I am being watched

I am relentless. Am I being watched?

Recruit me or put a bullet in me already.. This mundane existence grows more redundant by the day.. And to think my Soul chose to be born in this time..why?

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Your shit is a /bant/ topic at best it has nothing to do with Yas Forums
Fuck off schizo

Pretty sure I am being watched. Have been for a while, I think.. Not always. I hope.. But I wonder when it began? Ever wanted to read the file they have on you?

All your deepest secrets.. Yet, all your ambitions...one hopes.

/bant/ is where they send threads to die
A garbage board with nothingness, and they know this

you have to fight the schizo man. Learn to meditate. Adrinichrome is what causes it. Read about ways to decrease ur amount.

I dont know what drugs they gave us as kids, but it fucked us all up man.

I was tested twice in my life. Both involving Law Enforcement (ironically both events have been expunged from my record).. I have no hormonal imbalances, no mental illness, and a slight above average testosterone level.

I was in GATE pretty much all my life. Went through a lot of tests, both willingly and unwillingly. The law enforcement related ones, I didn't wanna do let's just say.

how big is the bump on the back of your skull?

Take your meds schizo

No... It started before us

My Father with an IQ well above mine went through a complete blood transfusion when he was born at a military base in Pennsylvania. My Grandfather (who I only met and knew for 3 days, literally) was Black Ops. Had every medal you could think of.

But my Dad.. He isn't spiritually inclined like me.. I would say I almost have a sixth sense.. It is hard to explain

I'd like to extend my apologies to my assigned glowie, i feel your pain (not really)

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>put a bullet in me already
if you want something done right, do it yourself.

as an aside- what is it about the mentally ill and using weird ellipses?

The occipital bump. It's quite big.. Growing up I thought it was a defect, or an injury.. It's not.

dont want to be they guy, but i believe we are the failures of the psyonic experiments.

every thread gets archived you dumb nigger

... I ... Do not... Know

You know best, user. You tell me why.

I have one as well. I believe that we were drugged because we had a higher chance of being psyonic capable.

Even a failed apparatus has it's use for repurposement

I see myself alive.. I see myself witnessing the Rebirth of our World.. I saw it in my dreams years ago.. It is what lead me toward orthodox religion... Of course. That religion was a farce.

I am unsure what the Universe and it's Agents have in store for us.. But I can only hope our Role in the Book of Life is a hopeful one.

Think about sending electrical signals from the left part of your brain to your right part of your pain. Tell me what happens after doing that for a couple minutes

Just about. Almost. The last thread I posted which was OP pic got literally 4 posts in then archived.. Dont bullshit me. Why? There is no useful info. Except about me.

It sucks that literally everyone will call you totally insane for saying this out loud. You are not alone user. We are many.

I've been starting to think about that as well. The GATE program was one such thing that made me start thinking about it..

In complete meditational silence, or induced passion?

Either. What ever gives you the best reaction. You should hear the amps if you have the gift

This, I had alsow eird experiences, care for the triangle and eye, As far as i figured it out the triangle is a warning.

The Masses are lost. Possibly without purpose, but to hinder.
What if our entire existence is not a means of "finding the truth" but grasping it? Accepting the great Challenge before us - where Universes and timelines collide

Stop LARPing and get off Yas Forums

It's hard. I imagine a spiral beginning in the left side, slowly bleeding into the right side - it begins to gain momentum and then I lose it. But.. I feel a powerful vibration. Goosebumps. It goes through my body and my eyes sort of...twitch.

This is something I've always done in states of passion.. But.. For some reason i resorted to doing that when you told me to do what you said.. Probably nothing.. Maybe..

The Universe is a big LARP.

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do it everyday. when you start to hear the ringing, you are getting close. Focus on the ringing to ascend

Does anyone else feel like they're being guided these last few years?

all threads get archived, what are you even talking about

Based! Also, you forgot to lock your doors.

The tinnitus? I hear that all the fucking time. Both ears. Different frequencies.

Is that what you're talking about?
It took me minutes to go through captcha fo post this. I WILL 'practice'.. Even if it's redundant

Oh.. I used to.
Now I feel I am being watched. Tested. Maybe protected to a degree..I am failing... But. I am simply misguided. I still have hope.

You guys need to read the thread from last night. You are all being watched by fallen angels, God is real, I cannot stress enough the importance of the information in that thread.

>Recruit me
As you wish. You're hired. You can come to work tomorrow. Just call the White House security service and say that you're from John Carpenter's movie. They will know what to do. Just follow the instructions and you'll be fine.

>The tinnitus?
It seems to ramping up last few months. Definetly getting louder in both ears, only use to get it in right.

I think it's automatic for every thread, even the not important ones

I went into a deep meditation, I was visited by a very bright white light. It felt like the Holy spirit.

Yas Forums is a gang STALKING psyop

Yas Forums, /s4s/,/cam/,Yas Forums are part of them

I followed the Abyss of the Father Himself. Adonai. El Shaddai. He who is named 72 times and more.

I read books im Ancient Hebrew and Aramic. I read things most my age let alone Humans would ever read.. And I was 16 - 18 at that time. I almost even emigrated to study for +9 years in the area where the first spiritual Academy was initiated after the biblical Flood.

I turned away from it. Something powerful inside me snapped. I turned from it. From the Community. And my mind changed... I had no control.

had this for years. equally loud in both ears. i know it isn't tinnitus because when i first wake up, i have about 2min of silence before it begins. also, i can vibrate pineal at will.

checked. i noticed a big jump in both frequency and intensity 16 March

fuck those clowns. i've been here for over a decade. they have no power over me

if you don't believe in gangstalking just start posting Yas Forums memes portraying (((them))) and get back to me on how it works out for you

I can physically feel the switch. then the ring gets very loud then subsides. I need to pay attention to what I am doing when it happens.

Vibrate pineal? Is that what it's called? How does it feel, for reference?
I just brazenly smoke cigarettes and stare off into the distance at my beautiful Coachella mountains.. But I do miss that NICE white Mercedes van that used to come all the time and park but speed off when i go out to smoke.. Eh.. It doesnt come around anymore..

my nigga

the van people prolly caught covid

I am right there with you. Had some french glowie call me by name in a thread, on the day of the christ church shooting.

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Wait.... I have noticed this too. Whenever I reply the thread will be shut down shortly thereafter

You dont matter, nothing you have ever done has impacted the world, and if you never existed nothing significant would be different.

My case is a rather strange one though not exclusive to me alone..just rare..

A Jew's worst enemy is a Jew. Or a Person with less than 50% Jew blood but more than 25%.

I'll give read user, but I'm not promising anything

Hmmmm. Okay what happens?

The last thing “they” want is intelligent people who know how things work.


If you gotta spy on me, at lest pay me!

Lucky for me I have no hopes no plans just work and then bye bye
I'm okay with that but not if we continue in this regressive Venezuela shithole the SIX WAYS FROM SUNDAY is delivering to us while watching from their ivory towers


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