Sooo when is this going to live up to the media induced panic hype?

Surely this isn't a psyop to crash the economy, right?

Attached: USAcases.png (1265x1412, 76.11K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Two weeks xD

Never this shit is a hoax. 33s everywhere.

It's a real virus, and it's a false flag.
Both can be true, and real people die in false flags.

They're using this to push Universal Basic Income. "Neet bux" is the ultimate population control scheme where everyone is a dependent on the state in some form or the other.

Originally David Rockefeller wanted to implement a "carbon credit" system to do this through technocracy. It seems they've become inventive over the years.

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Except neets don't get it

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They'll market this initially as a "normie bailout". We'll continue to see the social conditioning evolve as per Hegelian dialectics. A continuous but slow erosion that will pull everyone towards their predetermined outcome.

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>better lockdown the entire world
>nobody questions anything

i havent even seen a breakdown of who gets what or how to get it, how do you know that and what exactly qualifies as a 'neet' ?

>Almost 16,000 in mild condition
So those people aren’t even hospitalized then?

You realize that this thing takes time right? It has a roughly 2 week incubation time, as soon as someone starts getting sick there's probably another 100 more lagging a week behind them. I'm sorry that it didn't kill 1 billion people in the course of three days like you'd want, but shit is going down whether you believe it or not.

A 1% chance of dying from this virus, with the infectious rates it has, would cause 2.2 million American deaths, which is more Americans than have died from any one thing ever.

They’re just staying at home. Would you want to stay in the hospital for a fucking cold? No.

Well yeah obviously but then why the fuck are the hospitals saying they’re already getting to be overcapacity

Meaning they're just short of being intabated

Are you stupid?

>retards hear about the Wu flu and panic thinking they have it when it’s cold and flu(and allergy) season still
>flood into the hospital thinking they have it
>overrun hospitals out of retardation
>get sent home because in 80% of people it’s literally just a cold
>more people flood in due to the same retardation
>cycle continues

In 20 days the infection rate doubled from what previously took 90 days. People treating it as nothing are just going to help it multiply lol


Just do as your told nothing to see here

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Fuck off retard the only ones left hyping this have vested interests

That assumes that every single person gets the virus. It doesn't grow exponentially, it grows logistically. There's some asymptotic max that will get the virus. As more people hibernate, as more people have tolerances built up, as people just take more measures, the R0 goes down.

>rick and morty sticker
1/10, sad

Based. Tiny chance if dying IF you even get it. Already treatable. Nothingburger. But elites prepping us for smth

Attached: EKZ5Hg1W4AEC8IL.jpg (911x1200, 230.64K)

Torso too long, 1/10 trash.

Nice digits but only fags notice the sticker first lol. Fuck rick and morty btw

The actual fatality rate isn’t anywhere near that high because we have no idea how many Americans have it but are mild or asymptomatic. Only very sick people have been tested so far. Comparing deaths to confirmed covid19 cases in the U.S. is 1% right now. That same # for the flu this year is between 10% and 24%. You are falling for a manufactured panic based on incomplete data.

Ok idc

Gre. But why are they manufacturing this panic? What do u think they have in store for us this year?

Why are people panic-flooding hospitals even though they don’t need to? The same reason they are panic-buying toilet paper.

Attached: JUST THE FLU LOL.jpg (827x996, 107.22K)

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Literally who?

Does she have massive beef curtains

No, and probably will never need hospitalization.
>heh, coronachan just needs more time

>weh a boomer died how sad



The number of infected is doubling every two days. In ten to twenty days the numbers in your pic will have an extra zero on it.

>don't accept free money goy, it's population control
We already are dependent on the state, retard.


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why do you have such a high death rate you nigger?

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> But why are they manufacturing this panic?
The optimist in me thinks the elites want to hurt Trump and also buy stocks and other assets on the cheap. The pessimist in me thinks they want to condition the public to give up more freedom in the name of safety like we did with warrantless domestic surveillance and invasive public humiliation (TSA) after 9/11.

