Close to 20k infected, 50 bodies.
How are we so good at NOT dying? It’s like Stalingrad all over again.
Close to 20k infected, 50 bodies.
How are we so good at NOT dying? It’s like Stalingrad all over again.
During many campaigns in Russia, the death ratio between Germany/Allies and Soviets was 1 to 10.
Germany... the results of stalingrad where not good
Germans are white. Coronavirus doesn't kill whites.
No hidden bodies. These deaths you claim just didn't happen.
total Soviet military deaths 10mln
German 4mln +3mln captured that returned back to Germany.
After Stalingrad when after Stalin 1937purge we learned how to fight and ratio was almost equal.
Hitler killed all captured Soviets by the way
Hans has a stroke
goes to hospital and dies
he also had coronavirus
Germany report: he died because of the stroke
Mario has a stroke
goes to hospital and dies
he also had coronavirus
Italy report: he died because of Coronavirus
Says who? Are you a defeatist?
Bullshit, the chances of a stroke AND corona are extremely low
>How are we so good at NOT dying? It’s like Stalingrad all over again.
You’re actually pretty shit at it.
that's not the point you dumb fucking kraut. Italy is reporting every single death as a Covid death, while instead most of the deceased had underlying conditions
The rest of the planet has less deaths because instead of focusing on the viral infection they're reporting the main cause of death
You're wrong.
50% of death from corona are stroke
>After Stalingrad when after Stalin 1937purge we learned how to fight and ratio was almost equal.
you stopped losing, you didnt stop dying. The germans still killed like 5/1 even at the tail end of the war. There just was so many of you fuckers that taking 5/1 casualties was all it took to win.
germany literally invented half the drugs being used in the world
has the best chemists around (all whites men btw)
chink virus arrives, german doctors say fuck that noise. put chloroquin in the water, azithromycin in the foid supply
no one dies of chink virus in derfatherland.
heil hitler
>more cases than iran already
what the fuck is wrong with this country, why do people keep spreading their coronashit everywhere instead of washing their filthy hands and keeping 2 meters distance from each other
some third world shithole is now better off than germany, what a fucking disgrace
stop spamming this shit in every thread you fucking autist
Daily reminder we even give out a list with the age, sex, and whether they had underlying health issues or not.
And keep in mind the infected are widespread. So no hospital is overwhelmed. Well, at the moment at least.
What am I not getting here? I see it as 53 dead 180 recovered, so almost 1/3 die. I'm assuming not all the cases will recover, so that number is not entirely relevant.
Recovery can take up to four weeks AND our federal system is great for delays in tracking infections and even better in not reporting recovered cases.
Look at other countries, they have 10 to 100 times the deaths but not that many more cases.
>Coronavirus doesn't kill whites.
feels good man
>italy is retarded
Prof. Dr. Hendrik Streeck, a virologist from the University of Bonn, who observed many of the patients from Germany's most afflicted region actually mentioned specifically that one of the earliest patients in Heinsberg who has died was a 78 years old man with multiple pre-existing conditions. He did not die from Covid-19, the virus did not cause a pneumonia, yet he still showed up in the death statistics.
The real reason why Germany sees fewer deaths is because the earliest patients were mostly young-ish, as they got infected during the carnival season, i.e. the average age of patients in Germany was below the average age of the German population as a whole, whereas in Italy it was the other way around.
Also, Germany has been testing for Sars-CoV-2 from the very moment it showed up, which allowed us to contain many infected early. We're starting to fail at this now, but it's well likely that our numbers of infected are closer to the actual numbers of infected.
Still, our death rate is going to rise; it most certainly will if our hospital system ends up failing due to too many cases.
We're not really able to keep track of all recovered here due to privacy laws and federal system chaos. For the same reason we can only "estimate" how many tests we're actually doing because in Germany from the very beginning every minor lab was free to test since there was no centralised agency in charge.
because we know how to burn the bodies like in 1940
Niedersachsen wie ein Fels in der Brandung.
>tfw already 50+ cases in my Niedersächsische town
>The real reason why Germany sees fewer deaths is because
they didnt have a fucking TB outbreak beforehand like the other 3 deadly places
nicht den tag vor dem abend loben.
Just wait, the boomer remover is still hard at work. At least when the fields are cleared the pensions are secured for the future.
>How are we so good at NOT dying? It’s like Stalingrad all over again.
>they didnt have a fucking TB outbreak
I didn't even know about that. If that's true, that would actually be an even better explanation.
Argentina is safu
Italians are part eggplant, and Germans are not.
>the average age of patients in Germany was below the average age of the German population as a whole
This is really interesting. Are statistics about that published somewhere?
you have to commend them for their fighting spirit
They are dying of "Pneumonia" instead of Corona I bet
>oh look it‘s the daily again
Made me kek
Are they dead yet?
Because it's a SARS payload with an HIV delivery system.
People with Germanic lineage are borderline immune, Asians get destroyed. This is why China reacted so harshly and why your government did not.
They are only locking stuff down now because of what is happening in Italy and they need to look like they are doing something otherwise they will be politically crucified
No. Give it a week.
>He believes Iran doesn't have over 100k cases already
user, the Mullahs already admited they can't contain this shit, they are just testing a few thousands to pretend they are doing something
"53" Tote. In Italien hat eine ganze Krankenhausstation zeit um Lieder für das Volk zu singen.
Wollen die uns verarschen?
It should be added that these numbers are fairly outdated now, so we're likely going to see death rates rise within the next week or two significantly as the virus hits the general population.
Did he gas them Ivan?
If we go by Germany's previous behaviour you're gonna find one furnace where a black ops segment of your government burned about 50 bodies and conclude with absolute certainty that 8 gorillion died in the Coofacaust
No. Your pal stalin killed all returned soviet pows, they reminded him too much of his incompetence in 1941.
Meh. Going to surpass Italy in infections, ez.
Could be as many as 12million dead in china
But that's like a ... double holocaust!
This. Italy is just ahead of the curve.
Why are you so good at not winning?
People are forbidden to die in large numbers cause we had to shut down most of our ovens
>We're not really able to keep track of all deaths here due to privacy laws and federal system chaos.
Remember Jungs
Arische Zuchtstute ist arisch
The sovietics casualities reports are not reliable. And by the way, until bagration operation and the end of gernan infrastructure by the allied caroet bombing, sovietics were still loosing a llt of soldiers.