Have video games ruined an entire generation of men?
Have video games ruined an entire generation of men?
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I mean.... I’d cum on it...
Not any worse than sitting on Yas Forums for 8 hours a day.
so an improvement
Follow up question (and this should have been your original question)
>have women ruined an entire generation of video games?
Link has always been a twink
Why is Link dressing like that
has society ruined men? yes. The video games are just an outlet, just like books, or shooting. the real issue is the society. The jewish political parties and system, the jewish currency, the jewish social climate, the whole nine yards. If hitler was alive he would take all the men who are playing video games, rally them up and dismantle the political parties by force whenever the opportunity saw fit.
whites are faggots even in videogames
Because he does it in the Breath of the Wild game
Two-Three generations
looks like a great many, yes.
They certainly haven’t helped, but liberal and feminist culture is what truly fucked them up. Video games are just a coping mechanism
Comic porn is even more faggy than video games. No sympathy for comictards
Because he's cute
Link no
He has to sneak into a women only Gerudo town during the latest game and crossdressing has been a part of Japanese culture since forever.
westernshit is always bad but you're missing the point in relation to videogames and women attacking them retard
Sealguy is based. He draws athletic sissies just how I like them
Would fuck link and cum on his boipussi
Quick! Recommend me some trap artists I can commission with my Trumpbux.
wish he drew footjobs
Not the shitty one in OP
>Have video games ruined an entire generation of men?
More like current generation of men ruined video games.
>posting armpit pussy this early in the day
user, please,
>link now in fanart, not any official art or game
you are just playing the wrong game
An improvement. He never got to bang the princess, so he became the princess.
Remember to report all degeneracy-peddling tranny posters.
If you wouldn't suck gwendolin's cock ur a fag
That's fkin tragic like it's literally every tranny ever, seeing they screwed up big time
Also this.
The future of elven males
Western games have almost always been shit. Based Nips promoting heterosexuality
implying you wouldnt
ummm vidya just prepared alot of gamers in NYC for the worst possible scenario and....It's Happening. How is that bad?
Any man who ever even considers the opinion of a woman is a complete faggot.
Imagine bitching about the ramblings of women
ff7 did it first
also the gerudo society only lasts 1 generation because they are all dykes
No you absolute fucking faggot shill
Video games in the late 90s early 2000s were fucking based and gave young millennial men a positive masculine communal space to feel accepted by amidst the general degeneration of wider culture
First games I ever really got into hardcore were FFVII and MGS 1 both ABSOLUTELY BASED with great archetypical masculine characters full of heroism and intrigue
Gaming somehow remained immune to the vile leftist Jewish deconstructionism until around 2008, the slowly everything began to get corrupted into the tranny faggot clown car that modern gaming is today
Last genuinely based mainstream games were probably Dark Souls and Skyrim, both 2011
After that everything has been utter fucking poz so yes modern gaming is trash but the industry used to represent the last bastion of pro masculine positive culture with amazing creativity and ideas that resonated with my generation massively
I still feel a lot of fondness for the industry and am proud that gamegate caused so much strife for the left because they FUCKING DESERVE IT for ruining something so rare and special
Fuck this thread and fuck this clowned world everything I ever found appealing or loved has been ruined by the Jews but I them the most for ruining gaming
I’m autistic as fuck so I don’t expect a lot of you dude bros to understand so inb4 uncle have sex blah blah blah
I’m probably an unironic Nazi now and all I play is the occasional round of XCOM
Why did they make me do this I just wanted to play videogames
No, anime has.
Gangbangs are cuckshit.
It's both
Daily reminder Nintendo actually hates homo freaks like you (and don't even deny you are a fag, you are not fooling anyone but yourself) and Link doesn't look like that in the game at all.
They were holding a mirror up to homos' faces by making them dress like a dumb-looking girl while surrounded by real girls who look like 10/10 sex goddesses. Only a real faggot could still focus on Link like that instead of realizing how much better women are.
We already had video games in the 90s and even 70s and 80s. People were fine back then. It's the rampant anime faggotry in combination with media propaganda and normalization of faggot shit and porn.
would destroy that bussy
Imagine being gay enough to NOT fuck the one on the right, baka.
I'm 100% sure nintendo did it on purpose seeing how people like traps now.
Pretty sure you need to be attracted to men to be a homosexual
>n-no but you fap to drawing which has no relation to and looks nothing like real life!
You're just projecting your own insecurity
Jew food is poison, too. Also, lack of meaningful work.
The Gerudo(except the lolis) are gross hoes.
Gerudo leave the village to fuck Hylian men. The result is always Gerudo females. Its like the Clayr
Those hours are well spent talking to my internet frens, the anonymous gangbangers of the 21st century.
>Last genuinely based mainstream games were probably Dark Souls and Skyrim, both 2011
This, and even then the cracks were starting to show with Mass Effect 3 and the journo response to people hating the ending
I know it's a meme but Nintendo fags are the most cucks. I don't know why. Some Life is Strange fans on the same level as nintendofags.
PC master race tho. I like turn base strategies, and sanbox shit with crafting like Rimworld and Kenshi.
Has rap/hiphop ruined an entire generation of women?
Why are 3D trannies disgusting but 2D ones hot and fappable?
Bingo that Mass Effect ending shit was the first shot fired in gamergate
Journos accused gamers of being entitled when that ending was a piece of shit and an insult to the fan base
Weebs are even worse than the bioweapon about to wipe us all.
Neither anime or vidya is the cause, and they're casuals at both, they'd be tranny furries, diaper fetishists, or /tg/fags without either hobby.
The cause is being able to validate their mental illness with other loons like themselves thanks to the internet. Society deciding they're not crazy and that everyone against it is a bigot only made it far worse.
No. I cut my teeth on BattleTanx. I am a Class V Mototank operator, and I have 6,309 proven Goliath kills.
My name is Griffin Spade, battle lord.
Maybe you've heard of me. When the armor rolls in, I'll be there.
And they sold you an incomplete game, the bastards made the Prothean character gameday DLC/special edition and after that ending they literally had a message that said "enjoy our DLC!" Citadel and Leviathan should have been part of the game, we shouldn't have to pay $100 to get a complete game
deus ex, Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura... these games redpilled thousands people. while there are companies that make childish games, others make games for adults. if people are childish because of nintendo, you shouldn't blame rockstar for that.