You've got your happening, Yas Forums

You've got your happening, Yas Forums.

Are you happy now?

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Its the worlds slowest and gayest happening

Yeah actually I am. Bout time the normies get their jimmies rustled.

one nothingburger is not enough

it's all hot air and government assholes posturing for $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ and the attempted takedown of Trump

I'm still secretly hoping for Q-tards to be right. It so boring. We don't even have mass casualties among niggers or jews. What even is the purpose of this shit?


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>implying it's not just the flu

What do you think...

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It’s not like the movies, bro.

People are dying, and the living are isolated and scared, but it's all memes to you degenerate fucks

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Fuck off, it's a breddy gud happening IMHO

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The glowie faggots came up WAY short here, per usual. Aids flu should be more terrifying than this.

Personally, I'm only political incorrectness incarnate because god-knows-who owes me extraordinary apologies. I'm asexual, but that got me kicked out of leftist spaces where I had no idea that I was only being valued as a cybersex toy.

This sickness is just awful news. I feel really bad for all the people suffering, and I'm glad China was able to contain it.

>he thinks ww1 was a movie

I'm not that sure. Globalism will certainly go damaged out of this global crisis.

There's evidence that DUMBs are being blown up. For all we know there are crazy ass gunfights taking place in tunnels below the earth between patriots and ZOGoids, in pitch black darkness. All night vision, knife fights and panicked magdumping.

One way or the other we are being locked down as a populace so Someone can consolidate power. Who, I haven't figured out yet.

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>Are you happy now?
Not yet.

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kek no one is dying. You're a god damned sheep.

No. My mom lost her job in the restaurant industry. And I still have to come to the office 2 days a week and my girlfriend can't work from home yet, so I can't isolate. We need to keep our insurance, but it's a tough calculus. I've been watching this closely since January, made 30k in puts bought in February, but still might fucking get it because I don't have the balls to quit. At least my mom will be safe because I helped her stick up.

That's your happening?

Actually, this is extremely fast paced for an IRL (not Hollywood) event.

Its good but its not enough, i want more deaths, more riots, more fire

pic related is a 10/10 in bongland

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It's not enough.

Not happy, but certainly comfy.

prove it. people get sick and die EVERY DAY. usually we don't shut down the economy

>this is an event
any faster and you might drop your tendies right

>29yo virgin hermit doomer
>isolated for nearly a decade
>everyone freaking out around me and prepping
>I want to die but cant because it's literally happening
Welcome to my natural habitat normiefags. Praise Papa Nurgle.

Very. Hope as many people die as possible. Best part is I don't remotely give a fuck about staying at home AND have a cushy job.

Airborne AIDS.
And the world laughed while better men labored to save them.

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>Searching for posts that contain ‘10/10 in bongland’.
>1683 results found.

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You're crazy if you think this is the happening. This is just a pale shadow of what we want.


No, I'm not happy.
Unfunny memes, people only talk about this one thing and keep posting selfies of their toilet paper stashes.

I will be happy once communications get cut, people start to be afraid for real (not Americans trying to get likes) and some relevant people die from it.

Until anything of that happens, it's NOT happening.

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The Happening would be slow. It starts slow because it is a big world. What did you expect everything to shut down overnight? Give me a break.

What the fuck is an event for you, a nuclear detonation?
Are you completely brainwashed by jewiwood?
The spanish flu killed a single digit percentage of the entire human race over THREE YEARS.

I wish corona was stronger and killed more people

paranoia and delusions of grandeur are some of the most common symptoms during early onset schizophrenia

Things will get very bad very quickly. You have no idea whats coming.

never satisfied

Extremely so.

we will all die
but some of us will go to heaven and some not
if they would not watch tv all the time and believe every shit that they read, they would not be scared. so thats their problem

"Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature?"

I don't want a happening. I want a house, cute wife to bang, and a ludicrously overpowered PC.

Ironically though, this virus might be my way into getting all this.

This is a place where people come to visit their shadow. It's where we feel more comfortable because of the jokes. Humor has a therapeutic effect on you and relieve stress. So you give into dark humor. Yas Forums used to be a safe place to vent and talk openly about conspiracy theories, history and current events through jokes and memes. I do t know when the world decided to take us seriously. But it's a bummer, because now we can't joke around like we used to without shills trying to control the narrative.

not quite yet but its a start

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Just wait for the groceries to be empty then you can have your "fun"

We are all here for different reasons, but you can rest assured there must be a great deal of suffering and instability before we can be happy.

No. Please reverse this shit. Tell Kek you were joking, you fucking autists.

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>Yas Forums
It's Yas Forums

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Starving to death isnt a happening either.

Man kind went out not with a bang but one loud hilarious HONK


its not a happening unless you count psyops as a happening

>people are dying
you mean boomers that wouldve been offed by some random flu
fucking idiot

>tfw no irl friends to go /raid/ with

based fellow countryman

I would be happier if I wasn't sick... *cough* *cough* AACCHHOOO.

Kinda. Just wish it happened 5 years ago when I wasn't married, had a kid on the way, had to worry about my investment portfolio, and was trying to buy a house.

You 18 to mid-20's anons are some lucky fuckers.

It's true though.

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its not enough
I need more

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>finally get a job making decent money
>start being more social, pick up some friends
>looking like I might move out of parents house and lose my virginity
Then this shit happens.

that may be, but it is a happening none the less, not one of these over hyped “LE HABBENIG” that is forgotten after 1 news cycle

>thousands dead

No, it needs to escalate even more.

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