Many Millennials Remain Unconcerned About Coronavirus — Still Socializing, Dining Out, Dating

> Many Millennials Remain Unconcerned About Coronavirus — Still Socializing, Dining Out, Dating

What's their fucking problem?

Attached: dsfav.jpg (1693x947, 166.44K)

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You should of got the hint when all of their memes are about how they are ok with dying. What did yoy expect?

based millennials. I want an 80% infection rate. I want riots in the streets and piles of bodies to burn. Ill be watching from my comfy happening bunker

I don't see a problem user

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There's already a cure.

The virus is exaggerated to implement martial law.

We aren't good goys.

Yeah fuck the elderly, let's just kill them all right?
What about your own parents, are you OK with them dying?

>New York Post

It mainly kills boomers so who cares?
They didn't care either when importing millions of turks, arabs and niggers.

I'm not an incel like you. I need thots to empty my balls.

>It mainly kills boomers so who cares?
Do you have no respect for the elderly?


Millenials have a death wish. We have simply seen too much degeneracy.

Millenial tard detected.



Attached: Corona chan growth.gif (797x1024, 3.93M)

Fuck boomers.
Didn't you read my second sentence?

Attached: we sacrified space colonization to feed niggers that in return commit disproportionally crime, drain the welfare state and still hate us. thanks boomers 2.jpg (500x668, 154.33K)

They need to go so we can install the new reich.
So yes.

They know they will not die from disease and they don't care if they spread the disease to others because, who cares about others.

It's not the boomers going out and getting sick. Nah, boomers are hiding in their holes, the younger generation if going to gay parties. "Won't happen to me yo!" 2 a week later they are spitting out their lungs. Or just infecting other assholes like them.

Because we know that this is not a big deal.

Drop dead boomer

Millenials and Zoomies are crashing it with no survivors. Sorry boomers, they expect one of us in the wreckage.

china underplayed the lethality to rob of us our wisest generation and our military age population

they wont be singing the same tune when their bankrolling parents drop dead, leaving them all alone

Mainstream media botched coverage of the virus.

Instead of accurately reporting that it was a bioweapon from china and the world should be on lockdown while an imminent threat to humanity was dealt with, MSM decided to report only a fraction of deaths and give people the impression that only boomers can get seriously sick from it.

>TDKR refference in fucking 2020

Fuck off with this shit.

It's not even true, everywhere you look millennials are the ones doing all the "social distancing" while boomers just go do whatever the fuck they want.

Why the fuck should we crush the economy and my social life for some old fucks that are three quarters into the grave already?

Did the boomers?

So what? Never had a cold or a flu?

i hope corona mutates into a lethal Spanish flu like version like that user said in January and infects all these NORMIETARDS !!!

Attached: unnamed (1).jpg (115x125, 2.77K)


Its like they don't trust their goverment...

They're a generation of retarded nihilists, no shit they wouldnt give a fuck.

They're too accustomed to having everything handed down to them and living in good times that don't know the first thing about living in hard times.

Absolutely none. Old people are liars and theives.

Never boomer.

this tho. How long are we prolonging their lives?

Yeah because boomers knew real hardship

I'm fucked because my roommate is a 24 year old woman. She was laid off because of corona. She is not willing to take casual supermarket work. She claims it is the governments job to cover her share of rent. She is also going out every day. Literally just to hang out with her friends etc. She says the threat to her mental health is as real as corona. Then she spends all night smoking weed and watching youtube.

I'm fucking horny. Boomers are doing absolutely everything to cock block us in every way. I'm gonna fuck everything on tinder

>Incompetence, not malice.

Would you be happy if your parents got coronavirus??!

Heartless German.

It actually is as strong as the spanish flu. We are better prepared now. Although it seems being more retarded is going to balance that out


>be boomer
>inherit post WW2 america
>economy is super stronk the stronkest in the world
>demographics are very salvageable and everybody mostly gets along
>90% of the constitution still exists
>universal goal of america is the space race
>life is not even on ez mode but tutorial mode which is basically impossible to fuck up
>pull yourself up by your bootstraps is actually possible
Fast forward to today
>economy is in the gutter, most people live paycheck to paycheck
>demographics are a complete dumpster fire which will almost certainly result in either a race war or a south africa style white genocide
>constitution isn't really a piece of paper anymore but merely bits and scraps of pieces left
>universal goal of america is now gibs and kill whitey
>life is now on hard mode for anybody that didn't get any headstarts
>pulling yourself up by your bootstraps isn't possible anymore because the boots are gone

absolutely not

Bullshit - it's almost exclusively GenZfags

Kick her out.

Who could have foreseen the results of a low-trust, low-iq, multicultural, materialistic society?

I'm 22, why would I put my life on hold for this fucking nothing burger flu? This is clearly some psyop to panic boomers and steal more freedom
Im not staying in my fucking house the government dosent have the authority to make me

The whole "it only kills the elderly" thing is based off data from the Chinese Gov't, correct? What are Italy's numbers on this?

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based. fuck boomers freaking out over this weakass virus

yeah, quarantine is not a happening, in fact it is the opposite. Happeningfags don't want predictable things that are terrible, they want people to be losing their minds. f happeningfags just wanted people to die they could do live that everyday by following any number of the wars

>why isn’t everyone a mentally ill happeningfag

>Future looks so bleak the young don't care if they die
Yea basically

You ungrateful person, you got it all handed to you on a platter. The Internet that gives you all info on Earth, a smartphone which makes you almost superhuman, and you still complain. Our parents didn't have any of this!

