But Italy anons are lighting the board up and Spain anons are silent.
WTF is happening in Spain, bros?
But Italy anons are lighting the board up and Spain anons are silent.
WTF is happening in Spain, bros?
Other urls found in this thread:
Lockdown and fapping mostly. Also people are busy clapping every other hour
They had a 2 weeks warning but those feminist parades and football matches were more important I guess
clapping? is this a spanish thing?
All I see from Italy are horror stories about doctors being exhausted and hospitals being overwhelmed and there not being enough ventilators to go around. Is your media full of the same stories about Spain?
True and a woman I like told me she isnt sexually atracted to me , nice times
That's nice.
America is worse than Italy.
I can look out my window and see an ambulance taking away bodies.
We clap to thank the medical staff about their job.
Its also a spanish thing, people like to show off and pretend they care
Oh my fucking god the clapping is so fucking stupid make it stop. I'm also tired of hearing"stay at home" in Spanish. Ahhhhhhhhhh
We had the same thing. I was sitting at home a few days ago and suddenly heard clapping and fireworks outside. I looked out of my window and saw a bunch of people outside just clapping independently of each other. I had no idea what was going on, I went outside, and I could hear fireworks all over the city. Turned out it was for the health care personell.
lol it's actually worse
You can have it all
This whole time calling burgers- Americlaps and the real clapper was clapping on European soil.
Nope. Media's tight-lipped on it.
Do the Maschismo thing, faggot.
desu europe sounds comfy, minus the refugees. hope we all make it
Stupid inoperant leftist government that did nothing during 1 and a half month has now put us all under a half-assed home arrest. Metro and trains still running. People has to go out to buy food. There are no facemask nor body protectors for health workers or police and the govt is incapable of procuring them, let alone manufacturing them. Old people abandoned to die in geriatrics. NO TESTING except if you go to hospital. 112 phone doesn't respond anymore. Paracetamol and go home except if you are suffocating, in that case you might have luck of you go to hospital BY YOUR OWN MEANS and are young, because otherwise triage makes you uneligible to respirator and you die in the corridor.
Leftist psyop by the same TV that was lying during the past months saying it was just a flu, and promoted large feminist demonstrations on March 8.
Is there any chance that the Catalonians will try to take advantage of this moment of weakness on the part of the Madrid government and blow shit up?
>There are no facemask nor body protectors for health workers or police and the govt is incapable of procuring them
According to Ayuso, they exist but the central goverment has them and arent using them
Maybe this virus is to kill all white people in every country. It's obviously a depopulation act but there's something behind it too. The question is what and we can only reach a conclusion when this shit blows over.
Franco unironically would have handled it better.
Be well spainbros
Catalonia is one of the region more impacted by the virus, so they arent in a possition to do so, and more if we have in mind that the catalan president(that should be president since he was condenmed) has the virus. The one thing they will do is blame spain for the virus, yesterday or today(i can no longer tell when am i) he was in an english television lying about the measures that the goverment took, for example
wake up hermanitos
There aren't. They have had almost 2 months to prepare for this, and they did nothing.
The Chinese help is nowhere to be seen.
Officials in Madrid are just as stupid as in the central govt, if no more. This idiot said "coranovirus" the other day in TV. Thry are incapable of planning shit.
How have they went from Franco to this?
>Franco unironically would have handled it better.
A 5 years old toddler would have done it better.
shit's fucked yo.
no but seriously... we are fucked. Haven't left the apartment since Friday night which was my last day at work. Prepped for 2 weeks but I'm going out tomorrow to buy some more food. People clap for 10 minutes at 8pm, city looks like a ghost town and I'm not sure if I'll get paid at the end of the month.
We are fucked. We are not Italy. It will be worse here.
>They have had almost 2 months to prepare for this, and they did nothing.
Thats why ayuso bought them, and, she said, that they are here in spain already, but the central goverment is retaining them
>tfw niggertalian heritage
why are meds so susceptible to this? Getting worried now.
The CIA put retards in charge.
Both main parties are full of shit. There is no difference from "left" or "right".
Pregunta, onions venezolano y músico en Madrid por la cuarentena a veces me pongo a tocar en el balcón para los vecinos, que canciones ustedes recomendarían que vayan a gustar, típicas, de las que la población general gusta, de esas que levantan el espíritu nacional por decirlo de alguna manera. Cheers
Onions test
it's almost 21:30, get off Yas Forums, get the music and the clapping ready.
>Cara al Sol
>Novio de la Muerte
>La Muerte no es el Final
>A Quién le Importa
My dad is worried he will catch it so he no longer cares that I have no job and I'm not even looking for one.
I dont have to go out and pretend I'm studying something to help me get a job, I no longer meet with my female friend wich is trying to hook me up with a girl Im not attracted with... I wake up at 10 everyday, go out just to throw the rubbish, I take care about my mom and dad well being and nothing more.
I fap a little when they sleep and that's it, on the computer all day, never been comfier honestly, it's like summer when I was a teen.
For all I care this can last a year, maybe then we will resurrect as a more conservative nation, with normal birthrates and not caring about feminist bullshit and opening the borders to africans.
Manolo central aka Madrid is geting the biggest blow and this just makes it funnier, we shouldve locked them down and throw the key.
Hey Thanks. Gracias
People are dying.
Old peeps who haven't died yet are desolate because they are seeing everyone they know is dying, and their time is near. I'd post a video but Yas Forums keeps saying it is detected as spam (¿?)
