Did herd immunity worked in bong land
Did herd immunity worked in bong land
'herd' is the word I would use to describe bongs, what a disgusting, brainwashed, sheep-like people.
These are 11/10s in bongistan.
In case someone forgot: Pic related is a 10/10 in bongland
I'd say they are more like cattle. Some real heifers there.
>country historically known for fucking men telling other countries their women are ugly
I'd legitimately PUNISH the slag on the left.
The one hambeast has the skin tone and color of a cadaver.
I think so far just the herd part works in Britain.
How many guys do you spot in that picture?
Come on, British women are objectively the ugliest Caucasian women by miles. You're like a burger who gets triggered by the 'amerimutt' meme.
a proper boner killer
pic related is a 10/10 in bongland
find me a picture where greek women act like these bongloids in pic related?
also there is no way those aren't men in drag
Seriously, a 10/10 bong is about a 5/10 American. Can someone explain this to me?
To all preppers.
The shit didn't hit the fan, ye shit the bed and fell for the hysteria.
Ye'd give up your guns if ye thought it would save ye from corona memes, now you got to eat yo rice and beans!
Women from the actual Caucuses are pretty woeful.
And why would a haven of shut ins and the unemployable be authorities on grading women when they can’t even hold a conversation outside their creepy little autistic echo chamber?
Showing the lower/underclass is such low hanging fruit but meme logic is very black and white...very binary... very Rain Man.
Coronavirus started in november in China and didn't get bad until January. The west is 2 months behind China.
Jesus what is this.
Climate, wealth, approaches to hygiene, historic diet.
Aren't you tired of posting the same pic 1000 times a day?
stop coping bongloid. even your so called high class bong actress look like shit. pic very related
It’s from the north. Your equivalent would be maybe Arkansas red neck.
and bong genes will make you hit the wall hard and young
yes, Yas Forums screencaps prove this
Show flag autist.
I think you’re missing a puzzle piece.
>it's a meme you idiot
lets play this celebrity wise
name a hot female burger
bongs can reply with hot female bong
Would unironically fuck the two middle ones.
you be nothing more or nothing less, but a dirty dutch Somali
Because you're very good at cherrypicking and reposting the same three images over and over. That, or Americans only look good because they're willing to take diet pills that make them shit their pants.
>these are all 10/10s in muttland
Id blast the chubby one t b h
Why are bongs so obsessed with people shitting themselves?
Which one is the chubby one lol ?
We all know she isn't exactly good-looking, but please tell me this is shooped
Still waiting on that flag squishy brain/narrow face.
It is. And she’s not the best anyway.
they're crypto kikes
you're no yeats laddie
Why are mutts so obsessed with posting pictures of norf slags like they're indicative of all bong women?
Same reason. We're all just looking for a laugh, and shart in mart is memetic gold.
Except for brits being ugly isn’t a meme, it’s a stifling reality.
show teeth you inbred bongloid
you seriously telling me you wouldn't hit the lasses on the left? you avin a bubble m8?
>he thinks shart in mart isn't a meme entirely based in reality, despite the sheer volume of photos online pointing to the contrary
lmao, have you ever seen a brit on my 600lb life?
There he goes again, that toothpates cuck. Keep seething my (non- friend) friend. Makes me happy that my people are rent free in your mind
Meme logic. Show flag.
Bottom left is one of your people: spectrum supersedes nationality.
Cope harder. We're not the ones doing the sharting.
It’s based in America so obviously not, but you guys have shows like supersized vs super skinny with equally fat fucks. Do you have a loiscense to be watching TV? If you haven’t paid your dues I can see how you don’t know this!
Was going for Izzy Azalea
u be a inbred bong ye m8? god I hate bongs and their nasty bong accent. sounds like a drowing cat
There is a Norf and Souf divide. All these pictures are of Town/City slags from Manchester that come out on Friday and Saturday night living of Fish 'n' Chips and Bacon butties. They're loud, fat and disgusting. Girls from South and wealthy countryside areas look more like this. I can post more examples from my local area if you're not convinced.
>tfw you will never drunkenly rail a British slag at her apartment after she spent the night feeling you up
This is still just a 5, maybe a 6 in America. God you bongs really do have low standards
>dyed hair
Absolutely degenerate. Real blondes are where it's at.
your country had to import shartskins to breed with your ugly white women because no white man with respect would fuck those slags.
I'd blast them all but wouldn't tell them my real name
Imagine be so ashamed of your own country/people.
I thought autists wouldn’t care about something so trivial as nationality. You also don’t have shame hence the high rates of transsexualism.
Go ahead and post these 10/10s then, I'll wait.
meanwhile in reality bong
Jesus christ, you really are obsessed, aren't you? pitiful.
None of them are ever the hulking behemouths that are common as mud in your country. We don't give electric scooters to people just because they're obese, we force them to walk because we aren't anywhere near as forgiving on the fatties as you are. You have normalised chronic health conditions, and your health system will not be able to cope when all of them start dropping dead because of corona. Best of luck trying to get treatment when there isn't any room in the ICU because each patient needs three beds.
i hate this country
you have nothing to be proud of. England's greatest achievement was losing the revolution
If I had a choice between fucking a greek man or a full blood english beauty I'd be looking up the greek word for lube.
I'm not impressed, seen better around here.
You're right. No self-respecting british man would shag a northern slag, so we import foreign labour to plow them for us. Meanwhile we get to keep all the southern beauties to ourselves.
>None of them are ever the hulking behemouths that are common as mud in your country
That’s why people meme American women as ugly slags right? Oh wait! That’s Bong “women”
>All of these pigs are northern
All of these pigs are northern
>All of these pigs are northern
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>All of these pigs are northern
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>All of these pigs are northern
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>All of these pigs are northern
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>All of these pigs are northern
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>All of these pigs are northern
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>All of these pigs are northern
All of these pigs are northern
>All of these pigs are northern
All of these pigs are northern
>All of these pigs are northern
All of these pigs are northern
>All of these pigs are northern
I hate Americans but even I think their women look much better than bong women
Teenager guaranteed.
Built for BBC Three
Why do bong slags have such weird fucking skin?
I can’t explain it
Belgian talking about buggery makes perfect sense given the hordes of sodomites you’ve imported. You’re not even a country or place.
Maybe it's maybelline
Yes, they've become completely immune to syphilis
you wish I was young enough to be drugged into your immigrant rape gangs
british women are ugly, but their accents make them soooo hot