High IQ

>high IQ
>high in trait conscientiousness
>still falls prey to addiction and is unable to quit on his own without being forced by people around him
Damn, is there really no escape?

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Be this a redpill for you that 1) willpower is always above everything else and 2) no IQ is high enough to protect you from falling into vices when you are dishonest.

Alright but what the fuck is it?
Innate thing? Something taught?
I don't believe it. I think the only reason I'm not addicted to the same shit Peterson is addicted to is because I've never tried it and never will.
The worst drug I have ever consumed is high-carb food (yes it's a drug, stop coping fatasses) and goddamn it's tough to maintain a mostly carnivore diet with that shit around. I can't imagine what it's like to combat an addiction to antidepressants

It's both.

Never trying obviously bad shit to make it easier for you = willpower.

High IQ is linked to neuroticism, suggestibility and addiction. You're better off being average IQ if you want to be a normie.

its gonna be quite funny when he wakes up form the coma and realize half the population has died from flu

The thing I have noticed is that people with high IQ tend to get bored much more quickly.
A low IQ person playing a videogame will be entranced with it much longer than a high IQ person. The latter will, at some point, start simulating in their head all the possible outcomes and eventually the game won't hold any surprised and it'll become boring.
Just something I have noticed personally, I'm no psychology professor or whatever

>half the population has died
If only

High intelligence is a curse

To be honest he was under a constant deal of stress you can't even begin to imagine, when the whole world comes after you and tries to see you fall.

I understand he would need some kind of outlet, sad that it became an addiction.

The based madman will be back writing a novel.

Hes not smart.

>unable to quit on his own

There are 2 groups of people in this world....

Those saved by the blood of Christ and living in the Grace of God.....and those who aren't.

Understand this point, and 99.9% of life's problems will make sense.

no he obviously got carried away in his self righteousness. taking drugs will always doom you

>Jordan "clean your room" Peterson
>High IQ

hes just psyop to make people believe "if peterson cant do it, how can i?". be strong and reject drugs. its that easy

dumb people create problems, smart people solve problems


>damn, is there really no escape?

maybe he is weaker than you thought he was


You sound like a pussy. Ya'll cowards don't even smoke crack. If you can't do battles with your demons then you're a simpleton.

calm down fellow countryman you dropped our flag in your rage

So your cope for being enslaved by your addiction is that you are "battling with your demon" eh? That's an interesting one

>creepy Kermit voiced weasel who preaches morality and humility to disaffected young men is actually a mentally unstable drug addict

No it's like letting the genie out of the bottle and controlling it. Not every person can, not every person will, but those who do are the ones who get listened to, not your charlatans who "think" they know what they're talking about.

I can relate to that so damn much.

t. went to Harvard, serious coke problem

That doesn't mean you shouldn't wash your penis

Huge cope. If you had any willpower you'd be able to do away with the "genie" and the "bottle" entirely.
Really funny that you think I'm a pussy simply because I'm not addicted to drugs like you are, that's some fucked up logic. I'd break your face with no effort, you copelord junkie.

Yeah the escape is not to get addicted to benzodiazepines like a fucking moron. This guy was a clinical psychologist. He more than anyone should have known what he was getting himself into, only has himself to blame.

>you're addicted because you didn't know that what you were doing could lead to an addiction!
I'm sure it doesn't work that way, you're addicted because you cannot take the withdrawal symptoms.

Guy was a fucking loser. “Sit up straight” wow so wacky and revolutionary. What idiot gets addicted to benzos in 2020? Is he a Soundcloud rapper or something? Good riddance.

Fuck up Christ fag. Grow up.

Just unlucky. Learn from him. It's what he would say.

Who said I'm doing drugs? I called you a pussy simply by saying you're scared to prod the beast with a stick. I don't even consume caffeine faggot.
I know it's only been about a week or so being locked up in your spaghetti cage but get some fresh air bro, you're making mental abstractions based off your own inane imagination.
I'm literally Jung tier smart pastaman.

sounds like a junkie to me

my theory is that low IQ and high IQ both lead to antisocial behaviour, because midwit behaviour is normative.
t. 125 sub-genius brainlet

Opinion discarded. Shouldn't you be on another thread lusting over black cock?

What? He took them despite being an expert in psychology hence he knew what the withdrawals would be like, yet he took them anyway. They’re worse than heroin or crack if you get addicted and if I know this then he must have known it. He’s an idiot who’s reaping the consequences of his stupidity. If he needed to escape reality that badly then he should have just smoked a joint or had a beer.

>The worst drug I have ever consumed is high-carb

The fun part is that, blood sugar can be used as direct measure of willpower. There are hundreds of studies that show consuming sugar allows you to power through negative things. LIke holding your hand in ice water etc.

>immediately starts talking about dicks

>he thinks he is going to wake up

>ends by talking about them
Point proven.


And to add on to that: Doing something that requires willpower will literally reduce the concentration of sugar in you blood.

Also, why was I banned? I never used a vpn

Benzo withdrawals aren’t worse than crack and heroin faggot

Its a click you make at some point where you realize things like saying "i dont believe it" to willpower is actually a fake limit you put yourself. Not unlike Peterson's brand of Jungian Metaphysics, his personificarion of evil and darkness is what gives him an excuse

Yes they are memeflag faggot. It’s not my opinion it’s a quantifiable fact.

>To be honest he was under a constant deal of stress you can't even begin to imagine, when the whole world comes after you and tries to see you fall.
He was under a constant deal of stress because he imagined himself some kind of messiah who will save the kikes from incels radicalized by Yas Forums.

kys npc

It is a resource though. You can train and increase it and there is a limit how far it can take you.

125 isn’t middling though. You sure about that IQ pal?

so literally what happened to this dude, seemed to just fall off the face of the earth after his detox, he ded?

Substance abuse and mild depression are practically synonymous with high intelligence. The smarter you are the more you want to numb the sting of knowledge that plebs can't handle.

Maybe at your Dad’s house

>talks about dicks
>gets called out for having the big gay
>"lol you said it too"
don't do drugs kids

verbal IQ > mental IQ

High mental IQ people just act like spergs when they try to speak. I can sound like I'm smart without actually being smart.

Willpower is what you exert when you keep going at something in spite of attrition. Other names include "discipline", "moxy", "character", "ambition", "morale".

Took the Norway Mensa test on a whim a couple days ago lounging on my bed. Verbal IQ is higher but pattern recognition is decent apparently.


>when you are dishonest
has absolutely zero to do with falling victim to vice

>leaf falls for his lust of cock comment
>continuously outspoken by his lust for cock
>b-b-but you're the gay bro
>h-h-heh I'll c-c-call him a druggie
You should consider joining the meme flags at this point.

The lesson you should take away from this is:
Individualism can't save you

idk user you do sound a little too obsessed with dicks and drugs

Welcome to the international kiked owned anime imageboard where you directed yourself onto a thread about drugs who's forums are moderated by trannies, and you're calling me the faggot? So naive.

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The blind leading the blind

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Will power is ignoring that voice that says "you cant do this" when doing something hard

Most shrinks are mentally unstable prescription drug addicts. This is not news