Transgender rights are human rights

I'm willing to have a respectful debate about this topic. Chuds will be rightfully ignored.

Bring your best.

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Why do they commit suicide at a right higher than Jews in the holocaust?

show flag
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also what the fuck is that girl talking about the media loves trannies.

Do whatever you fucking want with your body, just don't spam me your bullshit thinking I care about your sexual desires.


What rights do they currently lack?

Insane faggots who want to turn little boys into
male eunuchs should be publicly executed.

Fuck trannies. I'm glad most of them end up killing themselves.

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What are transgender rights?

Can I get a list of rights that non-trans people have that trans people lack?


His parents should be arrested for child abuse


You have something wrong with your brain. We don't need another thread on this absurd degeneracy.

>"Trans rights are human rights"
What does that sentence mean though? Legitimately I don't understand the idea people are trying to convey.

God I want to suck her cock.

The right to lie about your chromosomes.

Why are they thinking media are opposing them?

They don't. Piers Morgan, Fox News, RT, etc.

Conservative media hates them and batters them every oportunity they have.

kill yourself

They don't think the media is opposing them, but the media tells them that everyone else is against them and they're the only ones on their side.

Boohoo, being made fun isn't an infringement on your right

People like you seem to diminish their rights. Which is why they feel the need to be more vocal.

>Conservative media
Which is like ten percent of all media. Liberal and centrist media love trannies.

Okay. Put forward a position/stance respectfully and in full. Cheap catchphrases like your thread title don't count. Let's hear it.

Literal child abuse.

>doesn't answer the question

Nobody has time for your cunty, delusional, eye-roller of a larp any more, dipshit. I get that you were bored and have no actual personality and never had a real problem before but it’s time to grow the fuck up.
And no, you’ll never, ever look even somewhat like a female, Manhands McCreeper.

The transgender rights movement is a movement to promote transgender rights and to eliminate discrimination and violence against transgender people regarding housing, employment, public accommodations, education, and health care

Looks like Matt leDamon

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Well, you'll find out eventually...

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as a trap with dysphoria I didnt need anyone to tell me or be nice to me or gender me right in order to know what I was, but many of my friends got into this stuff as a phase even before it became socialy acceptable and grew out of it. Eggs and other disgusting culture in discord that shill and encourage people to spread this behavior to everyone regardless of their mental status is absolutely disgusting dogshit as well. Children do not need to be taught this marxist shit and just because gender is a spectrum doesn't mean male and female aren't the polarity.

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I dont care if you want to be trans, but the amount of kids that get groomed into thinking they are trans by the lgbt is gross.

as retarded as reddit is just go to the r/detrans and see the regret that these men/women will live the rest of their lives with because they decided to be on testosterone while they were under age.

Why? All of those things are good.

Discrimination and violence against trannies is illegal.

WARNED me about? What have you been smoking? all the media does is spew celebratory articles on lbgt transgenderism sex change we like different etc etc each and every fucking day.

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>right to take your money to get their dick cut off
>right to forcefully indoctrinate your children to cut their dicks off too
>right to jail you for saying mean things about them
>right to be missed when they inevitably suicide

>I am a politician
you aren't answering questions, you're just giving lip service to it. the bill of rights are, for example, a set of rights, and its obvious what they include and don't include. please joing the 41% of traps who didn't purchase heartbeat.

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Its her disgusting faggot parents Im concerned about.

Hello there aunt jemima, fishing for cis approval I see? Back to the line with blaire white.


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All of those are already illegal

You already have "human rights." You have civil rights.

What you want is more appropriately described as "privileges."

For example, trannies whining that they cannot get sex reassignment surgery because hospitals are dealing with covid-19. Everyone else is okay with sacrificing their elective surgeries during a raging pandemic.

But what do trannies do? They whine that they can't get their surgeries rather than make sacrifices as we all have to do.

What transgenders? Transitions won't exist anymore, if Israeli hormones stop flowing in through the globalized market trade.
Shortage soon?
You will revert into a hairy ogre in a month tops, and finally give up.

Technically the first one is true thanks to circumcision.

