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Parker Foster
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Xavier Watson
for political reasons or actual reasons sheeplet?
Christopher Anderson
Because he's a deep state fear mongering prick who went against his own research paper he published in February. FIRE FAUCI.
Robert Fisher
Bumbling old mfer needs to be fired.
Aaron Howard
Jew = bad
Fire Jew
Jackson Hall
> Fire the white man?
`He should be Surgeon General.
Grayson Wright
for jewish reasons
Angel Smith
Fucking midget
Ethan Perez
No. Fuck you. Fauci is an amazing human being. He's also fallible like any person.
I am working with him right now to finally release the actual treatment and hopefully the actual cure.
If Fauci goes, everyone dies. Everyone might die anyway but at least we have a shot with him in charge.
John Allen
He's the only intelligent person on there. He's single-handedly raising the average IQ in that room to at least 100.
Jackson Bell
Kill yourself kike
Camden Hall
Deep State hates him.
He backs all the travel bans. Tells reporters to STFU.
He's Italian.
William Williams
Oh look the meme flags are really upset now.
Zachary Ward
fire all who dont suck trump balls. we only need head nodders and yes men
Angel Green
Justin Roberts
You're gonna get nuked chinkoid
Brandon Baker
agreed. you can tell by the way he speaks.
Easton Morris
Parker Morales
We know everything.
Cooper Gutierrez
Nah, fuck you. He's based.
Gabriel King
He makes Trump look like a bumbling retard.
Michael Rodriguez
you don't even know how to shill on Yas Forums properly.
You share the same opinions as David Axelrod and Bill Kristol. Kys.
Liam Martin
He's the only competent one running this outbreak control, you retarded red hatter.
Benjamin Reed
Sleazy fearmonger who constantly undermines Trump
Jaxon Turner
>He's the only competent one running this outbreak control, you retarded red hatter.
Is he?
>On the basis of a case definition requiring a diagnosis of pneumonia, the currently reported case fatality rate is approximately 2%.4 In another article in the Journal, Guan et al.5 report mortality of 1.4% among 1099 patients with laboratory-confirmed Covid-19; these patients had a wide spectrum of disease severity. If one assumes that the number of asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic cases is several times as high as the number of reported cases, the case fatality rate may be considerably less than 1%. This suggests that the overall clinical consequences of Covid-19 may ultimately be more akin to those of a severe seasonal influenza (which has a case fatality rate of approximately 0.1%) or a pandemic influenza (similar to those in 1957 and 1968) rather than a disease similar to SARS or MERS, which have had case fatality rates of 9 to 10% and 36%, respectively.2
Andrew White
I know who this is. ALS
Wyatt Taylor
He should fire him, yep! That will show the public that Trump is serious about this pandemic!!!
Andrew Russell
>He should fire him, yep! That will show the public that Trump is serious about this pandemic!!!
The public approves of Trump. You people are retarded.
Nicholas Flores
Deep state liberal fuck
Juan Martin
What? He literally backs every policy decision Trump makes.
> wants the borders closed
> look pissed when Pompeo said Mexican border still open
He's literally more hardcore than Trump is on travel.
He's an 80 year old Italian man.
Brandon Allen
Tyler James
He's comparing different possibilities you illiterate retard he's not saying the death rate is "muh flu-tier"
Jackson Wood
>He's comparing different possibilities you illiterate retard he's not saying the death rate is "muh flu-tier"
He's a fear mongering kike shill that contradicts Trump every chance he can get. He needs to be removed and the amount of shills on Yas Forums defending some 80 year old CDC faggot is really telling.
Zachary Kelly
Based midget doctor please save us from the chink plague
Anthony Baker
Based and redpilled. Fauci is a liberal plant. It's all a media hyped hoax. Ask yourself, how many people do you ACTUALLY know are sick? How many NAMES have there been shared of deads?
William Cooper
I agree he should be fired but if Trump did so it would create too much of a firestorm.
Thomas Morales
I have a crush on Dr birx
Cooper White
THIS right here
Owen Murphy
He's an angry old man. He's the scientist version of this guy.
Doesn't really contradict Trump. He just spins what Trump says.
Jeremiah Lewis
no one is buying it agent chang.
Everyone knows u nigger are spreading disinfo
Jason Gray
David Moore
Why do you keep shilling here?
Carter Clark
Israelis need to be tortured and killed. Assassinate Zionists.
Grayson Sanders
what the fuck happened to Bill Mitchel like I feel he's about to shoot himself two times right in the back of the head
Adam Reed
bluepilled democrat shill
Owen Gutierrez
Bill is redpilled and sees through the lies of the media and shills
Angel Watson
user, I approve of Trump's current performance. He is doing a great job!!!
Zachary Moore
The liberal plant is Birx. Fauci is just in the top demographic that the virus fucks.
> Italian
> 80 year old
> Male
Jaxon Foster
>This guy's a retard because he didn't understand the full scope of the disease immediately.
Red hatters need to be gassed. They are weakening our gene pool.
