Why is America so fucking evil?
Why is America so fucking evil?
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why don't you mind your own business you nosy little shithead?
Because it can afford to be
Don't be fucking communists and it won't happen. You'll thank us later
Imagine how shitty it would be if we didn't save your ass from all those commies. Your welcome.
They are ZOGged mutts
fuck off shekelstein
Thank you for killing thousands of poor innocent people for your own interests, America. You're the best!!
well they hate leftists so why not
you know who else hates leftists and loves capitalism?
This is pure propaganda, our military regime had nothing to do with the CIA and it was done to purge the unironic commie president and the terrorist guerrillas fucking shit up everywhere, in fact the USSR had much bigger influence around here at the time.
It was disclosed later on as a CIA psyop. The military lied about their plans of toppling the commie retardthen calling new elections shortly after that, so the brazilian idiots gave them support. When the time for new elections came, the militards told people to fuck off.
I guess CIA also placed those terrorists, made the president buddy-buddy with China during the Cold War, made him try to pass communist bills and planted documents about Brazil in KGB's files.
simple, after the world wars and the collapse of the old european empires we became the global hegemon of the west, we may not even have become the monsters we were if it wasnt for the antithesis of our being, the red menace. If we didnt act as a counter balance against the communists most (potentially all) of latin america would have gone red, asia red, africa red, and western europe would have been in peril of falling to the red menace.
The threat of the communists mutated us into being the evil you know and love today, and I think our elite got comfortable with being the global hegemon
Why is OP always a faggot.
The entire map is vastly overstating the role the US had in every coup and downplaying the crimes of the people getting coup'd.
OP is gay as fuck
You are a massive brainwashed moron if you actually think US military involvement is altruistic and trying to help people and spread freedom instead of trying to help themselves.
They think they have the right to all of the continent.
Thus they call themselves America rather than the land of the fat basedboys.
ofcourse, the authors of OP's pic is made by literal card carrying communists and in standard fashion for their kind, denying their crimes and pointing the finger at the other. This exact behavior exists with all groups like that. See, turks when you bring up what they did to the armenians, tankies when you bring up hololdomore
When you get into this level of political argument, dinduism becomes the norm
>killing commies
Communism would've been much much worse.
Defending crony capitalism in the interest of you elite.
yes, its evil
While thinking you're a freedom fighter
and retarded too
lol, the reason we did all that shit is because the government wanted a source of produce for the winter months in the U.S. if people have to be self sufficient and plan ahead for the winter, it naturally makes them less dependent on the government. so now our supermarkets are filled all year round and people think this is a good thing because of "convenience" without realizing that it was the result of thousands of killings, infiltration, spying and blackmail.
Never said it was motivated by altruism. The effect was dead commies though, which is good for everyone in the long run.
Better than us getting nuked dipshit, because then we'd have to nuke you back.
The whole fucking north and south american continents would be GLASS if we hadn't done what we had. Is that the world you wanted to see?
Why cant south American grow food instead of drugs in their year round growing seasons? Why are south Americans lazy and want free gibs? Why do they always vote in communist/socialist dictators that run drugs and become such a problem we have to intervene?
Why are Central and South Americans incapable of creating even one functional country or government?
thanks Dad, they just don't understand us
>thank you for killing a bunch of subhuman shitskins
you're welcome!
there is a lot more of that infographic for example in my country they did with the Plan Condor and gtfo one of our greatest presidents VELASCO ALVARADO who was a full Nationalsocialistic man USA has fucked up latin american hundred of times we could have been a totally independent south american nationalist and autarchic if it wasnt for the USA it is right for us to go to his country and do what we want, Usa is a shit country and just a golem for the kikes we are doing the work they cant do in their own country fucking cucks
56 .... where else have we seen that number?
