Corona isn't the main happening of the century, this will be

Just like 9/11 was the catalyst to the surveillance revolution, corona will be the catalyst to get everyone chipped. Enjoy what is left of your freedom while it lasts.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Aliens soon

I'm not getting the chip.

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perhaps advanced aliens were already here

Pretty sure it will be illegal not get a chip, to disable it or have it removed.

Death before chip. Wouldn't want to live in the post-chip world anyways.

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Which is why the governments will prep the population to convince them that getting a chip is the morally right thing to do. Plus you'll get lots of advantage like being able to track your sport activity! Right now nobody in their right mind would want to get chipped, but in 10 years or so they'll be converted. We've seen this shit a million times with racism, feminism, homophobia etc.

Yes I know that, the media can get people to accept anything in 10 years or less.

>Just like 9/11 was the catalyst to the surveillance revolution, corona will be the catalyst to get everyone chipped.

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*throws you in prison and beheads you*
are you ready for this lads

Pretty sure that I don't care

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And that scares me way more than this fucking virus. I find it pretty disturbing how swiftly the people threw their most precious gift, their freedom, into the trash, simply because of a flu scare.

I can see it happening by being made super inconvenient not to have the chip, and illegal or just technically infeasible to tamper with it.

Maybe there's an insurrection, and people buy every day items to MacGuyver into nastiness, and they want a certain way to log every transaction for dishwashing soap and know for certain who bought it.

I think there are limits. City libtards might like being chipped and tracked like cattle but no normal person would ever accept it.

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And don't forget about the Earn It Act

I’m ready Brother in Christ :D

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RFID technology is much better now, it most likely wouldn't be a chip like that

>huurr durr.... here's my thinly veiled metaphor for wedding rings, now retards wont notice cults conspiring with government in violation of the first amendment

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When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty.

>get chipped
>walk to close to magnet
>oops chipped wiped

Go ahead and behead me, Me and the boys aren't taking the mark of the beast. Would rather be tortured in this life then spend eternity in hellfire.

Completely agree, this virus is the least worrisome thing right now.

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This. Resist the RFID chip with everything you have. Soon they will censor people who say what I am saying. Resist it.

You guys are all a bunch of dumb fags. Just make a Faraday glove if its in your hand or a Faraday band if its in your arm.
You guys are all fucking stupid

Yeah, no thanks.

>Enjoy what is left of your freedom while it lasts.

It will be hacked and rendered useless within a month of appearing on the market.

The hacking community will save mankind from the scourge of evil that is Bill Gates and his comrades.

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the white pill is that it happened so fast that people noticed the change. This will cause the split to happen between those who want the technocracy and those who can live in the rural areas and be "old fashioned"

Pol actually shit the bed on corona!
I despair for humanity!

They could float it in your paratoneal sack somewhere you'd never find it without digging around in your intestines with a metal detector. Why the hand? Bible fags want it to fit Mark of the Beast narrative, but that's a load of horse shit.

Yeah good luck chipping southern rednecks lol fuck off schizo

Youre using that term incorrectly

Funny, it's not working because I see liberals resenting even the shelter in place decisions, we are willing to die for our freedom, are you?

Or maybe you get it in your hand and the penalty for tampering is you get it imbedded in your skull ) as per biblefags wet dreams )

That's never the point. They know that criminals will find ways around things.
They do it because once you start to disobey, they think they control you. Because if you'll accept it, to break it, then they can use that as leverage over you later.

They never instigate this shit because they care about it. They instigate to have leverage.
Same reason they won't come door to door looking for guns after they outlaw them. They want you afraid of getting caught, and "perjuring" yourself.
Once you start the road of lies, it's really easy to get you to quit on all your honor.

Based! Kill every motherfucker that submits to being chipped like an animal

You understimate just how powerful the media can be, especially when they work in synergy with the government.
We went from "hug a chink" to "social distancing" in less than a month and normies value comfort over freedom.

Unironically would rather die than be branded and chipped like fucking cattle. And I intend to take as many glowniggers and satanic slaves with me.

If these retarded satanic elite mongoloids don't stop their Revalations LARPing right now, it's not gonna end well for them.

Do not get chipped, Italbro.


if im getting chipped, i dont want the v1 model. I want to wait til the bugs get worked out.

Real Christians will not take any chip ect it was warned in the Bible. They will let the gov kill them instead of taking it because if u do u WILL go to hell.

