Is this a glitch like the Vatican glitch? Someone tell me this fake
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You should really take a closer look at how those numbers are "calculated" for that website.
Relax. This is clearly fake [spoiler]it's not[/spoiler]
guys i don't wanna die
My guess is this virus is designed to only kill people that deserve to die.
It says 5,900 on mine so yes.
There are no cases around the world.
It's all a panic designed to remove Trump from the office
It's to be expected.
Their deaths vs cases was abnormally high.
Probably 80% of their tests were positive till this point meaning that they had to deny a lot of people with corona a test.
They finally got a shipment of tests yesterday it seems
Not a glitch, it’s like what China did right before the peak.
do i deserve to die?
How did China stop it? What black magic do they have?
don't worry, even if the numbers are real remember that it's just the flu
It has 5-14 days delay. Before it blew every Italian touched each other so probably everyone has it by now
All manually individually verified through sources?
But at least they won't be called a racist!
It’s not magic. Lock the country down and shoot anyone who tries to leave their home
it's 6k you dumb fucks
How come the death rate is so much higher outside of China?
Does eating dog boost your immune system?
These numbers aren't coming from health departments or hospitals but from news media. It's just a site that aggregates media reported numbers, accurate or not.
R.I.P Pasta
Take your meds
do you think the ccp might actually being lying and its still running rampant there user?
>Italy has more deaths in like three weeks than China has had in 3+ months
Yes, it's wrong. New case are 6000. Total cases 47.021 ...
>Imagine trusting data coming from communist chinks
china has less old people because they are kill way earlier in some gulag. statistics are hard, hu.
Do you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord?
>the way I say hello is to lick your tongue and fondle your genitalia
>but not to women, because that would be disrespectful
>mama mia! How could this virus spread so easily!?
Lets all spam the Israel total 6,000,000
So China is based and Trump is proven Russian for being a sinophobe
I'm sorry, but did you already get infected? Oh, that's right. The coronavirus hasn't even killed that many people yet. I mean, it's only been, like, 4 FUCKING months now. Does 99.9 percent of people not having caught the coronavirus after FOUR MONTHS count as a happening? Is that what you're saying? Because if you're saying that I can assure you that you're wrong. Why would you make this topic when the stock market hasn't even crashed? The Dow is still stable right now and it has been going up overall for how many years now? In fact, Trump is doing a great job handling one of the worst media campaigns we've ever had on any president, who just happen to maintain high ratings because they're feeding off the energy of deluded, libtard sheeple like yourself. But you know what? They still fucking suck. Trump is one of the best fucking presidents we've ever had, the Dow gained, like, 3000 last year and would have kept on going up if the media wasn't rigged, causing all this panic. Maybe you should shut the fuck up before you make retarded topics like this. You know why? Because you're going to be embarrassed when Trump wins. Oh look at that, Biden just forgot his name again when he needed to remember it, just like Hillary did. Are you a fucking drunk? Are you retarded? Are you autistic? You are a fucking idiot and you should never make a topic on this sub again and I'm fucking serious. I almost have a feeling you're the only guy making all these anti-Trump topics because you're a faggot hater who doesn't like him because he's good. Fuck you, be good at something in YOUR life and then maybe try to troll, like I give a fuck. It's so easy to spot out your threads now, you're a retard. Always doing stupid shit like this. Why don't you try to be a good poster? Just for once? For once in your fucking life try not to make a topic like this. That's just you, you're always right at getting it wrong. Fuck you. You are nothing.
>Not a glitch, it’s like what China did right before the peak.
That spike is because China changed what they classified as a case for a day.
Why doesn't anyone care about spain it looks like they are falling apart too?
It shows
+5,986 for me
Fuck its exploding in Sardinia, im afraid for my family there
You guys still don't get it, fucking retards. They test more and therefore have more new cases. Corona virus is counted for decades as one virus of the many different viruses who form the typical flu. So of course you will find millions of Corona cases because 15% of all flu cases are always Corona cases. But you would find them every year if you would have tested for Corona before. But nobody did. It is all a big hoax.
You should be fine as long as you're not elderly or already suffering from a serious health condition.
Also what Canada is doing. You're not bedridden? Go home without a swab, stop taking up my ER. Can't get more cases if you don't test. Victoria 2 days ago.
It was 15k briefly. It reverted to 6k recently.
i'm 22
Weee number 3 weeee
Stats and journalism are not doing a good job of this crisis. Young people can have the virus and be completely asymptomatic. It's conquered the world already. The more people that have it, the more chances it has to transmit and evolve.
>half a mill deaths every year because of the flu
>business as usual
>corona kills 10k boomers
>oh no it’s the end
War time presidents are always reelected new kid.
Which is why Trump made it a point to call it a "War against an invisible enemy".
I'm not complaining. About his reelection or the virus at this point. We've seen the effects it's had in these short few weeks.. and they've been remarkable. We're taking the L and every living creature on earth and the planet itself is winning. This fucked up society has been humbled, if the scientists have any sort of morality they'd let this thing ride out
Don't you have a death cult to run, Kim?
Well you see ,usually hospitals arent full of flu infected people you know and its only 250k infected all over the world my friend , imagine if hundreds of millions got infected , what would happen?
Ok, I’m kind of slow so help me out. If I have a common cold and get swabbed would I count as a positive for covid-19?
Eating aborted fetuses.
There are 3 to 5 million flu cases each year, you retard. The hospitals are collapsing because every single dumbass with a fever bought into the panic and tried to check themselves in. If you are under 60 and healthy this is a nothingburger
Underage bait, very low IQ indeed.
I know you hate old people but some of us actually dont, indio sin alma.
The virus will decide it
It actually depends on the fact if you have Corona virus what is about 15% probability if you have the flu.But this has been the case every year for decades, in other words this year is not special at all. The only thing what is special in this year, and therefore the huge amount of Corona cases, is that people specifically have started testing for Corona. If you don't test for Corona, then you don't have cases.
Another point is that they say this Corona virus is a new Corona virus and different. But here is the clever (((trick))): There is every year a NEW Corona virus. Like there is every year a new Influenza, Sars or whatever virus. Because all viruses change every year, otherwise we would be immune to them from the year before.
Watch this German doctor:
Those are new cases over a 1-2 day period. No, not a glitch.
For what exactly? Rome was defeated and sacked multiple times lol
Fuck off, Ahmed de Las Casas. I already gave numbers that were simple enough, even for you, to understand why coronavirus isn’t a problem.
Won't work you need a source for that.
What is your plan genius, letting everyone get infected and have a 10% death rate like Italy? Let millions of people die?
Buahahahaha I'm leaving the dream
And yeah señor tiraflechas the death rate of Italy would be nothing once hospitals totally collapsed
Where is this database where they get this information?
Ok, dumber
Ese estupido argentino se piensa que solo 3 a 5 millones se van a contagiar lmao y el virus se esta expandiendo de la ostia con cuarentena
>Let millions of people die?
If you think it would ever get to this, you are a fucking retard. Keep living in fear, you’ll probably say you didn’t buy into the hype in a month when this whole thing is over. Fucking arabs and their subhuman IQ.
Tio eres argentino de que vas llamandole moro a un español europeo das risa chaval
>Muslims never conquered Spain
Don’t be mad, you might stress out and catch the DEADLY rona
>Germany Serious Critical - - - - 2
We rig the numbers, there is no other way.
It's not time for the happening yet. We're in wave 1 that only kills weak people. Once it mutates and starts killing healthy people we'll be in full kino mode. Hasn't happened yet. All healthy people who have died had underlying conditions or were morbidly obese.
Whatever I wont argue more