he said China virus
That’s inane and may cost him the election
Also drumpf hate thread
he said China virus
That’s inane and may cost him the election
Also drumpf hate thread
Other urls found in this thread:
>spanish flu
I think he has trouble pronouncing corona-virus. A lot of boomers have trouble with big words.
Kys faggot
fuck drums
That lady just needs a good leeching.
chinese can vote in america now?
No but people that were bullied for being fat, ugly, not white, having a handicap, for being migrant, for being poor do vote.
Nobody likes a bully
>he thinks there will be another election
oh boy
Why do you call him drumpf? Are you to retarded to pronounce his name?
His family name was drumpf but they changed it to trump
Imagine REEing at another country's president while living in a third world favela shithole.
You arent Brazilian you baby dicked bat eating bucktooth subhumwn panfaced slant eye having chink
Son were you even trying with this thread?
say it
I’m actually helping u guys.
I was a trump supporter since 2015 until I discovered pol and saw that the meme was real and there were real racists supporters...
U guys can turn trump supporters into not
It’s not as edgy as it was in 2016
Now is plain evil
Qushner is the one keeping trump away from legitimate information regarding the virus. He should be removed from the administration
yeah the "low information voter is codeword for nigger" left wings are really being progressive this election.
I’m cool even if he wins
His presidency is cucked by the virus and he’s losing it
You can see it in his face he doesn’t want to be president anymore
No it won’t.
U guys lost the moderate voters
Shandilay is no more
>Virus originated in China
>Not a China virus
stfu faggot. the chinese spread it all over the world. millions fled when china started locking down cities. my gfs cousin us married to a chink and she is the daughter of a chinese diplomat. she was instructed to flee to america and stay there with the husband in the early days of this.
kys jungle monkey
China is a shit hole gook
I hope you go back to the 'recovering chinese cities' and die
Its shadilay learn english chinky
Based Trump. Trump love thread.
Fuck you tranny
They changed it during the Thirty Years War you stupid jungle monkey, that was around 400 years ago. You're just trying to latch onto something like a monkey on a fruit cart.
Chinese Plague
I hope we see millions of chinese dead in the streets from the virus they created
Then let the world talk about how 'well they've handled it'
Back when he was just a rich celebrity it was just a goofy name
Now it’s a symbol of evil it means destroying the underclasses
Saying drumpf means that we’re not gonna take it
Unbased Changposter hiding as a Hue
Fuck off Chang...your CCPposting isnt fooling anyone
Our Glorious Shitposter In Chief, President Donald John Trump will win by landslide precisely because he names the chink and you and your ilk will reee and reee and I will be here to experience the sublime nature of your lamentations.
China will collapse into famine, starvation and then revolution within 3 years.
We love Trump. We despise people like you
Hes been doing this for days now
The chink government has given up on helping people irl and would rather fight shitposters online
Fucking speaks volumes about these subhumans
Btw chang the world couldnt think any less of you hop off your vpn
Then you’re a racist
>west nile fever
Why use a Brazil VPN to chinkpost?
>what is japenese encephalitis
After corona chan epidemic in china The rich chinks have migrated everywhere
eh macaco vai tomar no cu seu viado!
I know your dumb monkey brain can’t understand that this virus is recombinant
That movie sucked
He calls it chinese virus because he's desperately trying to fool the american public just like the president Bush did with 9/11. It's that tactic of pointing out what's in front of you to divert all the attention to that, so what happens behind goes unnoticed, truth is the virus was made by the CIA. Trump is a retard just like every american, and that shouldn't make it to the news because everybody knows.
anyone up for some Chinese food?
Macaco burro
Just wait gook
People all over the world will start kicking your panfaces through the back of your skulls before this over
winnie the fru
Stfu spic
I thought it was Yellow fever? A lot of people who post here have it I think.
Aren't you a spic nigger hybrid?
Millions will die
>believing this...
I’m white but I don’t have pig skin and faggy eyes
Go to your safe place. tranny
Hue hue hue "white"
Ur the one who wants safe space faggot
>muh border
>chink shill posting
china town
Take your meds with alcohol and hang yourself to see if you can kill yourself faster.
It's called the Wuflu.
I like kung-flu or maybe
And nobody like the people you just described. Point in case Brazil's murder rate.