It's illegal to buy meth or coke too. So what?
Besides, there is no legal basis for forced "chipping". They're not allowed to do it under the law.

Saved for future reading.

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i mean, if i get chipped i can just cut it out, what's the big deal?

What is the chip for?

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based boomer

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what is that? Looks like a piece of lead off a pencil

Based cattle
You shouldn't consider yourself human. You are transgressing the virtues of man with that statement.
Off yourself degenerate.

It says the CONGRESS shall not do those things.

Nobody ever mentioned the FDA/WHO/nameyourmajortechcompany

Therefore its legal! :-)

Death before mark of the beast. If you get chipped your soul/essence is fucked.

Is rathered be chipped then get fucking corona you dumbass spaghet

There are also powerful religious groups like Baptists and Evangelicals that are vehemently opposed to any sort of government device that could potentially be the mark of the beast. And pretty much anyone with any conscience for human rights at all, their own or others, will oppose the idea of being branded and tracked. There is no reason why a person cannot simply have a swipable health card, the fact they are permanently branding people is completely sinister.

What if most places of employment mandated it?

What if businesses had a scanner at the front door and would turn you away if you did not scan?

if you don't comply with the NWO's orders, the chip releases the enhanced virus they're beta testing right now

Conspiracyfags have been moaning about microchipping for decades. Fuck off retards.

Pathetic worm.

You already have is called a mobile dumb fuck.

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I'm saying that I don't care if it's illegal, jackass. I'd cut my own hand off if I had to.

According to the bullshit reddit post, it's to help cities and businesses track who has been vaccinated or has previously had Corona, so as to allow you to enter public spaces with everyone else.

Digital certification that you are retarded.

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Yeah, that's pretty much what we have to be prepared for. We don't know if it's happening in our lifetime, but we need to be prepared to suffer for rejecting the mark.

>muh slippery slope

>implying they need to chip you when you have a smartphone in your pocket
I swear people are dumbasses.

What if being scannable got you a discount ( read fine for not being scanable )

40 % of the US are evangelical xtians
they love and worship kikes but they also believe that
the ship is the mark of the beast and they are armed to the teeth
how will the ZOG get them to take the chip with armed insurrection
not to mention that they comprise a very large chunk of the military
not going to go over
also that pic is antiquated

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Everyone willingly carries around their chip in their pocket already

Only chips going in me are gonna be made of potatoes or corn

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how/why? the RFID chip and vaccine are almost the definition of a technocracy.

Good observation user. Very good observation.

He's an unscannable!

The first has been tempered with when the executive act was put in place.
(((they))) wipe their asses with the constitution

>catalyst to get everyone chipped
why need a chip? everyone is chipped already. And with something far more powerful than a mere chip with few kilobytes of data.

99% of people are always carrying a supercomputer that is always connected to internet, satellite positioning service and has high definition recording capabilities.
You probably could abandon it, but you never will.

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He's retarded don't mind him.

You are already fined for not using a credit card: Credit cards collect merchant fees and disallow merchants from charging a lower price for cash transactions. Hence the prices are inflated for everyone. Credit cards kick back some of that in the form of points to their debt-slaves. The money comes from EVERYone even those that do not use credit cards.

Oh they won't chip them. But do you want this nice job in a corporation? Do you want to go to college? Do you want to a driver license? Get chipped or gtfo.

I'm pretty sure the sstanic glowniggers have no fucking idea at all just how pissed so many burgers would be if they tried to pull that shit. Timothy McVeigh is going to look like a fucking pussy compared to the other shit people would do

I ain’t getting chipped so there’s that

Pretty sure I already disobey every law I don't feel an obligation to comply with.

what's the legal basis for shutting down all society because a very tiny group of people, no bigger than those with normal flu every year, are getting sick?
yet here we are

no thanks, i don't do the facebook or the instajam. I choose my freedom and my digital anonymity.

How do you know who I am to fine me if you can't scan me?

>Right now nobody in their right mind would want to get chipped
Who are you kidding? Normies would accept the chip tomorrow if it meant they would be promised survival, could leave quarantine and go back to their regular lives. If the NWO exists, it has already won. If God exists, he has forsaken us.

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I'm Not Sure, I want to be unscannable... Lol

If you're a brainlet who hasn't taken the Project Zyphr pill then you should just kys. Video:

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I collect the fine whenever you buy something because the price is inflated to pay credit card merchant fees. I have browbeaten the store to collect the fine from you. ( if I were say mastercard of visa )

This is the only thing im looking forward to right now.I hope its not bullshit

What is your one purpose in life?

