Explain your hatred for islam Yas Forumstards

Explain your hatred for islam Yas Forumstards

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I hate their policy towards women

idk lol

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You think because you post Hitler with a Muslim, that's going to make me like Islam?

I don't even like Hitler.

its gay and cringe

his country() did this
>I don't even like Hitler
kill yourself

Muslims with box-cutters did not bring those towers down you retarded normie-fag.

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Of all the ridiculous bullshit religions, Islam is my favorite.

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>idk lol

Attached: 9-11 jews.jpg (800x597, 43.8K)

It is an infantile approach to religion.
Is a bad ripoff of Christianity and Judaism.
Is fucking retarded when it comes to idolatry.
Cannot even live up to its own 5 pillers.
Was an obvious invention by an epileptic in a cave.
The hadiith is unreliable, and therefore of no fucking use to anyone.

And last but not least--Sharia. This is the greatest reason why Islam is fucking trash.

We don't hate Islam, we just don't want it in our countries. You think Hitler was planning on opening German borders and subsidizing the construction of mosques?

This is masterbait. Good job sir.

wtf are you on about kiwis didnt do 9/11 it was you people. your cunt will stay trash until you get rid of the islam stuff

I don't hate any religion but I hate this OP in particular

>wtf are you on about kiwis didnt do 9/11 it was you people. your cunt will stay trash until you get rid of the islam stuff

Nice try Shlomo.

Attached: Israel did 9-11.jpg (3017x7000, 3.74M)

Islam promotes inbreeding as part of it's religion. Muzzie countries will never go above 80IQ and inbred sand niggers not only damage the genetics of any population they breed in to.

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I think people who hate islam yet claim to be christian are mentally retarded , everyone knows the only proper religion is buddhism

it makes me really sad to read those things about Jesus

So you're telling me you couldn't defeat a bunch of 80IQ inbreeding goat farmers living in caves, in Afghanistan?

NPC faggot.

you are a kike tool regurgitating Yas Forums memes, inbreeding in mena has more to do with nafris and arabs culture than islam, in fact incest is forbidden in the quran.

Hitler did nothing wrong
Islam is shit and abrahamic
Fuck jews
fuck trannies who are also jannies
and fuck the mods

kike faggot

it would be perfect for you as buddhists practice chastity and you have 0 chance of losing your virginity ever

cousin marriages are legal

I hate lies.

Attached: Islam rainbow.jpg (1275x1650, 226.44K)

>Is a bad ripoff of Christianity and Judaism.
Yet more historically and scientifically accurate than the two.
>Cannot even live up to its own 5 pillers.
What 5 pillars? No such thing.
>Was an obvious invention by an epileptic in a cave.
Yeah? I'm waiting for you to prove that statement.
>The hadiith is unreliable, and therefore of no fucking use to anyone.
Hadiths are not a part of Islam.
>Muh Sharia
Please define Sharia for me mutt.

>Islam promotes inbreeding as part of it's religion.
No it doesn't you stupid fucking mutt. The Qur'an doesn't promote inbreeding but it doesn't forbid first cousin marriage either, the same way that the Bible doesn't forbid first cousin marriage. The Qur'an literally says the exact same thing as the bible in that context. Why are mutts so stupid and hypocritical?

Attached: Quran challenge.jpg (600x600, 43.95K)

hitler and islam are based

Attached: on_islam0.jpg (1696x6224, 2.44M)

>would be perfect for you as buddhists practice chastity
No they dont,only autist who want to reach enlightenment do that

cousin marriage isn't incest

Attached: on_islam1.jpg (1336x6290, 2.37M)

It takes too much space in my country.
Oh and the fact that when they go retard, they kill normies although normies dindu nuffin against them. Go alluh akbar yourself in Gaza ffs.

>Hadiths are not a part of Islam.
sahih hadiths are

this only proves that all abrahamic religions are shit

then why are you refusing islam the ultimate truth?

>they kill normies although normies dindu nuffin against them
and that why is that bad?

Oh how mutts love posting this retarded picture that was debunked over 1000 times, SAD!

>sahih hadiths are
No they aren't shitskin, don't start with me.

tell that to

Why are you worshipping Satan?

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Wow your retarded and a liar.

1. Your an apologist hack.
2. You don't even know what the 5 pillars are...what a fag.
3. Was absolutely an epileptic pedo.
4.Hadiths are the 2nd greatest authority in Islam...fag.
5. Sharia means Law...fag.

Islam is joke.

>is debunk
how eye opening

If you really want to be an asshole, at least make it count. Killing normies achieve nothing.

I'm a kike because I don't want shitskins and their religion in my country?

litrally the only difference beween islam and christianit is that muslims actualy follow their religion unlike christians

>Explain your hatred for islam Yas Forumstards
It's non-White and anti-White.

Have fun worshipping the Antichrist.

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Grow up.

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plus you have nothing to contribute to the west

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>Yet more historically and scientifically accurate than the two.
Like "stars are rockets that Allah throw in demons"? Or semen producing in ribs? Or there are 7 skies above us? (literally)
Have you read Quran?

hitlerites are retarded

Islam is just a universalist remake of judaism kek. Also muslims are at war with the west if you had not realized yet, basically a weapon of choice for zionists. Rav David Touitou "Islam is the broom of Israel"

Anyone that hates all kikes is my friend, end of story

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you need to grow up ,also claiming jesus christ is god in human form shows that d clearly dont actually understand christianity

I don't hate Islam but Quran is the most funny and contradictory book I've ever read in my life. I can't believe someone can actually believe that Muhammad is a prophet and not random schizo pervert.

Sufis are pretty based though

Go to bed, Leninade.

Frog education everyone

They preach a false doctrine. Also they fuck goats

how's the weather in Tel Aviv?

If you are over 18, you probably wouldn't pass a reality check

Something to do with the millions of Eastern Europeans they enslaved over the course of many centuries.

Do I really have to?

Muhammad was a liar, a pedophile, and a goat fucker. What else do you need?

>Something to do with the millions of Eastern Europeans they enslaved over the course of many centuries.
the nords and christians also did that