Many of these are just terf trolls larping their agenda, probably some of you aswell.

its called being sane

Nobody gives a fuck about your snowflake problems sweetie.
We real adults have to deal with the possible collapse of society as we know it.


Having a 40% suicide rate because you feel offended that people are calling out your gender dysphoria doesn't mean anyone is violating your "trans rights"

Disgusting Godless degenerates...

Should all be burned alive.


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I feel really bad for trans people but I don’t think that they become women/men after surgery and that a lot of them have like a lot of real mental problems and need to be helped.

literally foaming at the mouth you are starting to name drop literally whos like I know or give a fuck what any of them are. I dont need to fish for cis approval. all my friends are already cis. The kind who would stomp your head in for touching the kiddo while they pet mine. Headpats are the best thing in the world by the way, your own hand just cant compare. its better than sex.

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fucking A, I forgot to filter your fagget flag, thanks LGBTWETFASDGVASDFASDFASDF user for reminding me to spray you with gas and light you on fire.

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Ok chud.

Reminder that trannies are just cultists. If people were allowed to live as their true selves, as either tomboys or femboys, they would be healthy and happy. Unfortunately, sometimes they get groomed into thinking they have problems that don't exist and that it can only be "treated" with drugs and bodily mutilation. But in reality, no one is ever happy when they "transition". It's just a meme that ruins lives. The tranny fad needs to die and people need to start accepting and loving themselves for who they really are. Natural traps and tomboys who don't get tricked into taking damaging hormones or getting heinous surgeries are always a million times happier and more attractive than these tranny abominations. If you support or enable trannies in any way, you are not a good person. You are part of the problem. Trannies are an active death cult that recruits through bullying, gaslighting and harassment. They go out of their way to make people feel uncomfortable with their true selves so that they feel more dependent upon the tranny cult and its backhanded encouragement. If you have any love for tomboys or androgynous men, or if you just don't like seeing people get hurt, it's your job to speak out against trannyism and point out the damage it causes. It's not a real sexuality. It's not a real identity. It's not even a real mental illness. It's simply a dangerous fad started by fetishists and enabled by politically obsessed sycophants, and it needs to be stopped before more people ruin their bodies and their lives.

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What’s a chud?

>calls reasonable arguements some meme buzzwords in the same breadth as they say the idea traps think those things are a meme.
Do you think people ITT have the memory of a bacterium?

>Society is literally in the middle of collapsing from Great Depression 2.0 and the Bubonic Plague
>hey guys let’s take a moment to talk about trans rights uwu
Why can’t you just shut the fuck up and go away?

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rookie numbers.

why do you guys like that word so much? Also most trannies are fat as fuck or malnourished.

Damn bruh you wrote a lot of lines, that's a shitton of effort, I wonder who will read all that bullshit doe.

its means you have an ugly body

I want to tap his tiny ass HARD with mah love stick.

i can open his eyes to my fertile rod and thrust

can you imagine chopping off your dick

What's a woman?

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>Society is collapsing
Peaks in one week bro

Which media warns me about transgenders? I want to see it.

>the left can't read

there are no rights, never have been, never can be

it would require freedom to be discretizable, or whitelist-able

that freedom could be broken down and specificed a la carte arbitrarily by human fiat

no, indeed, very very much NO
there can only ever be one "right" if any at all, and that is simply freedom

and that only means one thing ever, if it means anything at all:
That you may not initiate agression against any other nor may any other against you."

>not a real mental illness
>causes mental suffering and interrupts life
are you okay user? note, being gay is also a mental illness.

I mean, this is literally what we warned you about.

Oh, well that’s mean. :/

Whats the debate? Transgenders have the same rights I do.

>the left
Up and down is far more important than left and right.

Human rights are human rights. Cutting your dick off doesnt mean you have any more rights than anyone else. Dont @ me

Canabalstic humanoid underground dweler

Stop killing them then, stop erasing them, stop abusing them.

