why did americans and leafs become such degenerate subhumans?
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The monkey doesnt lose time.
of course there is a nigger fucking a white women in that pic. peak american culture
Fucking Christ this World deserves to burn.
I would bang the top fifth one on the left
I think you mean why Italian American and Italian Canadian are such degenerates
The rest of the country usually shun them
That’s not a picture from spring break boomer, and you must not have went to college (it went to community college) if you don’t understand the experience is just one long drug and alcohol binge.
Look these clothed prudes at the front
that's your country mutt
September 2nd 1945
no, it deserves Christ
but much of it will select burning instead
when did south Americans became so degenerate?
cope, degenerate
Why is OP so obsessed with BMWF BBC porn?
there's literally "spring break party" written in capital black letters on the edge of that stage you fucking nigger
Alcohol is a drug
Your world.
it's not like Ibiza isn't just as hedonistic.
can't happen soon enough
It's still frozen in canada. There's no "spring break" here. It's just called "march break" and canadians have to travel to other countries to find parties cause none ever happen here.
There's no giant 'march break" parties in any canadian city. ever.
Black man gets white pussy with ease while you seethe on your incel image board
Disgusting. I wish I could have talked to that girl having sex with the black guy. I would say, it’s not your fault. You’re a good girl, I know you are, but society hasn’t treated you well. Listen, here’s my number. Call me and I’ll take you out for a date. I’ll show what real romance is and that a real man doesn’t treat you like a slab of meat. Poor girl.
I think it say Spain on the sign.
The make great porn in Chezchosolvakia too.
OP's pic is from a porn series produced by Chezch porn studio
Based. White women were unironically made and crafted for big nig dick
Lol sloppy seconds
It’s pornography
>Never seen spring break porn
>Not gonna make it
What a cuck
The handiwork of the Jews.
Grow up. She was drunk and that man easily could have forced herself on her without her consent.
i don't see any white person whatsoever in the pic
It's from a European porn series called PartyHardcore you dumb Arab rape baby.
No longer a women.
I don't know much about that. I usually play Fallout 2 over my spring break.
this is why coronavirus was made
Orange people are fucking weird.
> mutt law country
>Excuse me, I'd like to order some burgers.
I'm 90% it's a porn shoot, but it's 2020 so who fucking knows anymore
Embrace China. Embrace Communism.
They will fix this rotten world.
And you will even get you assigned traditional chinese waifu if you labour hard for your work-unit.
how do they smell?
Ya your Country is dead anyway.
how the fuck does any white woman find it arousing to get fucked by a nog? Can someone explain this? Even if it's Czech porn you would think they would have SOME standards
I know, but at least we'll die before transforming into the degeneracy you are now.
Do yurotards ACTUALLY think this kind of thing happens in real life, or is this board just full of 14 year olds?
kys memeflag
Look at all you ugly monkeys. You retards are part of the reason.
I don't see any person in the pic
You actually believe what you're saying woa
Retards iit nit noticing its a shoop need to neck themselves immediately
Spain break party? Got it
I bet you think the Bang Bus is real too
You are already on this level; you just do it to yourselves instead of some nigger who's family was sold off to this faggot country 200 years ago.
no need of hiding cletus
Heathen festivity.
I wonder who has interest to spread such a degenerate thing too, aimed at young people too!
No idea
Yeah I heard Gook chicks love getting eaten out.
you forgot: *tips fedora* m'lady
good times make weak men
look at that white faggot cheering as a nigger fucks one of his women
there are white nationalist tiki torches in this picture, making it based
You're like a white knight and a faggot tolled into one.
Of course it's a fucking nigger. What could've been a legendary party now makes me sad and want to puke.
wait theyre not actually giving these sweet young gals rides?
Fuck you guys. None of you think how she feels just because you’re mad it’s a black man having sex with her. She probably didn’t even consent, look at the pic carefully there is another girl holding her down with her legs. Grow the fuck up. Assholes
it literally looks like a turd in her mouth
Give it time user.
>Veteran US-based dissident
>Some chang who has a western first name
Enjoy your springbreak.
Pornography with no relevance to discussion. Sage, reported, hidden. Get cancer loser
i think it's pretty logical why niggers think a white woman is some kind of a grand prize
i mean look at the fucking ugly ghetto goblins most niggers have to settle for.
i would never stick my dick in one
This has to be from some porn
Do you guys ever leave the house? Have you ever had friends and went on a night out? This is porn you fucking brainlets. Yes it says "SPRING BREAK" but that's so they can market it as some spring break fuck fest. JFC, some of you guys really need to take a step back from Yas Forums.
Some time around the late 80's and 90's. Though frat and partying was around a bit before that, it became like a pilgrimage in the 90's. Anyone remember those party videos?
What a nice guy.
Delete and Ban OP.
Clear violation of global rules and rules of Yas Forums
You're looking for Helpful Bus.
Thank you are you girl?
batman come quick
there is a new villain in town picking up female civilians in a fake taxicab. i overheard the sound of a woman choking
Those are czech.
t. coomer
Czechs make great piss porn and BBC orgies some decent bestiality too but russians and hungarians are the expert dog fuckers. Also Amerimutts are not human and i would rather kill a million of their toddlers over a single nigger
Please grant digits to cleanse these degenerate animals.
seethe more, chink
not all heroes wear capes
> man
I 100% sincerely believe she's more self worth after fucking a dog. Less disease too.
It already started
>Trying to make fun of american kids being so rich and free that they can throw away their lives in degeneracy and alcohol
The only "Spring Break" you insectoids get is a factory equipment failure and bug juice smattered on the floor..
>amerimutt culture
Btw she gave upporn and she's amish now, a perfect trad waifu for the average ameriutt poster.
Yas Forums's entire reality is internet pics and videos, they don't actually experience real life.
Honestly you people laugh at toilet paper hoarders, but you really dont have enough toilet paper yourselves. The average person uses 1 roll per day. If you have a family of 4, that's 28 rolls a week. Over 100 a month. TP will be worth its weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it.
God I wish I was there. Admit it pol, we're just jealous.
Thank you
When you worship Jews, you get what you deserve.
Just a spring break themed porn scene...