It is a psyop, they're already turning into the basic income stuff and how we "as humans" need to fight together.
Within 5 years we'll be getting a world government

Give it a week or two nigger.

>We already are dependent on the state, retard.

Not enough faggot, they want absolution in control. That smart device you own? Its built off of basic design of a skinner's box.

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>it grows logistically
That's not even a thing genius.

Do you mean logarithmically?

Because literally a single nursing home in the Seattle area. The number continues to decrease as more people are tested.

I think you will get many more Corona cases for the following reasons:

If you have the flu then you have the Corona virus with about 15% probability. But this has been the case every year for decades, in other words this year is not special at all. The only thing what is special in this year, and therefore the huge amount of Corona cases, is that people specifically have started testing for Corona. If you don't test for Corona, then you don't have cases.

Another point is that they say this Corona virus is a new Corona virus and different. But here is the clever (((trick))): There is every year a NEW Corona virus. Like there is every year a new Influenza, Sars or whatever virus. Because all viruses change every year, otherwise we would be immune against those viruses from the year before.

Watch this German doctor:

Attached: 99%_of_Those_Who_Died_From_Virus_Had_Other_Illness-2020-03-19.png (1153x1278, 517.04K)

I think he means exoptentially.

About 60 of them are from ONE nursing home in Seattle.

Milton Friedman was pitching UBI 50 years ago.

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So yes? Gross

Based Herr Doktor

Checked. I'm thinking this is the big move for global police state

Dunno... Maybe i just don't like asian girls

>Media induced hype
Fuck off back to you kike/chink shill.

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ya gotta be a taxpayer to qualify
sorry bums

Some suspect a psyop to introduce vaccine and location tracking. Other's suspect its an attempt to force negative inteest rates so they can force people to pay banks when transactions go cashless. It also definately tge media going full retard to make money since they always make bank during a happening.

You are literally a faggot.

Back to discord tranny

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No it doesn't. That is an estimate based on the number of people we can expect to get the virus based on its infectious rate. If every single person got the virus, it would cause 3.3 million deaths at the current death rate.

I will also point out that 1% is the death rate in the presence of optimal medical care (for the US and GB, death rates change depending on country's age structures.) The actual death rate in the face of medical shortages will be higher.

No it isn't. The death rate of 1% is calculated by taking information from areas that did much more thorough testing independent of the presence of symptoms. That 1% includes our best estimate of the number of asymptomatic people and is in the presence of optimal medical care. If we didn't correct for asymptomatic people, the death rate would be around 2-8% depending on the country.

Jesus dude. Heartbreaking. Unironically

In two weeks you'll be saying two more weeks, then two more week. You're like the malfunctioning mask from Total Recall

Attached: thumb_two-weeks-memegenerator-net-two-weeks-total-recall-two-weeks-49364705.png (300x167, 31.76K)

>Eeeew girls are gross

Ok faggot

>in the face of
So when will this happen?

In a other 2 weeks the media living up to the hype of this Chinese made pandemic. Gonna be coofers and coofins for the lot of us lads.

Look at the mortality rate for closed cases, shit is wacko.

Not asian, urkanian

>Washington Poast

Back to plebbit fag

That just means people haven't "reported" being 100% over it.
On FOX they were interviewing a guy for 2 weeks with him showing no symptoms but the doctors wouldn't clear him officially. It's just lagging behind deaths which are reported instantly.

Yesterday was 10k.
Today is 16k.
Tommorow is 22k.

Do you understand or are you just asking for a bullet.

>Everything is fine because im being paid to say so

>90% of people have little to no symptoms
Oh no.
Who would be paying me NOT to panic?
Fuck off boomer.

See; 4chans normal goal style isn't compatible with what you are doing.
A Yas Forumsack would be trying to spread panic and get people killed in the panic.

The fact that you aren't doing this marks you as an outsider