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A technocracy is a form of government where the government is assembled based on technical expertise. EG. the President might be the person with the highest IQ in the country. The Minister of Health might be the doctor with the most published works, etc.

Real Christians are getting raptured before the chip though. It's written that we are sealed by the Holy Ghost, and that's exactly how the antichrist will come into power, the Holy Ghost leaving he can do pretty much what he wants.

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Too bad boomers will soon be extinct.
...nah, that must be a coincidence, right?

are the ayys gonna save us

or will they be the final nail in the coffin of human liberty?

and in this case those people will tell you to get chipped and vaxxed. I think my point is clear.

If that is truly the case, you wouldn't accept getting chipped in the first place.
>fuck your chippit
fuck your chippit
what about muh family

People also never thought the entire first world would put their citizens under martial law over a fucking flu. Face it, the world has changed. Corona was the catalyst, but things have been boiling under the surface for decades. Anyone with half a brain saw it coming.

Youre a fucking moronic traitor faggot

COmfirmed scam. Guy was just selling his bitcoinq

You'd have to have an IQ of 60 to let yourself get branded, and an IQ of 50 to try to brand the evangelicals.

That's the opposite of a technocracy.

>What if businesses had a scanner at the front door and would turn you away if you did not scan?
Break in, loot, leave.
They wanna play dirty, they're gonna pay dirty.

These governments forcing places to close are going to cause a civil war to break out soon. People are only going to tolerate curfews and quarantines for a week or so here. First you'll see the niggers start burning shit down.

God has not forsaken us. We have forsaken God. All the evil that is brought upon our pitiful race is a result of the sins of our brothers and sisters. Have faith, and you will join Him in eternal life, while the infidels inherit the Hell that our world will become, completely detached from God.

>*throws you in prison and beheads you*
>are you ready for this lads
REV 20:4
Then I saw thrones, and seated on them were those to whom the authority to judge was committed. Also I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded for the testimony of Jesus and for the word of God, and those who had not worshiped the beast or its image and had not received its mark on their foreheads or their hands. They came to life and reigned with Christ for a thousand years.

...not a bad deal, user.

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just use a strong magnet and fuck the chip's electronics they can't survey me if the chip is broken

Mediocre being.

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I always thought the mark of the beast was a mark of Satan, but now I see it's about our society. It's just an ever evolving, living beast. It consumes the heart and soul of life itself. Now, this chip will be the perfect representation for the "mark of beast". Everything that represents our society can be summed up in this one chip.

People start leaving their phones at home to do nefarious deeds, and then they mandate biometric id or chip based surveillance of the population.

>Normies would accept the chip tomorrow
> If God exists, he has forsaken us.


Phones (shocking I know) can be left at home. And you could be a corona carrier, endangering everyone! But with a chip implant, everyone is safe, even you! Do the right thing, get your baby chipped as soon as s/he's born. We'll also offer you special benefits for joining us!


leaf, you are missing something important,
the midwits will follow their orders to be chipped and vaxxed. low IQ and high IQ people will refuse.

it's not illegal to die in battle and go to valhalla

I wouldn't let myself get chipped.

>They'd kill you
Okay good


Get a load of this kike. Any mention of Project Zyphr gets the attention of all the shills. That's how we know it's TRUE. That, and simply watching the video and seeing how it lines up with what's going on. Kys, Moshi

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This. We'll all be in heaven with our frens forever.
The mark is sadly going to be embraced by normies.

What's stopping people from removing it and carrying it around?

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On the contrary, it is highly illegal.

Close. It wont be illegal, but You wont be treated for coronavirus, and die. It is very important that you dont get infected

>Fuck Bill Gates
I won’t take a vaccine and he can stick that chip up his faggot ass too

Just take it back out. There will be tons of back alley "surgeons" that specialize in this.

>it has already won. If God
No, it's yet another chance for you to believe in Jesus. He gave you 2000 years and it wasn't enough. After you see with your own eyes literal end of the world prophecy maybe you stop forsaking God, because He didn't.

they want to use a tattoo actually that implants particles under your skin.

What if we get the chip. Get insode the fema camps, and form a resistance? Defeat the beast from within if you will.

My point being, technocracy doesn't mean "oligarchy, but with gadgets involved"; it is a method of leadership selection. Companies are a practical example, people get hired for their skills, the most skilled people become team leaders, then become managers and move up through the ranks based on experience and performance.

Stop, you've violated the law!