What are law students like in your experience? As far as i know they are all worthless normies and entitled pieces of shit without real morals and these people will fill all imporant positions in governement and such. No wonder why the world is so fucked they only care about money and themselves.
What are law students like in your experience...
Lawyer here can confirm.
I’m about to be a law student. I got accepted and I’m considering where to go. If corona doesn’t kill me or make everything collapse. And you’re not wrong. Most people I know that want to go to law school are pathetic lefties with, as you guessed, no real morals or even decent tier takes on life. That pic actually describes me quite well tho, so maybe I’m being a huge faggot.
Ditto, lawyer here too. Agreed, plus the law in the Post-War West is just fake and gay.
They're usually psychotic, in my experience.
It's a profession that attracts the tryhard ambitious wannabes who don't have the IQ to be successful in STEM.
Don't do it user! I was told the same thing ("don't go"). Wish I'd listened.
But, who am I kidding, not one person in the history of the law school scam, who has been told not to go, didn't subsequently go.
I have a close family member going to law school who is kind of an entitled midwit. Smart enough to study hard and do well in classes, as well as ass-kiss/“network”, but not actually that much of an intellectual or interesting person in her free time. Just the type to zone out and watch Netflix for hours in her free time.
a lot of so-called “successful” people — doctors, lawyers, engineers, politicians, professors, etc — are really not geniuses. They’re just people with a high enough IQ to do well in school and some degree of extroversion so they can succeed in a professional environment, network and find jobs, etc. The real geniuses usually are maladjusted eccentrics who become artists or drug addicts or something, in my opinion.
Suprisingly dumb. I went to a regular well regarded state law school and was appalled at how little math people knew and how poor their R and W skills were.
By the end everyone is trained up and my state passes the UBE at a 90 percent rate.
A third are normies, a third lawyers sons, a third aspies. The B students are the most fun. Dont drink more than one day a week and get in a relationship with no female law student ever.
I dated multiple masters of education and ms music majors. Avoid law school women.
some law student hurt your feelings?
It doesn't require the same cognitive abilities as engineering, but there are some very, very smart attorneys.
Can confirm, OP.
Most lawyers are boring as hell
lawyers are the biggest scumbags in the world
Law schools are all militantly anti white these days
I'm also a lawyer. Morality wise, we are big hypocrites. When we start studying law we know beforehand that we would be in situations when we don't get money if we don't adopt a wrong position, but we do it anyway.
Btw, it also applies to judges, they always take the easy way out, copy pasting arguments from each other so that they don't have problems.
Well, you’re right. I won’t listen to you, but I’ve got carefully throughout reasons as to why I’ve gone this route. I’d like to think I’m not naïve; I’m not going in with the thought that “oh, I’m gonna change the world” or some stupid shit like that. I also know it’s going to suck ass. Still, my goal is to make enough money in a profession to take care of a family and spend as much time as I can with my family. Out of all the professions my natural skill set lends itself to law and that work over engineering or being a med fag. Plus I fell for a big meme and got a shit undergrad degree worth literally nothing if I don’t go to law school.
says the spaniard whose entire country is made up with these types my feelings are not easly hurt unlike law school crybabies
Decent take.
hello vee
How did you get into law then?
I finished law school three years ago and now I have been diagnosed with borderline personality disorder.
the, if you are so though, why creating a shit thread on a board where nobody cares about them?
stay at home and cry for your unkown country.
I don't know who vee is.
BABY MOMMA DOCKET in your future son
Bat around some 70 year old incompetant boomer lawyer. Thats my life every wednesday son!
I have a few relatives in the field and I'd agree with what you and pretty much everyone's saying in this thread. However your take on what a genius is is pretty dumb. Square one of being a genius is having a very good intellect, you cant pass go without it. The next biggest part that makes a true genius is having the mental toughness, common sense, and adaptability to take your intellect and ideas and carve out a way to practically thrive in this world. If you couldnt find a way to take all that brainpower and adapt it and make an impact in whatever field you chose then you were only ever less than halfway to being a genius, your basically just a neurotic NEET with slightly better memory recall, comprehension, and pattern recognition than most, doesnt mean anything.
I did it because I’m too stupid to find another path to 200K a year other than selling 2200 hours of my life a year. You do learn things. Most lawyers suck, some don’t.
You seem triggered. Are you ok?
>Maladjusted druggies and artists
Son, I am dissapoint.
Son, I am so dissapoint I fucked off to Japan to teach them what no Amurrikan corporation wanted to learn about quality, statistical process control, pleasing Nip women, and leadership thus putting them at the top of the tech sector in the world economy
>Still, my goal is to make enough money in a profession to take care of a family and spend as much time as I can with my family. Out of all the professions my natural skill set lends itself to law and that work over engineering or being a med fag. Plus I fell for a big meme and got a shit undergrad degree worth literally nothing if I don’t go to law school.
Literally every skill that it takes to be a good lawyers fit PERFECTLY into SaaS sales. And you make more money in sales!! And you work your own hours!! AND you get bennys from your company!! AND you didn't have to go to law school!!
Literally NO reason to pick law school over sales career.
t. Lawyer in sales (Yes I pay for my Bar every damn year so I can call myself a lawyer)
As much time with your family as possible? Lol got some bad news for you. As well law students dont go in thinking "I'm gonna change the world" that's just deluded, they are almost all morally weak and completely passionless.