Nolan Thomas
Jacob Roberts
Who’s als
Leo Gutierrez
Are NIH and DoD DARPA behind the Coronavirus? Given DoD’s control by British QinetiQ, SERCO, WHO, DARPA), the answer seems obvious to an honest observer.
“Human cell line that is exquisitely sensitive to transfection by cloned AIDS RV proviral DNA.”
“Transfection is the process of deliberately introducing naked or purified nucleic acids into eukaryotic cells”
Fauci’s Senior Executive Service (SES) eventual successor at NIH was Malcolm A. Martin, MD wrote in a 1986 article on his research in the Journal of Virology.
Malcolm A. Martin et al. (Aug. 01, 1986). Production of Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome-Associated Retrovirus in Human and Nonhuman Cells Transfected with an Infectious Molecular Clone, Vol. 29, No. 2, pp. 284-291. Journal of Virology.
Robert Davis
CCP is in this thread. Ching chong are pissed Fauci pushed for the ban on Chinese travel.
Charles Brooks
And this bitch who wore a CHINESE SHIRT! on March 9.
Julian Brooks
Carter Gutierrez
Prt. 104-NN. (Nov. 04, 1996). Plum Book, Policy and Supporting Positions. Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs. U.S. Senate, 106th Congress, 2d Session. Y 4.P 84/10:P 75/, PDF p. 153. GPO.
Senior Executive Service (SES) Plum Book, 1996 (Bill Clinton Administration), PDF p. 153
There is an evident FRAUD in the 2000 Plum Book regarding Anthony Fauci’s position.
An evident SES Deception as the administration transitions to George Bush
According to the 1996 Plum Book, there was no “Deputy Director, National” INCUMBENT.
The only incumbent in that Institute was Anthony Fauci.
S. Prt. 106-54. (Nov. 08, 2000). Plum Book, Policy and Supporting Positions. Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs. U.S. Senate, 106th Congress, 2d Session, PDF p. 127. GPO.
Senior Executive Service (SES) Plum Book, 2000 (Clinton Administration), PDF p. 127
Jacob Sanchez
Samuel Hall
Fauci is in on it numbnutCHINKACHINGbot
Owen Jones
fuck China bro, fuck England harder, USA Russia and China all have reason to hate England with their 100 years of humiliation and assassinated JFK and Lincoln and the Tzar and his family
Julian Murphy
>Chink plague shills trying to attack based Dr. Fauchi
Grayson Lee
Wtf is wrong with his voice?
Aiden Jackson
Dr. Malcolm Martin is Fauci’s SES/NIH flunky in the Coronavirus scare, it appears. He’s tied with all The Pirbright Institute (UK) Wellcome Trust and Gates Foundation money that funded the Coronavirus patent.
Given the weaponized Coronavirus upon us, Martin’s expertise is quite telling.
Malcolm A. Martin, M.D. (Accessed Mar. 18, 2020). Biography et al. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.
Martin’s research gets major funding from the largest contributors to The Pirbright Institute, patent holder of the CORONAVIRUS: Wellcome Trust (The Pirbright Institute UK, DARPA, WHO) and Bill Gates.
News Release. (Jul. 29, 2019). Progress Toward an HIV Vaccine. Caltech.
See Caltech snippet showing Martin and NIH receive funds from Gates and Wellcome, funders of The Pirbright Institute coronavirus patent holder U.S. Patent. No. 10,130,701
Caltech, p. 3.
Parker Sanchez
>virology expert has a history of studying viruses
Christopher Williams
throat raped
Joshua Perry
Anthony James
research shows he is using PBB to intentionally mutate virus into weapons
Julian Moore
How many threads are you going to make to try to force this shit? Take your fucking meds. Oh yes, I'm really intimidated by your photoshop skills.
Camden Stewart
the eyes are infinitychan
the beak is a down vote
Isaac Johnson
I agree, he is a manlet and panic shill!
Benjamin Richardson
PBB caused closure of 7 military bases in Michigan in 2016
Alexander Taylor
Fuck off Chinabot. CCP trying to convince people "Fauci Engineered it."
Fuck off assholes.
China wants Fauci replaced with a CCP surrogate that will get the China ban lifted.
Fauci pissed off China because he backs "chemical" independence from China.
Chase Garcia
He a wop from nyc
Kevin Brown
Trump is a fool
he keeps trusting the jew
and the jew
betraying him
dumbest fucker yet
Nathan Campbell
what did he do
Ian Harris
laughed at Trump's deep state joke
Austin Watson
he covered his face in what at first looked like shame and disappointment when trump called the state dept, the deep state dept, so liberals rushed to publish it on twitter, but upon closer watch he is clearly cracking a smile and covering up the fact he is trying not to laugh.
Julian White
He deserves to be jailed into a gulag for that
David Taylor
twitter removed the video
Jordan Murphy
>Everyone who disagrees with me is a Jewish shill, so I am always right
Julian Anderson
Seething Fatass