Why do these shitholes exist?
Caucasus countries
they are all so cool!
So they could fuck your wife while you are wageslaving.
Khazaria is the only country I recognise. The tribe of Ephraim is alive and well.
so we can fuck your women
Every single Kavkaz nation utterly Mogs Britcuckistan in every way
I have never heard of a Georgian being successful with women, or generally relevant for any other reason for that matter..
You are too ashamed to post flag so you should probably stay the fuck out of this thread, churka
They aren't THAT bad
yea whatever you say pal. compared to georgia britain is a shithole cucked by niggers and muslims who rape and behead your people on a daily basis.
The less white we are the more prone is your wife to suck our dicks.
Kavkaz music:
British "music":
My thought exactly
i would love to go there one day and see the local culture.
the good thing with less developed nations is that they're more traditional, just a shame the Russians and Turks took them over for so long
Rent-free Ahmed
Lmao nice proxy alkash
you speak truly dear ძმაო
>Why do these shitholes exist?
elaborate please?
Russians were too cucked to give them the Circassian treatment.
Well the armenians are still there because muh genocide.
The rest, Ive always wondered why. Maybe the women are uglier than shit.
>beautiful landscapes
>traditional culture
theyre based christian bros that got fucked by the ruskies and ottomans
except for azerbaijan
fuck azerbaijan
fuck off britbongnigger and kill yourself anglo subhuman
fucking bongs i guess
Georgia is based. Armenia is okay. Fuck Azerbaijan.
Ok cucknation
Kavkaz culture:
British ""culture"":
To annoy us. I still don't get why czars and emperors haven't genocided them. The nature there is actually beatiful.
More like vice versa nigger
რუსია ეს დედანატყნავი ვიპიენით, მაგ რუქას ინგლისელი სად იპოვიდა.
Go fuck yourself ivan. Your shithole is universally despised all around the world
They don't have a McDonald's on every corner and faggots on television
This one is pretty bad. These sword/dagger dances are better.
> see the local culture
What the fuck does that even mean? What if they fuck goats and behead newborns as a tradition? Would that enrich you? Stupid ass Redditard
ხო churka რომ თქვა ეგრევე დავწვი
Because they refuse to die and let go of their cultures. As I understand it, people go to isolated villages over there to study how pre modern culture and language and shit worked. Azerbaijan is probably the exception here. They have long since given up on their original culture and become some weird ass mix of Iranians pretending to be Turks pretending to be Russians.
What did Ottomans do to them except Armenia? If anything Ottomans resettled and accepted all the refugees from Russians.
>behead newborns
Mario no one does that to healthy babies
but they dont! silly moor!
I said what if, Georgian name
>What the fuck does that even mean?
He's fetishizing foreign cultures to make up for the state of decay in his home country. It's the "noble savage" meme.
Circassian and Georgian women were literally considered the most beautiful humans on earth
turks took them over for too long? most of them are turks you fucking idiot.
I heard they got a badass culture in Iraq, you should check it out queer
Georgians are fucking mutant bull chads.
All hail Lasha Talakhadze
Got to meet a bunch of Irish girls in the past years. None of them was fit, each was the average thot who gets drunk every weekend at the club and goes home barefoot holding her heels
By whom? Ignorant westerners and Turks? Circassians purposefully raised their daughters to be sold to Ottomans.
Seething Italian >Most of them are Turks
Biggest bullshit I've read
Your ancestors were actual scum of society
Except noble savage isn't a Meme and the Scythians really did behave like that
I guess living on an island with a bunch of niggers really does something to your brains.
They exist because they have oil and probably the strongest warrior culture on Earth. At least when it comes to Avars and Circassians.
Kavkaz niggers aren't Scythians and the "noble savage" meme hasn't been true since Rome. Western white people just need a foreign culture to fawn over.
By the educated West, Turks, Persians, Mongols, everyone really, including Blumenbach a pioneer in race science and anthropology.
>They raised their daughters to marry Turks
So did the Chinese. It's a thing called political marriages you cretin.
to contain the gypsies
Sounds like the Mezzogiorno lmao
>educated West
>Turks, Persians, Mongols, everyone really, including Blumenbach a pioneer in race science and anthropology.
So basically trash. Circassians are now diaspora cumdumps and I've never heard anyone praise Georgian women.
Circassians are a very endogamic diaspora and there is still more than 1 million of them in their homeland. As for Georgian women, they are pretty often but really nothing special. Men are definitely more unique in looks or temperament than women here.
>Kavkazniggers aren't Scythians
The North Caucasus has the most well preserved Scythian customs and beliefs on planet earth. They also have high Steppe ancestry.
>Noble savage meme hasn't been true since Rome.
It existed before Rome was even a thought
>Western white people just need a foreign culture
Because the behaviour they seek is a projection of what is within their genes.
Stalin was georgian....
I wish you guys had won the war
Why are there so many Georgians that post here? Country has like 4 million people
Why does that police state abomination called britain exist?
>The North Caucasus has the most well preserved Scythian customs and beliefs on planet earth.
Unless you're talking about Ossetians, no they don't.
>Because the behaviour they seek is a projection of what is within their genes.
No, it's because Western Europeans are natural xenophilic cucks. It's genetic. If they didn't worship the NBA and NFL, they would worship Turks, Iranians, Caucasians, Japs, similar to how you're doing now.
They, including Ossetians, have steppe blood due to kidnapped women, not due to Scythian dominance, though Ossetes are arguable. Anyway Dags and Vainakhs just kidnapped a lot of women so they ended up with some similar customs, but very few, maybe a few symbols and that is it. Only the Nart epos is thought to be steppe derived and even then just Circassians and Ossetians have it.