Post based quotes from based people
Based Quotes
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*tips fedora*
>Bertrand Russell
You can read some more quotes by this cunt, from his book "The Scientific Outlook":
The reason our species doesn't stand a chance is because idiots like this piece of shit are still
celebrated as big thinkers today.
Wake the fuck up retard, you've been bamboozled since birth and you still can't find the courage to pull your head out of your fucking ass
>t. hasnt read the bible
>Wake the fuck up retard, you've been bamboozled since birth and you still can't find the courage to pull your head out of your fucking ass
ironic coming from a christfag
>I don't have an argument so I'll attribute your argument to this obese guy in a hat
>ironic coming from a christfag
Cristfag here, I know the religion itself is bullshit, but there are important social values associated with Christianity and spirituality that actually keep society together. Atheism and nihilism is not based, the real redpill is going from fedora to spiritual for scientific reasons, no larping, but the actual realization of the power of faith and prayer, vision and mission. Try it faggot, read about other religions in the way.,
That is a stupid and inaccurate thing to say
Remember this verse when Corona Chan destroys your insides, secular dogs.
It's true.
>read about other religions in the way
why would I read outdated scriptures that primitive people used to justify their existence. It's all cope. Nobody knows shit about the afterlife and it's arrogant to assume you have the answers.
*Tips Kippah*
Your reasoning is invalid because I find you unattractive.
>I did not read the source but I replied something snarky in return so it's all good. Checkmate, godlies!
Apply the scientific method and read the source I posted to see how well that text has aged. Hint: that cunt is probably Bill Gates' biggest hero
modern america is what happens when the west loses faith in christianity
Then I'll pretend to be retarded no matter how many times it takes.
But all the saints have read the Bible
What an odd thing to say
Who is that kike and why would I listen to it?
Skepticists faggots btfo in one meme eteranlly.
I don't really give a fuck who it is dude I'm just posting good quotes.
Based before his time
Shitty contradictory non-sequitur.
Doesn't understand coded messages.
The Jewish doctrine of Marxism repudiates the aristocratic principle of Nature and substitutes for it the eternal privilege of force and energy, numerical mass and its dead weight. Thus it denies the individual worth of the human personality, impugns the teaching that nationhood and race have a primary significance, and by doing this it takes away the very foundations of human existence and human civilization. If the Marxist teaching were to be accepted as the foundation of the life of the universe, it would lead to the disappearance of all order that is conceivable to the human mind. And thus the adoption of such a law would provoke chaos in the structure of the greatest organism that we know, with the result that the inhabitants of this earthly planet would finally disappear.
Should the Jew, with the aid of his Marxist creed, triumph over the people of this world, his Crown will be the funeral wreath of mankind, and this planet will once again follow its orbit through ether, without any human life on its surface, as it did millions of years ago.
And so I believe to-day that my conduct is in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator. In standing guard against the Jew I am defending the handiwork of the Lord.
Post physique
>Being an Atheist
There could be a creator, saying that you 100% know there isn’t one is retarded. And it’s not even connected to religion, most probably all religions are wrong but there is the possibility of a creator
Not ever, jew.
This guy isn't based he's part of the elite that fucked this world up you stupid nigger.
>While our nations have many differences, they are both defined and propelled by a fundamental truth: the truth that all of us are blessed with divine light, and every person is endowed with a sacred soul. As the great religious teacher, Swami Vivekananda, once said -- -- “The moment I stand in reverence before every human being and see God in Him, that moment I am free.” In America and in India, we know that we are all born for a higher purpose: to reach toward our fullest potential, to work toward excellence and perfection, and to give all glory to God. Powered by this spirit, Indians and Americans are always striving to be greater, our people are always seeking to be better, and so our nations have become thriving centers of culture and commerce and civilization, giving light and vitality to all of the world.
Atheism dies when you apply materialism totally. You'll awaken to a weird world, one with many, many gods.
Russell's quote isn't an argument either retard
>Bertrand Russell
People like him make the "have sex" meme true
>He doesnt know WC was a kike puppet
Archbishop Fulton Sheen
Thots shaking ass for my barn, nigga.
Faith is for slaves.
Literally for people who can't deal with life.
Same with prayer. Things get better if you make them better not if you hooe fkr them to.
You're servile people and there nothing more debasing than whorship.
"Make Love, Not Bibles"
>Literally for people who can't deal with life.
Did you have to tell us this so you could cope better with your shitty existence? Ironic aint it?
most true
Posting le euphoric atheist man sez bible bad is not an argument either.
>Good quotes
>A brain dead nigger.
There are actual intteligent ones you know.
"Fucking dickless assholes"
- Steve Jobs
yeah wonderful
rejecting our creator savior in favor of misery death and oblivion
the bible is just an esoteric book
More like, Atheism is what happens when you speed read the bible (or just say you read it) and take no time or thought into what it says. Christianity is when you realize the Bible is the literally truth and everything else is a damn lie from the father of liars.
>There is probably a creator.
God dam that post was so lazy a comatose i had to fight to stay conscious while reading it.
Making claims about shit without supporting it shows everything you say can be ignored.
sounds like he's been to the bottom of too many glasses
atheism is the lack of belief in a god, not that you believe there is no god
Atheism is what happens when degeneracy reaches it's peak
He says absolutely nothing, and you have is dick in your mouth.
$10 and my left nut says you don’t say that when the shoe’s on the other foot.
Disingenuous fuck.
I hate bertrand russell but that's a based quote
why do I need to read the bible to have any assessment on Christianities validity? the premise of their being a god is unfounded so why does anything in it matter.
How does reading the Bible make you an atheist?
Even if you come away thinking it isn't true and that the God of the Bible isn't real, how does that lead to the conclusion that there are no gods at all?
>most published and prolifically read and purchased and translated text ever anywhere of the entire world
The next faggot that knocks on my door to tell me about jesus christ is getting a rude remark, and a hastily shut door.
>lol, i'm just here to be a self-righteous dickhead
No i didn't, my existence isn't shitty.
Nice assumptions tho taco nigger.
It's all christkikes seem to come up with so i didn't exoect anything different.
Gobbeldy gook is what comes from your piehole when a a narcissist thinks he's some sort of smart
>Why do I need to bother to seek out the truth? Obviously I already know it, so why does it even matter.
Good luck with that.
>why do i need to know the single only and enormous text exclusively on a specific subject to know anything about that subject
What is the context of this quote?
People like to quote him when they say "God is dead" but fail to provide context by mentioning the line that comes after.