Should I refrain from reproducing?

I have an IQ of 147, no heritable diseases and can sprint 100m in 10.30.
However I also have a problematic amount of sub saharan and east asian admixture. If I were 100% white and straight haired I would plan on having 16 kids to neutralize the current global dysgenic reproductive trends.

Attached: 20200310_192851.jpg (1942x1956, 1.53M)

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yes, but purely because youre american

Why is it so easy to brainwash people?

yes. pic looks like a retard neanderthal

Your IQ is 147. Cant you figure this out for yourself?
Or did you do one of those IQ tests on FB?

Most of this board is hyperbolized

>muh high IQ
>public opinion dictates movement
No, you should also kill yourself.

I came to my own conclusion by reading sociological literature.

and you should too cause pic related is a 10/10 in bongland

Attached: 1564920257154.jpg (962x1026, 224.46K)

But babies are fun to play with

I'll take "things that never happened for
$1000", Alex

>147 IQ
>Looking for validation on Yas Forums
Yes, please refrain.

Any children you have will have no identity, hate you, and go to hell - so no.

The correct answer is that anyone else's answer to your question(aside from your close relatives) will likely and should say that you shouldn't reproduce.
Because they likely want their own seed to populate the earth.
It's your decision to make. Live or die.

Examples please.

>IQ of 147

I entirely believe you user, you’re one in a billion. Congratulations you’ve defied every law of probability, you big-lipped liar. And to your question — no, for the love of God, do NOT reproduce.

lol. this is becoming the pasta of the century. also, fuck bongland.

unlucky for you im not ethnically english

Kiddo, you need to have sex first

Yeah I mean at least do a real job instead of niggering stuff from other people, but you’re already a mutt so keep it amongst mutts.

What a funny looking fellow. Looks like a nigger that was bleached so much that it looks like a normal human. An Irish basically

Are you a hobbit ha ha ha sage

I have a gf.

Also is obviously not true.
Aside from the "hell" fiction, if you choose one side of your heritage to reproduce with, your kids, and their kids will at some point become indistinguishable from other "full" raced individuals and likely have the same amount of dna from whichever opposite side you didnt mix with.

The leaf is right.
Having High IQ does not mean you will amount to shit in this world. Just look at (((them))).

According to fb my IQ is 190 and my dick is probably longer than your house
Once again according to fb tests

Don't be dumb. Only the number offsprings defines how adapted you are.

>keep it amongst mutts.
No. I have found a high IQ white woman who I will reproduce with after my first paycheck. Our offspring will definitely identify as white because of their predicted phenotype. I want to raise the collective European IQ by selective breeding so we can compete against china economically.

Nice larp and yes

>Having High IQ does not mean you will amount to shit in this world.
Cope. Because of my high IQ I can memorize and learn things much faster than other people. IQ is the reason why malawian is the poorest country in the world and japan has robots and a global sphere of artistic influence.

No, neanderthal have big cc cranial capacity, thus superior.
I did the genographic DNA test of nat. geo almost 3% neanderthal.

IQ is also why you are getting bumfucked by Joos.

But, cope.

Exactly. Ashkenazi Jews have an average verbal IQ of 122 which is why they have been able to manipulate 4 billion people into following the derivatives of their programming. Read 'suicide note' by Mitchell theismann and you'll see how discernable this is.

Cool, you admit this whole board is a giant cope. Literally white men crying about not having a IQ high enough to compete against the Jews all day everyday.
Why not just accept the fact that you are low IQ compared to them and call it a day?

I'll take the teenager on the left...

what are those creatures? i have never seen any monster like that before

Sure and teach your children how the world really is, just don't go muddying up blue/green eyed grills and you're fine.

Yes you dumb mutt.

Your view is outdated and has been already corrected by Lynn; you just won’t find it on Wikipedia, media & co. because the jews own it

The modern interpreation of Ashkenazim IQ is that Jews have slightly higher verbal and mathematical IQ than the average white population and the same or lower IQ in perceptual and spatial. The below letter, compiled with data and written by Richard Lynn, shows that the IQ of diasporic A. Jews just in Verbal IQ is approximately 107. Not only is this substantially lower than many other studies in the past that relied on flawed non-representative samples and had small sample sizes, but it is merely the verbal IQ. One of the main trends of the A.Jew IQ has been very high verbal, with everything else being at least somewhat lower than that, meaning that this data suggests that the IQ of A.Jews may actually be significantly to slightly lower yet. In any event, most assertions being made on wikipedia are completely offbase and needs to be re-written with the understanding of these more recent studies and extrapolations of the experts in IQ, such as Lynn. I'm writing this in hopes people will take it open themselves to clean up wikis related to Ashkenazim since I really don't want to go to the trouble of running down every wiki and editing it myself.

