>What do Create Memes, spread Memes, attack the narrative. Join AfD or IB or Einprozent; counter subversion. Get Yas Forums. Spread flyers and stickers. Discuss politics with people; call attention to the Unrecht.
Read somewhere that Germany doesn't count deaths with preexisting conditions to the corona death toll, which is why the mortality rate here is so low. Does anyone have an article about that?
youtube.com/watch?v=RIEj6VVKTik Everyone shall dance! A pauper, a richfag, peasant and lord alike. Rejoice brothers! the pillars of the earth shatter and old is stricken asunder!
Cameron Rivera
The grocery store has pears, apples, and cherry trees, and the cherry trees are starting to bloom. Dad usually gets pissed when I plant things, runs everything over with the lawnmower.
You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of Yas Forums are always willing to help you clear this problem right up. You appear to have saved and reposted an image from your mobile device without checking for if it has been compressed or not. Whoops! Did you know, phoneposting measurably reduces the quality and fidelty of images circulated across the Internet? This is because opening large images on a phone redirects to a resized image that is capped at x1024 and converted to .jpg! If the user downloads these images without checking the url, they will be getting the converted image, not the original! Once these inferior images are reposted by the phoneposter, and saved by another, they lose their m.jpg tag, which is a primary indicator of their origin and the malicious act perpetrated by the phoneposter! Consider, for a moment, how many times that the integrity of an archive or personal collection has been soiled by the innocent user unwittingly saving m.jpgs. If you see "1024" in either of an image's dimensions, but no "m" in the filename, then there is a good chance that something truly disastrous and shameful has occurred. We all suffer for this loss of image fidelity as needlessly inferior images continue to circulate. Phoneposting is already distasteful and depreciative of the quality of posts and culture on this imageboard. If you must phonepost, please check your image urls before downloading them! If you see the "m", remove it and reload the page. If you get a 404, replace ".jpg" with ".png". It's foolproof! Now, there's no need to thank me. I'm just doing my part in ensuring that the greater image pool on Yas Forums and the Internet is not being degraded!
Work and corona happened >Are you also now working from home??? I always work from home
How lovely
James Green
Berlin wird als nächstes dicht gemacht. Any berlin fast here? Are you ready to stay inside and watch the niggers and arabs fight each other in the streets?
>What did i do??? That is the point, you didn't do anything, while being almost 30.
Angel Rodriguez
Spent most of the week working and telling commercial tenants that I don't give a fuck about their problems. Besides that the only somewhat interesting thing that happened this week is that the borderline nurse wants to fuck again but I definitely don't go near medical staff during an epidemic. Oh and some relatives that live in North Rhine-Westphalia are infected.