You are probably a basement dwelling NEET and you are going to be forced into quarantine

enjoy your permanent lung damage you liberal vermin

IDK but I want to find out too.

>all these 40+ year old boomers going full Greta

LMAO, you're exactly like her.

Attached: Greta.gif (480x270, 733.58K)

Last heard average age of casualty was 81.

the virus is not like 9/11 as a happening as some idiots like to say, rather it is like the beginnings of the hiv/aids epidemic, but instead of casual sex it is socializing in general

>What about your own parents, are you OK with them dying?

Attached: 156165498.png (1000x1200, 1.88M)

>Would you be happy if your parents got coronavirus??!
You have to be 50+ to have parents that are in their 80ies (this is how old most corona victims is)

Based. Kill lthe boomers

Attached: zoomerboomer.jpg (552x308, 18.21K)

>Dining Out
Where? Restaurants are closed or take out only.

Yeah, but that's from the Chinese numbers, right?
Italy's data is the o ly one that's actually reliable.


>Sao Paulo, a city with 12.8 million inhabitants
>Every single company demanding their employees go to work normally every day
>Subways crowded with people
>Same absurdly high traffic as always
>Government decretes commerce closes down, people still open "secretly" (aka turning the lights off and letting people inside in little groups)
>Old people (>45) simply don't give one single flying fuck about the pandemic, don't even wash hands/clothes after getting home from the streets
Yeah ok blame it on those 20yo's, how dare they go outside

Hapooner projection
Okay retard

I've got a fat savings ready to buy a house. I can't wait for all the estate sales to flood the housing market.

That must be the 3659th post claiming there is already a cure I see here.

>"So what that you don't have the opportunity to have a good job, your own house, and 4 kids! You have the internet filled with propaganda and censorship, Porn and media that destroyed any chance of a healthy family or relationship, a tracking device that collects info on how you think and tracks your location but also lets you call someone (Which is also monitored). You won't even be able to retire and will have to work until deaht! Our parents didn't have any of that you ungrateful prick!"

>boomers using virus as an excuse to usher in the totalitarian dictatorship they have been dreaming of since Reagan


99% of deaths had comorbidities. High blood pressure, diabetes, obesity. If those are as common in america as stereotypes have lead me to believe, good luck.

Fuck it I'm on vacation and I do what I want, no you aren't lockin me down, homie
You r lucky I don't have my piece on me

The same elderly who shifted all manufacturing to shitskin countries and allowed uncontrolled immigration to western countries

Well I doubt many millennials live with their parents m8.

Based brazil not giving a fuck about corona hoax

The ones doing it are leftist retards.

>and the boomers be like

Attached: 1584592804630.png (897x431, 47.58K)

Heartless is refusing to get enough children so you can finance your hedonistic lifestyle
while importing millions of violent shitskins without background checks
who also eradicate the salary of the middle class
for your kids and grandkids to deal with
while you got to enjoy growing up in a functioning homogenous society.

That is truly heartless. I have a heart because it bleeds about the absolute state these retards have put it in.

Attached: der boomer.png (968x634, 210.26K)

>What's their fucking problem?
The Tide Pod diet wiped their brain cells

Attached: 1568352519621.jpg (500x750, 87.79K)

I need to see my girflriend, but we've been together for 11 years. Still, we both live with our parents because we don't have the money to go to live together. I miss her too much.

Are you actually 50 years old?

>it's real
>wild infection rates that devastate the population
>it's a trumped up nothingburger
>wanton disregard for government's bullshit

There's literally no downside. Quit being a fag.

That's Gen z you senile fuck


Their life revolves around getting the confirmations from friends that they never got from their weak parents.

It's been the most ridiculous thing I ever saw in my life so far
>No more masks anywhere to be found, of any kind
>Everyone on the streets wearing paper masks like that was supposed to save them from being infected
>People ordering 20-packs of toilet paper at every supermarket
>People hoarding water and canned food
>Go outside
>Bars, restaurants, companies, streets, the subway, buses, all packed with people to the brim
Like, pick one, either you have a zombie apocalypse scenario or not, you can't have both it's just the stupidest thing ever

They don't care about infecting boomers, and in fact, secretly hope that their parents catch COVID 19 from them and die, so they can dip into their inheritance for weed/shrooms/games/pizza.

Theres a shitload of drigs that are very effective against the flu, doesnt take much to rediscover them.

I am a millenial but I'm paranoid and got into prepping and survival so I was preppared for this long ago. I'm comfy watching normalfags panicking and the world burn from my house

there's a couple problems.

1. The feeling of invincibility you get as a youth.

2. Coupled with the disinformation from the government, CDC, and WHO which has been spread to stop panic

If you've been following the data and extrapolating information for yourself and are epistemologically sound, you've already prepped. Of course, the youth dosn't really have time for this, nor do most Americans.

honestly yes, they beat and abused me and are shocked that im a neurotic mess.
those psychopaths deserve to die.

>dining out
Where do they live? Government closed everything down where i live.

So are they going to drum up more fake articles and stats about 20 year olds dying em mass in France. When just the day before it was literally 1/1000 hospitalized.

Cause the virus is fake