Same here user. My only hope for the future is that the western world will face such adversities that all this bullshit will become secondary.
Should we still bother with the old propaganda, we truly deserve to disappear once for all.
>ayuso bought them
Bullshit. They have fucked up big in Madrid. Now there is this political fight with the central govt because its the other party. So the central govt wants Madrid to look bad and will blame the regional govt, and the other way around.
This should have been bought or mass produced in January for the entire state.
But they where waiting for Germany to deal with the Chinese.
And producing is a big no-no as big pharma (also from Germany) is unhappy.
Now Germany showed the finger to everyone and each country in Europe is doing its thing.
>en Madrid
Why memeflag then
lying? if you wouldve done what Torra said and blockaded madrid more spanish people would be safe, we locked Igualada here for example and this helped a lot.
Ever since they cancelled the mobile congress they shouldve bought more breathing machines and masks and shit but they didn't cause the socialist goberment you defend only cared about 8m
¡Ayy Dios Mío!
¿Qué hacer España?
Nosotros no lo vamos llegar.
Porque le chan, mas recomendaciones?
Everyone here clapped yesterday and it'll probably become a daily thing too. For some reason I find it annoying and clownish
>people like to show off and pretend they care
this so much
Right now in my street everybody is in their balconies clapping and dancing to popular music. There's a party in somebody's house and everybody is enjoying music instead of calling the cops. Great time to be alive.
>the biggest blow
It has the greatest numbers just because there are more labs doing tests. 5 or more.
In Barcelona the situation is the same or worse, but there are only 2 labs doing tests, for a city similar in size and having an international airport the like of Barajas. There is old people dying at home as I write.
>instead of calling the cops
be the change you wanna see in the world
Do you live in an apartment or something?
its a normie thing now, clapping in the balcons for the doctors, we also make noise with casseroles to show that we are really really upset, it's extremely cringy
Fuerza a todos los neetcels españoles, godspeed spanishbros
Sí hombre sí. La vida sigue a pesar de todo. Hang in there, fellow American user.
Swat them and record it for us please
>spaniard niggers were the original clappers
Why must you take everything from me?
>Torra and Almeida of all people are the most sensible politicians atm
What a twisted timeline we've hopped into these past few days.
t. Català no independentista.
What does that mean? Each one of us are confined in their houses, but people are enjoying themselves. Not sure what you mean, fellow spaniard.
Yes, and there are virtually no houses in my neighborhood.
All hope is lost
The Governments' action is always coming late. But most worrying is the lack of common sense by people. This is getting bigger mostly because most spaniards are braindead, they never lived a crysis and don't know how to react. They try to cope on social media, alcohol, social gatherings, walking the dog 8 times per day... They really don't understand what's this all about, they can't see that the sooner a country's people react positively and do the same thing at the same time, the sooner we will be back to normal. But behind this I also sense people don't value life anymore, being stuck on a routine, this degenerate system, on vanity slowly kills you from the inside out, and in this peculiar situation, by being deeply braindead you can cause harm to others too.
I'm up for a "Estado de Sitio" since these retards are still in that "Daddy state will protect me" mindset. They unconsciously cry for Franco to come back. 40 years of Franco trying to improve his population and race only to see when he's gone everything goes south again. Estado de Sitio is the closest thing to the best confinement type we could have before our health system collapses.
Everyone had a warning you fucking moron, anyone with a brain could look at china in january and know what is coming
Where you at
>people are busy clapping every other hour
fuck her sister
>what Torra said
Reminder that he wanted to go ahead with the MWC.
Actually he is right in much of what he said on TV, but he is just saying it for political convenience.
He is desperate because PSOE's deal with ERC involves kicking Torra out to put ERC in power.
I always assumed most people in Argentina lived in houses, moreso than other places. But I assumed you must live in an apt if you know your neighbours are clapping
Go back fellating your somali boyfriend swedecuck
Ojala muramos todos!
Putos indigentes mentales con la musica a toda potencia y haciendo ruido cada dia.
Hijos de puta asi se les encharquen los pulmones y el sanitario que les atienda no haya dormido por su culpa.
>we also
I don't. Only the NPCs manipulated by TV.
Its crazy this is happening in other countries. Apart from empty supermercados everything is basically normal here
Buenos Aires is almost all apartment buildings. Other less populated areas are mostly houses, which just follows common sense.
no its a twitter shit nigger
he's at a mortuary
Get corona faggot
this one
>Central government started expropriating face mask from greedy fascist
>Now nobody is selling us mask because fear ob being stolen by the government at the customs
>No mask means more health workers sick
Why the fuck socialism can't work at least once? just this time, people are fucking dying!
Spain is full of retards, just look at all the Spaniards who have believed in the mortality of the virus. Last year the common flu killed 6300 in this country and nobody gave a shit
I'm here hoping for a second civil war, or "alzamiento" if you will.
We will surpass Italy
Pray we don't pass China to.
Waiting to se those UK, USA figures
What are they doing? Just walking down the street clapping? Hanging out their window clapping?
My friend had the virus a week, He's still got a cough but he's totally fine. I think this is all a hoax.
They tryed at first but got BTFO pretty quickly
Bro, Italy already surpassed China.
Amargao. Turbofaggot. Tírate por la ventana y deja a los demás disfrutar, so imbécil.
Clapping from the balcony. And if they happen to be on the street they clap from the street too.
Nope, standing on balconies. You know, like what you bongs do, but clapping instead of jumping down.