I'm in the San Antonio \ Hill Country area and am receiving texts from people being informed by their employers of a shutdown and also info out of Lackland about large troop activation.
Texas is about to shutdown quarantine this weekend
Speaker of the House Literally said this wasn't true.
Republicans aren't like Democrats, they don't lie.
>only have 50 hours of emergency fund to live off of
fuggg :-DD
Well shit. Things just got real.
But the Speaker IS a Democrat. Nancy Pelosi. Dafuq are you talking about?
He’s talking about Texas congress you dumb shit.
>50 hours
How do you even account for that?
Be interesting to see if there is any movement out of Killeen from Fort Hood
Austinfag here, literally the entire service industry got laid off over the past week or so and every bar/restaurant in down is closed down. Was at a wallymart at 8 in the morning and it was full of people panic-buying. What just happened in NY and CA is about to happen here, guaranteed.
Dallasfag here, I've also been hearing of a lockdown soon. Still getting paid though
Central Tx bro here everyone’s panicking gas stations slammed grocery stores picked clean . Everyone’s full of fear and I’m just sitting here in my car smoking a cigarette blasting some rock 10/10 comfy the rain makes it even better
Texas is a military state, 2nd only to California in terms of military bases and personnel. If shit goes down, the big 4 cities will inevitably be SWARMING with troops.
My brother was just told 'don't come in' next week, he's in the water well & septic industry, so I guess only emergency call-outs (if that) for a while.
I'm a partially successful handyman, so I make $$s when \ where I can.
If shit does hit the fan countyside people have the upper hand . They’ll have choppers flying around small towns and in the big city’s
Yeah yeah... San Antonio is a big military City.... Oh shit... If true, really big.
Nice image
I too will blast some rock
Houston fag. So far I have to report to work on Monday. Despite it being shut down for over a month... We'll see if anything happens over the weekend.
Not everyone on Yas Forums is from TX, douchenozzel.
Every day theres 3 dumbass threads like this made and nothing fucking happens. Can this shit stop? Every single one source is: trust me bro
Hell yeah !
The two biggest states in America just effectively shut down completely, stfu denialfag.
I'm hearing sundays the day
Florida might be next, the Governor is going to speak soon
Generally, everybody should just be prepared that you might be asked to shelter at home for 15 days minimum no matter what state you live in.
that's just because Austin is a commie shit hole. 7 years of my life I'll never get back, at least I finally got out
I lived in the Houston area during hurricane Ike (and others). At a small church in the neighborhood there were two groups giving out food, one group had those 'Heater Meals' and the other group had some mass cooked stuff, which wasn't all that bad. But IF this shutdown happens it'd probably be quite dif.
I feel like I'm the only "essential" worker that is fucking pissed to still be employed. I wanna be comfy and in lockdown for weeks. I haven't had more than a week off work in 10 years.
Shelter at home sounds comfy as fuck.
Yeah but it could mean they military is up to something some kind of defence is being played when San Antonio shuts down and troops start to gather.
You a 254 bro?
Yeah, beaches and bars are closed, so there goes half the economy already. I have a friend in Gainesville who's office is getting closed.
I'm a native and I can't fucking stand this place anymore, just a shitty California colony. Not the same place it used to be, not even 10 years ago. But this virus might be the best thing to happen here in years, all the pussy newcomers are losing their shit and it's hilarious.
yeah a lot of people have been saying it's going down after the weekend. I work in trades in West Dallas and my boss has no plans on closing unless he's forced too. either way I have a couple weeks of PTO so I'm good
Turner said he wasn't looking to do a shelter in place apparently. If Abbot does though, then that cripple is going to lose his next election.
yeah I moved there in 07 and it was just starting to get bad. by the time I left I was ready to rampage
>Shelter at home sounds comfy as fuck.
It is pretty nice if you've got all the things you need. I've been getting so much sleep. I'll wake up feeling like
>Oh no I have to get up so I can go--
>oh wait, I don't have to go anywhere
>back to sleep, fuck it
I work for UPS. I have to keep going to work or else the economy will fall and you wont get your emergency toilet paper shipments.
It’s already practically shut down no one here cares openly but you can see the white folk are buying up everything my hole in the wall taco store still has people sitting inside because it’s actually a gastation with a taco place in the back shits comfy.
I work on Lackland
Nothing is closing down as far as I can tell, most of the base is still coming in to work normally, but we are ramping up our work from home abilities as fast as we can.
San Antonio is gonna be the main base of operations for Texas in regards to the virus.
