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Other urls found in this thread:

>“Criminals of all dimensions.”
Too bad once people hear about the spaceniggers being imprisoned in the intergalactic superjail more often than humans, we’re gonna have to start interbreeding with spaceniggers or dare get called “speciesist”

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I wish I could work for the Space Force.
They have the coolest satellites.

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>the satanists that constantly depict themselves as lizard people or aliens really are ayys

Trump knows about the fallen ones and their ilk.

Fucking protomolecule

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They have to go back.

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Disclosure in july
>Trump in a presser said this could go till July
>Tax dates extended to July

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Anons I'm so excited! My application for space shuttle door gunner just got approved! I report for duty Monday

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dude youre so retarded and schizophrenic. dimensions means sides you stupid fuck
hes saying criminals of all sort.

youre the biggest idiot in the world dude

actually the disinformation youre presenting is so intense youre probably a chinese or iranian spy

you could even be mossad or like a vatican member youre so clearly spreading dissinfromation.

i dont really think mossad would do something that didnt directly help them though so youre prob chinese or iranian

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In my past life the host body for my soul was in the Space Force. I died defending a base on the moon from a Draco assault. That was in the early 90's. I was ripped from my body, watched myself die and was thrown into this body that I have now.

>be Trump
>run as joke candidate
>somehow get elected
>after much ado, the Masonic overlords resign themselves to a term of shabbos goy rule
>brief him on the conspiracy theories from The Arrivals era and convince him he's fighting against the unseen army of Satan and the Antichrist
>use a gullible unprepared idiot to clean the house of weaklings and liabilities

Space is a must. We can farm more gold from space than we can on Earth. We dominate space and America will be top dog for a long time

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Spacist biped

>you could even be mossad or like a vatican member youre so clearly spreading dissinfromation.
take your medical pills grandma

We won't get that far. Mexico will build a bunch of waterparks with stolen spacecash and we'll get a wall around the earth, and the spaceniggers will pay for it.

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i wish i could stop working. oh shit i already stopped working lmao. corona NEETS unite

tfw you'll never work for the space force

Thankyou for your service, godspeed into orbit, user.

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nice reddit spacing nigger

>another source of gold opens up
>value plummets
You'll never know if they do it or not but they'll hang the idea out in front of you like a carrot on a stick to keep you entertained and mesmerized

this, thank you corona chan

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intergalactic racism

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>we get to fuck aliens soon

>tfw I already did when it was part of the Air Force

I don't know. I think we should all come clean and return that stolen space cash.

He’s taking about the inter dimensional child molesters.

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V for Vagina

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DOOM is a documentary.

We are dealing with people who commit acts even the devil would consider evil.

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mmm vagina

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Where's the skin they cut off the girls face? Where's any blood at all? Where's the kid they supposedly tortured to death?

Yet you keep reading these threads....

>he thinks it will be an intergalactic “jail”
Get ready for the light show buddy, Trump is giving Kim an opportunity to detonate a nuke on a bunch of space apes.

>tfw you will never work on an old but reliable space ship with a crew of lovable misfits

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Finland, mind stepping out of the thread for a bit so the other countries can talk?

Alright thats enough Yas Forums for the day see you all tomorrow

Anyone can find a picture of a dead body and claim someone did it, I'm obviously talking about in the fucking screenshot here

Sure, I don't see a problem with that.

Alright guys, we have to get rid of Finland

>fucked up world
>wahh my personal woman problems

Fucking kek

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everyone gonna be trapped in confusing maze and the only way out is finding color coded keys

>no answer
Typical retard spreading disinfo with his autistic pictures he posts 50 times a day

Wait, why is this still up.

Oh nooo not a finran

And asteroids flying by that could cause an explosion in our upper atmosphere

Oh fuck it's the gay niggers from outer space.
Coming to poz us all with space aids.

Intergalcatic super jail = HELL

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