>fishing for cis approval

isnt that the entire trans rights movement wanting the majority to approve of your life choices lol


Lol. I was pro trans “rights” myself until I went to p flag meetings to support a friend who was going through a tough period. The biggest problems in the trans community come FROM the trans community. The chasers, the “egg breakers”,the people who call every single thing that’s not an immediate yes paid for by the state gatekeeping, the loonies who think Susan’s place is a conspiracy to make hons.

The worst is how shit you fuckers treat detransitioners, and people engaging in blatant self harm, Hell there’s a thread on LGBT now with pics of a diy ori surgery done in a filthy room.


No, you have awful parents

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Do you have a suicide day picked out yet, or are you just roll with it?

It’s a cisgendered hon.

Human rights aren't real and you're a faggot

Nits become lice

Ladyboys do it better

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Left VS Right is a meme.

Up vs Down = Authoritarianism vs “Freedom”

And if you go too far down, that’s when you begin seeing pedophiles and child trannys. The soviets were far left. Did you see this shit in the Soviet Union? No.

even a rat is cute when it's a baby, just wait until it grow adult

>cisgendered hon.

>Stop killing them
Maybe tell the person your about to have sex with that you have a dick and you wont die :)
>Stop erasing them
lol wut
>Stop abusing them
Were trying to help you

Lack of appropriate treatment at the right time, sexually repressed, abusive and suspiciously obsessive paranoiacs—you fuckers think about faggots more than the faggots themselves, it’s disturbing. Also constantly targeting low hanging fruit is a sign of weakness and compensation.

Youre right about the housing. I wont rent to a tranny if I know beforehand. Im not paying to clean up a suicide scene.

They are cancerous and destroy every community they touch. Socialism used to be pro worker but now it’s “me me me” “where’s my HRT” which is why the rest of us are getting tired of there shit.

Leftists psychologically abuse transsexuals who they believe are only trans to gain protection cred.

Traditionalists psychologically abuse all transsexuals.

I'd switch my gender in a heartbeat if one of two things were true:
1) working womb so I could give my husband a child
2) extremely good surgery, like perfectly stable and as self-healing as a natural vagina.

Right now, with this tech and this society? I'm a man with a long beard, thank you very much.

What part about a man wanting to cut off his shaft and balls to then replace them with a skinhole and demand that I call him a woman is NOT insanity?

Nobody does this. You couldn't beat the faggot out of these people if you tried and people try a lot.

Makes sense. Why did the soviet union fail though?

Transgender individuals already have all the regular human rights as they are humans. They however demand special, protected group characteristics just on account of their subjective perceptions and beliefs. They don't contribute or provide any benefits for the society any other group wouldn't, yet as time passes, they demand more, to the point of LGBT activists attacking people (so far verbally) for not wanting to date them, attacking religious institutions they are often not even part of community of for willingness to hold beliefs in their own group that do not align with theirs. At this point I start to suspect that its many of the vocal activists that turned people against the whole movement, and the fact that their community didn't make any examples out of people who used threats of accusing others of shit if they won't submit suggests that they have issues with even being as responsible as first category citizens.

So human rights are also transgender rights. But transgender rights that aren't already human rights are often demands for special treatment to protect feelings of ill-adjusted, often mentally unsound individuals. If they'd be sensible and sane, they wouldn't demand any transgender rights, merely upholding of their bogstandard human ones.

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if you want someone to read your post separate your paragraphs idiot it makes it easier to read because you wont lose your place in that wall of text.


Keep that same energy with trumpies, not that you like to judge an entire group by the actions of some individuals.

Didn't one MAGA guy literally shot 50 people in a mosque and livestreamed it here? Those are some fine people to you I suppose.

People should not be able to choose such things. The volkgeist should have the final say in matters of sexuality.

Fuck off commie pedophile scum

I would tell you to kill yourself but I don't think I actually need to.

If this Society makes accommodations for all kinds of Cripples and Retards (mini horses in Planes!!)
Why not Trannies,nobody will notice ,I support it

Toughen up kid. The world is a cruel place.

I'd kiss "her" so good while I fuck "her" sissy buttboi hole deep and hard

no that guy was a mossad agent actually. in fact the crisis actors from the "school shooting" in america where seen there just two weeks before the shooting took place.