Based on what Abbott says it is just a statewide lockdown on dine in and stuff that Houston was doing already. www.foxnews.com/us/texas-announces-shutdown-amid-coronavirus-crisis
All I know is that I had a perfect entry level job in Katy, so 10-minutes from my house, interview put on hold and I don't know if they will reopen at all, and I have to work at my shitty retail job these next weeks. I am putting in for PTO for the week of April 3rd, since that is when then lockdown should be over, and going to Saltgrass once this shit is over.
Loving the gas prices right now
Jesus Christ this is good bait.
Thank you based brownshirts
Texas, shutting the gate
holy shit BIG TEX just flew over my house!!!1
9 1 5
Oh shit boi, Tampa here. a tank just flew over my house
Dallas here.
Bucc-ee flew over my house screaming say of reckoning in upon us.
El Paso's gonna be a downright police state if the shit goes down. Fucking dude in uniform on every corner already.
Local game store, were prob not gonna close if we haven't already, and with gamestop trying to fight the closures it almost certain we will too. We're all fucked
wish I were somewhere else other than here... This is an awful place to be if SHTF and the only advantage that we have are no niggers.
el paso fag checking in. reports of ft bliss having a few hundred soldiers in quarantine. noticed osprey taxing on EP intl airport runway a couple weeks before shit hit the fan
Imagine if they hadn't cancelled SXSW
Same, I don't know why people are complaining about the prices being this low. This is like, what, early 2000s tier prices?
Think about the poor chinese and liberals that would of been affected. My brother would of had a booth for his company there, kind of wish it did so he coul be the virus since he pisses me off.
Austin fag 2 here. Can we keep the lockdown the califaggots are going home.
I would have fucking COOMED
>An aircraft was seen at an airport
It’s happening1!1!1!1!
Probably not yet
Would HAVE
Not a joke
Not a LARP
Isn't Texas already locked down? I have a family member who tried to go walk in a park for exercise and a cop drove up and told them they have to go home.
not an aircraft usually seen around here. much less at civilian airport
Everyone thinks its a fucking joke in South Texas. I stopped shaking hands and people are giving me shit.
Half the small businesses in Austin relied on SX for a big portion of their annual income, so they were already up shit's creek. Now with the mandatory closures, we're gonna experience something like 30% unemployment. I already know of multiple bars going under and multiple people laid off.
Went to Cabela's on Fort worth today and they are all out of ammo. Based Texans hording toilet paper and ammo. Nig nogs won't dare act up in this state.
I used to live down there in 2006 working on an oil rig with some taconiggers. I'm curious how it has changed. All the Hispanics dressed up like cowboys they were always arguing whose hat had the most 'X's (indicates quality by amount of beaver hair in the hat). Their belt buckles were fucking huge and always had ornate scenes ordorned on them. They use so much starch on their jeans they could stand straight up without being in them. San Antonio was nice Riverwalk was very fun. Corpus Christis beach smells like my asshole. 3hrs between any major cities. Overall very friendly people and excellent food last time I was there.
I'm north of Austin. god help you if you don't have enough alcohol this month. Big cities are 100% fucked and I'm going to enjoy the carnage.
>military vehicles in a military city
Color me surprised
903 stuck in 956 building a gas plant...why wont they let me go home bros
Where r they?
Imagine thinking a politician, no matter their stripe, doesn’t lie. Fuckin good one tard
can you tell the fucking prop plane trainers to stop dive bombing my fucking house all day.
Come the fuck on.
Texas JUST YESTERDAY canceled school out to April 3. That is still less than most of the rest of the country, and before then they were just closed this week.
We had a judge in Tarrant country basically say he didn’t have the authority to tell anyone that they couldn’t do whatever they wanted and he is the EMERGENCY MANAGER for the county.
Texas will be the last to go on lockdown. Most people here (Corsicana) DGAF and/or think it is a hoax.
I can confirm. My dad works for a wheelchair company. They just got an order for three wheelchairs from Gov. Abbots office. He must be stocking up for the shutdown.
STFU democRAT cunt
ha, good one. you should go to Houston sometime.
South Texas is a hidden gem in America. Not for everyone, but definitely not the worst place in the world.
How soon until the Spics and Niggers chimp out?
This isn't a very military part of town. This is Hialeah. Low income. Crime.
Warehouse worker here food industry, first I have heard of this.
East Texas Houston
based on your description, it hasn't changed one bit
I do pest control in Austin and my company is saying we are essential. Biggest load of shit.