The Italian Lockdown has failed

The stats since Italy locked down:

36,000 new cases (3700 a day)
3600 new deaths (327 a day)

It's time to realize that the Chinese success was a bunch of lies and that western states emulating China is not the path to defeat the coronavirus

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Other urls found in this thread:

This is it.
I didn't want to believe it at first, I really didn't.
user, I am scared as fuck for me and my family, I don't think many of us are going to make it to be quite frank.

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If it worked voluntarily, they wouldn't be welding the door shut.

Shut up pussy, this will be over in a few weeks.

Italy is just proving what a 3rd world shithole its been all along. Germany is practically next door and no one is dying.

China probably didn't defeat the virus and merely lied, when someone consistently lies to the foreign public it is very likely they will continue to do so

Are we fucked ?

That's what you said a few weeks ago.

Don't worry user. I have been speaking with Fauci's team over the last couple of weeks. Treatments are about to be rolled out to hospitals, with cures in the following week(s).

China isn't going to destroy the West that easily.

In the meantime, 110 mg/kg oral L-ascorbic acid per 6h. Divide into smaller time units as you're comfortable.

/GBG/ - Greek Borders General


shutup and die already fat boy

white power ur ass into the grave nothing of important was loss

if that was the case the country would be burning to the ground, it isn't. all reports from the ground say that china is stabilized.

I know you faggots dont want to accept it but this is a story of Italian failing.

Germs didnt have a HUG A CHINESE day to virtue signal against muh raycisssm

Don't you have a BBC thread to start Chang? I feel awful for actual SK nationals who have to put up with you niggers in their country.

stop projecting "Chad"
ur gonna die
ur gonna country is already overrun by nignogs and spics.

its over

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Italy did that because unlike Asian countries, they don't have enough means and can't develop new infrastructures rapidly. All Europe followed because they are led by clueless fags. Closing down everything was never a good idea in the long run. Children will eventually go back to school and Corona-Chan will spike back kek. Western countries dealing with this like some third world slums.

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Where to get antiviral suits HEPA masks and what rations are best for 18 months? Dried meat/fish? Beans? Canfood?

awww did I touch a nerve? go eat another bat or slug or whatever you subhuman trash devour, you'll feel better.

don't worry, it hasn't killed one single normal healthy person yet, user.

most healthy people will be fine. some might have a miserable week or two or even go to the hospital but it's doesn't seem to be all that dangerous.
just hide grandma with her heart pills and a bunch of food for a month or two just in case until hospitals get sane again. no contact with anyone would be best. like visit outside their home only with plenty of spacing.

probable but after a while it's hit most people once already. kids continuing to go to school when hospitals are overrun would be very bad though. too much inter-family exchange going on there.

The problem with that is the great Chinese firewall is more that effective in preventing the outflow of information. Not to mention the only organizations allowed to report out of the prc are approved by the prc and the nyt, wp, and wj were just thrown out of the country it feels like something a country with a history of deceiving to world would do when trying to deceive the world

Germany also didn't participate in China's belt and road program

How's it feel your parents death is coming in the near future user?

50%+ of Americans are projected too be infected 6-7 million of you fat burgers will die in the upcoming months.

Triggering me or not doesn't change the fact you have a pretty good chance of losing ur mommy and daddy

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Why did we stop the Japanese?

you are pathetic.
I take solace in the fact that if you'd assert that anywhere but from the safety of your keyboard I could dispatch of you easily, like a small child.

Why Eastern Europe and Central have so few cases and almost no deaths?

No, you wouldn't like most user's here you're likely a frustrated narcissistic individual and had some kind of childhood trauma which stopped you from fully developing. You probably have no social circle and your only mean of interacting with the opposite sex is through Tinder. You slaying a 5/10 random whore is your views as being a successful man. Either that or you're an incel. At the end of day your coping with the failure you have become so you must join silly movement grows to place the blame on someone else other than yourself to feel slightly better about your life.

How close am i?

Half of the population of Italy is elderly, this is a non-story.

I know you're larping but please try to stay on topic

Those aren't very popular spots for Chinese caravans, are they? Also the people over there don't massively go in Italian ski resorts, do they?
You tell me.

In what ways am i LARPin?

By June:
>Stock markets will probably bounce straight back up, especially the DOW and FTSE
>Coronavirus will be contained for the most part
>Even people that still get infected will be treated with super cheap malaria drug that has had a 100% success rate after 6 days of dosing
This was NEVER a happening, you retards actively flooded Yas Forums with your retarded fearmongering threads for MONTHS now and other than China and a temporary hit to supply chains there has been no reason for the commotion that it caused.
You blew this out of proportion, stop coping and start following something that actually matters like the Assange court hearings, CEOs dropping like flies, and the /EHHG/ threads. You are the useful idiots of ZOG.

The only cases we have are from Italians...not Romanians from Italy but actual Italian boomers who thought they will make Romania their sex paradise.

God Bless
Fuck Italy,Germany,France.