SeeThis is you kek, enjoy the easy way out friend.
2 degrees in law, 6 years total enrolled.
It depends on the field of study. If you look at master's degrees, then corporate/tax law students tend to be the boring type who are just in it for the money and are very career-focused. Also the type who think highly of themselves - think Staceys who don't actually have much interest in the world besides their job, Instagram and going to the gym.
Human rights law students tend to be the more hippie, sjw types. I always got along with them a lot better. Despite being feminists and sjws, they are way more down to earth and up for just having beers once in a while, etc. Also have a more genuine interest in the world, despite being seen as naive by the corporate types who, to me, mostly seemed like boring, mindless drones.
Isnt V an e-celeb from Romania? Never saw any of his work, just heard his name. Might have been in some alt-right debate.
Not as smart as they think they are
What’s worse is economics/business administration students who claim to be communists. I know plenty. I study economics
my sister is a lawyer and she went to one of the best universities in the country. She basically acts like a robot and literally talks in monotone. I think they push you so hard that in order to succeed you simply don't have time to question anything or think for yourself, you're basically like a horse jumping over hurdles year after year in school, saying whatever they want to hear, behaving as expected, you put 100% of your faith in authority figures because you have zero time, will or energy to consider that they might be wrong and even if you realized they were wrong you just continue forward and grind through it allowing yourself to be brainwashed. It's all about social climbing and keeping good decorum. The people who think for themselves simply don't make it to the finishing line.
its a board on Yas Forums about video games
>This is you kek, enjoy the easy way out friend.
Like OP said, we hate ourselves
Don’t do it user, it’s just not worth it at all.
got arrested.
Fuck the UBE. VA isn’t UBE and it’s a huge pain in the ass, even have to wear professional attire for the bar.
Law school women have no heads just perfect bodies to giggle and throw themselves at...yeah Ill avoid them.
Jews love the law profession. That should tell you everything you need to know. Also fitting that a Jewess is in the meme pic.
Many just do it for the status and an ego-boost, but the pay is good so
Checked devil's advocate
Worked as an assistant to a judge. They had law clerks. Bitched about everything but they always felt highly of themselves. Total chads.
OMG checked
Where are lawyers gathering on Yas Forums? Always was fond of comparative law.
Probably on Yas Forums
Why are lawyers so white Yas Forums? 88% of them were non Hispanic white in 2010 for goodness sake. Disgusting
Pic related
Something has to do with necessity to work over 60 hours a week.
I do that but I know better. I just am swimming with some bad sharks I need to get the fuck away from ASAP but I've been stranded for years roped into bullshit
2L here. How to be happy as a lawyer? Billing hours fucking sucks. And litigating is stressful as fuck. PI is trash work on both sides. Family Law or Crim seem to be shit as well. Don't want to bring other people's shit home with me. Politics out of the question, as I post on Yas Forums.
Tax law with IRS? Seems comfy. Say fuck it and go to business school instead? Please help.
What does this mean?
Law attracts top tier Chad's, same with business and finance. You have guys that are like 25, model tier, making 6 figs, well over 6 feet tall. And they hang out in groups after work. Good luck even talking to a girl when these guys are around, you'll be invisible.
exactly like your pic
They're really stupid outside of law. But they don't quite know it. Bunch of Dunning-Kruger twats.
I'm a law student, most people in my class are the most bluepilled turbonormies you can find desu.
I used to fuck a lawyer with daddy issues. good times.
The guys who get into law tend to be pretty cool as students, usually despising the decision and able to sympathize with others. The chicks not so much. A bit bitchy and arrogant.
After graduating however they mainly turn into dickheads though it's probably the long hours and shitty ways the firms are arranged with partners gouging out everything they can from the newbies.
let's take a look..
Explains the denbts.
Law students/lawyers are as dry as the shit they have to study.
Why do they choose law? Because it's a vanilla profession which is seen as high-status and brings in decent money. You have to put in a lot of 'effort' in becoming a lawyer but it's easy for them since they just have to remember and regurgitate legal stuff that will make any normal person with a soul want to blow their fucking brains out. By 'effort' I mean cognitive effort where you just read and remember things all day every day. Just juggle information around and speak the language of law. They are psychopaths & don't feel much so they can tolerate it and get through it all.
I studied law & was in a relationship with a law student/future lawyer for a year. Never again, they only care about gaining/obtaining more things/status, accomplishing status-oriented things, nothing of real substance.
For me the legal profession divides into 2 passions: the love to research i.e. autism and the pursuit of proper judgement. The autism part is good for workaholic tax/business lawyer with 90 h/week, and the second part goes well for humanitarian part of legal prof. You have to find the balance in yourself and apply the proper field.
Yes, but we are capable of thinking quite rationally compared to philosophy/sociology-fags because we are taught a certain thinking strategy that you rarely find in other social sciences. A law student would never call you "Nazi" as substitute for an argument.
most kiked profession bar none.
they are ALL women and they are ALL low IQ and they are ALL scum
t. Engineer
Become an in-house-lawyer for a company that's not related to law, i.e. chemistry. It's comfy as fuck. You work 9 to 5 and earn like 75% of what you'd earn in a law firm.
Only if he isn't arguing against you. The problem with lawyers is they know how to argue functionally, they weave logic traps and lies to "prove" whatever they want to prove.