goal is to kill your opponent at the first 3 rounds. Also you can just ask shit not nicely at the end of a gun without firing a single round.

I hope these guys and others like them achieve what they want in the upcoming events. They deserve it for actually taking this shit seriously.

Imagine putting in all the work to have the same chubby face and look like a jacked hobbit

May kek bless you anons

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