Doesn't mean anything. Japan is older and other countries are almost as old. Italy doesn't have a ruling state and they are paying for it. Doctors have to literally choose who to save and who to let go.


>haha yeah we're just going to be in this shutdown social distancing mode for another 90 fucking days no big deal

that is a happening

Just two more weeks goy!


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>tfw it's fucking airborne
>all that hand washing
What was the point? WHAT WAS THE POINT POL?!?!?!

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Because Italians are still massively ignoring the rules because muh familia spaghetti bupeti bapeti.

Stay inside faggot and go clap at 8

NYC is going to look like that in a week or two.

We won't really know shit about Italy until about 2 weeks from now. They only shut shit down about 1 week ago

Before that they were cheek kissing every time they saw each other. Super close contact with each other (if you know Italians, they like to be close. It's cultural). Cafe's, museums, public festivals were all business as usual.

Over the week since the lockdown there has been a major spike. Considering, this shouldn't be a surprise. Shit was taken way to lightly and now it's coming to a head. Same problem New York and Cali are starting to face now.

In the coming weeks with people properly isolated, I fully expect the numbers to nose dive like Chinas. What we need to do is skip the bullshit phase, where we all intermingle and get sick without knowing it. Only later to have a lockdown with scores of people coming up sick. Strong action now in North America could make the difference Italy didn't make.

Or we could keep doing band aid shit, and see how that works out.

Italy will start getting better soon. We need to stop that from happening to us. I'd wager (and hope) that's the plan, because it's the only fucking plan that makes sense.

and maybe there's an actual treatment available in the nearer future. I'm actually feeling very optimistic about that being the case as well.

Stay safe Anons. Stay home if you can.

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China just kicked western journalists out of the country. After journalists noted electricity usage at factories was way too low to be “back to normal”, China gov ordered factories to leave lights on and machines running all night to juke electricity usage. Kek

Is that why top scientists and doctors alike are projecting it will take 12-18 months to contain the virus?

>Even people that still get infected will be treated with super cheap malaria drug that has had a 100% success rate after 6 days of dosing
They're going to release a vaccine until months down the road even though said vaccine shows promise because of repercussions/after-effects of said vaccines.

>you retards actively flooded Yas Forums with your retarded fearmongering threads for MONTHS now
I'm just a tourist user, coming here to make fun of whiteys. I don't live in the US or understand its politics/social dynamics for the most part nor i do care.

> start following something that actually matters like the Assange court hearings, CEOs dropping like flies, and the /EHHG/ threads.
i dont care

The only plus sides to all of these is:

>Italian sleazy/pedo boomers that think they will be pornstars in the East....DEAD
>Muslims in UK(25-30% of those dead)...DEAD
>Niggers in USA getting rapidly infected,soon...DEAD
>Borders Closed,Migrants stuck in limbo,Ngo's beaten and soon...DEAD

They are right not to follow the ridiculous guidelines. People dying from the this yellow flu should have been dead long ago.

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Anyone remember “The Talented Mr Ripkey”? After waiting an hour for an ambulance, Jude Law’s character describes Italy, “I don’t know why people say this country is isn’t, it’s fucking primitive.”

of course it won't work if you just let people voluntarily quarantine themselves at home.

But you western people won't bear it if your govt act like some kind of authoritarian govt.

You can't just copy Chinese solution, because we have different political forms. That's the problem.

>Western incompetence

EU kikes will let you die but you will keep sucking their cock

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First off, deaths don’t just happen right after infection. Second, They only started quarantine a week or so ago, so you won’t know the actual effectiveness of quarantine for another week or two.

Use logic

No one is dying bro. All of this is a drill.

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Based Winnie the Pooh.

Italy is the size of Michigan with the population of sum of California and New York? And one of the oldest populations, and elderly all live with extended family? Plus primitive hygiene and medicine practices

Your creeping up the leaderboard little Belgium

Italians are more social and greet each other with kisses. japs don’t do that.
think. speak.

they're not newly infected but newly detected

>110mg/kg every 6h
Dude how acidic are your farts and bowel movements? I went on a vitamin C regimen that was approximately a third that dose and it destroyed my gut.

>The Chinese Solution
Yeah, the Chinese Solution. The Final Chinese Solution. That sounds like a good idea.

Korea is just as old as Italy.
Koreans are alot more touchy feely society.
Yet our stats are low well low as they can be since the psycho cult breakout.

Bad excuse for Italy imo.

Only law-abiding Italians are complying with the lockdown - migrants are running rampant.

I'm not Belgian Kim SamSoon. I'm an actual nigger waiting for my old Belgian neighbors to die so I can steal their stuff.

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To greet each other we also kiss over here. All that is pure speculation. Fake And Gay too. Italians are dropping like flies because during a week they were kissing and hugging chinks to prove they are not racist because muh tourism. Kek

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With that note i bid you farewell and goodnight from Korea.

they still aren't doing 5% of the measures china has been doing in its most successful cities.

Nothing was even happening in the US a few weeks ago.