stop lying. You would m8 with them given the slightest chance.

nations/ethnicities and their respective IQs. The Dutch, Germans, and Poles all have approximately the same IQ according to the data as A.Jews, which throws even more monkey wrenchs into the wikis I've been reading, ones that say things like Jews success in field X could be linked to higher IQ. If this were the case, their would be way more German, Dutch, and Polish Nobel laureates. This is just an example. Basically, A.Jews, according to the accepted and recent interpretations, slightly exceed several European ethnicities and are essentially the same as many others. Further, now that Lynn has taken the time to break down IQs by ethnicities, all wikis generally related to IQ should include the data if they cite Ashkenazi IQ in the wiki. It smacks of some kind of racism to only single out A.Jews as an ethnicity and not others when we have the data on others. this seems to be a repeated bias I see on IQ-related wikis.

It should also be noted that both Flynn and Lynn have found that when correcting for the FLynn-effect, the East Asian IQ advantage drops to statistically negligble or close to. Again, this is the recent findings and wikis should reflect such. In any event, here is the cite/info-filled letter.

Dr. Richard Lynn The Intelligence of American Jews Sat Feb 14 01:24:26 2004

The Intelligence of American Jews Dr. Richard Lynn University of Ulster, Coleraine, Northern Ireland

Dutchs Poles And Germans and not running shit but animal rape dungeons.

>i don’t trust science because i‘m a nigger
You’re worse than that: a monkey

>I have an IQ of 147
Stopped reading right there, monkyboy.

dont worry nobody wants to fuck you either way


Show me how Germans, Poles and Dutchs are running the show in every aspect. Because apparently they have a IQ similar or even higher then the Joos.

IQ 140s
Sub-Saharan admixture
Yeah okay

Sean O'Pry is the highest paid male model and has like 15% SSA and 20% native American ancestry.

Attached: Sean-OPry.jpg (375x500, 27.75K)

In order:
The God Delusion, The bell curve, Brave new world, Chaos,1984,Das Kapital,The doctrine of fascism, without conscience, sex and deviance, archetypes of the collective unconscience, emotional intelligence, beyond good and evil

You know, basic fedora sperg stuff.

Shit skin ape faced mulatto claims he has 147 IQ
Asks Yas Forums for advice.

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White men only date elite black women. Plus my mother is 25% east asian (which is why I dont have a BBC).

Kys nigger

He is Irish and indian. He is not black

Reproduce duh

Your problem isn't your racial background but the fact that you're quite unattractive.

>I have an IQ of 147, no heritable diseases and can sprint 100m in 10.30.
>However I also have a problematic amount of sub saharan and east asian admixture.
One of these is a lie and it's the first sentence.

Must have been the wind...

> Your problem isn't your racial background

In this case, it is.

Attached: sean mom.jpg (1258x1600, 341.9K)

I dont have to worry about attracting a mate because I already have a girlfriend like I've said twice prior. You just aren't used to guys with curly hair and see it as ugly.

My guess is more like big boy IQ of 120.

What matters more is the moral fiber you raise your children with. If you're comfortable with that then yes.

>However I also have a problematic amount of sub saharan and east asian admixture.

how much exactly? if your white`ish but a good/smart person and can raise your kids as such and give them a white mother then your cool.

>asking Yas Forums if you're allowed to have kids

Do whatever the fuck you want. Fucking hell

>I have an IQ of 147,
Your IQ has nothing on my 14' peener

Attached: gigachad.jpg (1068x601, 65.13K)

No one said anything about attracting women jfl.

You have an ugly face and no one wants to be ugly. I'd rather have a sub-85 IQ.

Looks Iike an Irish lady.

nice I have read like 3 of those so far i'll add the rest to my reading list

That doesn't matter what matters is I get them passionate about math ASAP so they can graduate uni early and support me so I dont have to work.
37.5% bantu 12.5% japanese

she looks indian

That fact that you fail to comprehend the dire consequences of a below average IQ exposes your stupidity. Bravo.

>IQ of 147
Supposedly smart guy. Comes to Yas Forums for advice.

lol ya that's it

>consequences of a below average IQ

like what