Half of these are conspiracy theories, the other half is shit the governments of SA asked us to do
really? You really think that? We just wanted stable imports of bell peppers, grapes, and other crap in the winter? The soviet union was spreading its power rapidly. If the US lost all its global power and influence in the face of entities like the ussr we would risk becoming a rump state, a bitch to a foreign power. Or worse, put under the total control of the soviet union. It was do or die
Weak nations like those in latin america were doomed to be the bitch of either the US or USSR
the reason niggermuts like u did this is because u need weak countrys for you to explote our resources now u cry because muh insecurity and muh drugs dealers u did this lmao
this macaco of course will suck the usa cock like the good slut with 0 patriotism he is
usa kikes are trying to spam this thread like always
american mutts cant argue with me because their education is the worst of America I would rather speak with a macaco from the favelas than a degenerate mind poisoned cuck north burguer
Retard hes defending us
No you really are a faggot.
no u
>Everyone who disagrees with me is a shill.
Nope you're just a faggot.
hello kikes
muh coup
Not really. It's still implying that we had partial responsibility for the coups, when everything about them was completely justified. A half informed opinion is worse than a complete retard spouting nonsense.
I kek'd
Youre scum
they grow anything down there, they have the perfect climate for almost any crop. the soviet influence wouldn't have made any difference for a country as large and well defended as ours. so many Americans like you seem to think that we need other countries to survive, when we don't. or at least we didn't back then, when we had a reasonably sized population and it was 90% white and self-sufficient.
This just sounds like deflection
well pretty much all those countries would strongly disagree about US interference doing any good.
>inb4 some ironic faggot starts boasting
We were competing with the soviets for power and influence on the global stage. If we didnt make latin america our bitch the soviets would have. Now the USSR is gone and the whole world rides uncle sams dick
>muh neo liberalism.
Stfu burger. Remember when rock and roll was a communist ploy, that's how much your government brainwashed you idiots.
The US will never tolerate some form of strong hispanic country in America, or a enemy regime.
The irony is, while they are doing that, they are also turning into a hispanic country. But then again, serves them right, you can't have your cake and eat it, and those fucking gluttons ate half of Mexico, Florida, Puerto Rico and so on.
Its not america its the controlling waspjews which own it hence why i have a massive distrust of union jacks on here
source questionable
PR part of US
Canal Zone part of US until recently
>live in mexico
>deride others for crony capitalism
Awww, did somebody's commie daddy get lined up and shot by the freedom brigade?
Why is Central and South America so inferior?
Oy gevalt
>countries have minds and a mouth and you can speak with them and ask them questions
Rock and roll is degenerate garbage that was pushed by jews to degrade the culture and pave the way for Marxism. This is known as cultural Marxism you dumb kike.
tell me 1 commie that your country help us to rid them
whatever schlomo I meant the people in those countries.
Nobody cares about communistas
the shills saying the same thing
If the US didn't do any of these interventions they'd be complaining over them letting it happen.
>the soviet influence wouldn't have made any difference for a country as large and well defended as ours
>so many Americans like you seem to think that we need other countries to survive
there is a difference between having the neighbors down south from us being neutral and otherwise docile (like it was for the most part before the cold war) and risking them falling under the control of a hostile entity whose main goal was to spread across the entire earth. If most of the neutral world went red in the cold war we would risk falling to their influence aswell. Communism at its core is an idea that spreads and propagates like a virus, the main way to fight it is containment. If we failed to contain it there would have been potential we would have caught this ideological sickness and fallen ourselves.
It wasnt about god damned food which we could produce ample quantities of ourselves in the half a content that we control, it was about containing a sickness that could have affected us. Innocent people had to suffer for it but the question remains. Would it have been better to allow the red smear to spread uncontrolled? Risk a hololdomore and great leap forward in every nation? Or to have gone down the path we did and influence nations through force and regime change.
name 1 south american commie that u have killed
Cultural marxism doesnt exist. It's an oxymoron.
>le orange man bad no matter what huh? Fallacy