Would you trust your nearest neighbor in a time of crisis?

Would you trust your nearest neighbor in a time of crisis?

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I don't even trust MYSELF in a time of crisis

She is a fat 41 year old milf that let me do her a couple of years ago. So, i guess yes.

My 3 closest neighbours are all family so yeah


I live next door to two fat gamers and one of their sisters whom I'm pretty sure is in a long-term relationship with her brother. We don't speak.

give her the sex

The hoarding retards have validated my don’t trust anyone attitude, and now they’ll be victims if this gets any worse, choices have consequences..

Lol no

I killed my neighbours and kidnapped their toddler, high on adrenochrome right now.

>choices have consequences
Yeah the choice to not prepare means you starve

Both of them on either side of my property yes
Very rural Utah mtns here and my neighbors are The Rock

Already did, brah.

Yeah, I think so.

No reason to prep, the stores would have plenty of everything if people weren’t greedy inconsiderate retards, and they’ll pay for that choice..

good, based

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I dont know my neighbors

whenever he lets his guard down im ready

No. They are literally chinks.

I haven't ever even seen my next door neighbors.

My neighbors are chinese

Sounds like you'll be the one paying for your choices

One of us and food and supplies, one of us doesn't.
You're too stuoid to prepare for shit like this ahead of time and you're so self righteous you think it's okay to threaten those who were smart enough to do what you didn't do

To my left is an ex swat officer, to my right is wiccan with a fine ass 15yr old daughter and across from me is a house full of no less than 20 Mexicans....

Id kill them all if I had to. I'm not to be trusted. I put my families safety above everyone else.

No. I hate those fucking boomers. We were supposed to move in a few weeks. If we can‘t move because of this whole situation, i might go insane.

i trust they will be good for meat with little struggle

All my neighbors are either Arabic, Indian, or polish and they couldn’t give less of a fuck about each other. I remember I woke up and my neighbors house was burning and apparently I was the first one to call the fire department when most of the house had already burnt. Some of the fuckers just stood outside recording. So no, I wouldn’t trust them.

You live in a big city?

Sort of close to one.

I don't even know who they are, I've been living in the same flat for 2 years now, don't know a single name of anyone, only in small cities neighbors know each other and have friendships, in a big city people are hyper individualistic, we are 3 meals away from descending into complete barbarism

Depends on what with.

You fucking idiot, he means you better have a gun or your head is coming off

yes because i live in a huwite neighborhood

Yeah I’d trust his human meat to be a good source of protein and an easy target for a raid when I runout of TP. Old fuck would probably die of Coronavirus soon anyway.

Nearest? No.
The general neighborhood is pretty good though.

I have never even met my neighbors.

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Im well aware of what he meant

You think the people who prepped aren't also armed? If they think ahead enough to make sure they have supplied they'll make sure they can defend them

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At least post the picture

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Pish posh its funnies without the picture, leaves more to the imagination

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checked. I live around a bunch of spics, white trash and niggers. All of the people immediately around me have proven that they are filth. I don't trust them at all and will tell them through the door to leave if they knock. We are prepared and all working from home and have no need to leave. Anyone tries to break in and they are fucked.

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Who topped who?

Yes... but would they trust me? I think not.

the lore is clear
Yas Forums is dommy

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I don't even know their names.

home and margie and bart and bart also

That was nice of her!

i trust in sneed

formerly chuck

My neighbor is a cop, so no.

My best friend from high school is one of my neighbors.
I don't know any of my other neighbors.


Good for you user!
When life hands you lemons, make lemonade!

They’re all Croatians, so maybe.
I am not Croatian. But they think I am.


I don't know any of my neighbors, I've seen a few of them when I walk to the elevator but we haven't said more than hi. You're on your own in an apartment building in a city.

>t. lying Bosnian gypsy

So many Chink's on proxy making the Canadians look bad. Poor Canada.

If you haven’t fucked a bitch who makes you vomit in disgust immediately after you nut then you are officially gay my friend

>poster is a nigger

What the hell??? An american flag??? Really???

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>t. pic related

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I barely know my neighbors

I live in a gentrified gettho apartment for school and no.
My parents house which I hope to move back to... neighbors on both sides offered to buy my aged parents food during the quarantine