How do you cope with not being American?

How do you cope with not being American?

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>Martial Law over the flu
I wish I wasn't American right now.

>I won't get homeless because of medical bills
>I have 30 days of paid vacation and a whole lot of other employees rights
>I most likely won't get shot
>My food is not filled with high fructose corn syrup and other shit
Pretty good so far

Oh yeah a truck of peace is definitely preferable to getting shot

It is honestly, 1 truck of peace dince germany was created vs mass shootings every other day
Idk chief one is objectively better than the other.

Nice meme answer again, don't you want so say anything about black cocks too?

well if americans can say they are 1/2 - 1/4 scottish then i can say i am 1/2 american. I have already been approved by an american on Yas Forums who has pink nipples

By traveling to mexico every summer to cross the border and working as a kitchen cleaner in Miami.
Feels good man

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>How do you cope with not being Muslim?
What's the difference? Any case I don't want it.

By immigrating of course

So basically you wish to be African? Even South American countries are going into marital law.

>cross the border from mexico
> to miami
lol check out this cunt's geography knowledge

No idea

Its easier to cross by water, from Cancun straight to florida.

I bomb people

Why don't Americans just shoot incoming boats? I don't get it.

>Africa now has more freedoms than America
If that doesn't make you queasy, you have no guts left.

Most of the time border patrol doesn't even stop incoming boats if they're small enough. The guy that transports us has been doing it successfully for over 15 years.

Not being a FAT pig is enough burgers

Every day is misery.

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Most of the mass shootings (as defined by 4+ peolle being shot/dying) that occur are nigger on nigger in large metro areas. The media ignores shootings that occur between basketball Americans and instead blow every white on white shooting out of the water. Pic very much related.

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By being an American

By fucking one. She'll be here in a minute

Crazy. Is the money really nice? I thought only high skill jobs can make good money in America.

>being this brainwashed

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I literally can't. It's just not fair

What's your definition of freedom, you nigger? The constitution was literally written with the Commerce Clause to expressly allow the president to take extreme actions enforcing section 361 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S. Code ยง 264) in these circumstances. It was much more extreme between 1918-1920, there were a total nationwide quarantines enforced by police and military in the streets with masks.

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> I don't have to pay to go to hospital
> I don't have to pay to go to college
> I eat organic unprocessed foods everyday
It's hard but I manage user


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>What's your definition of freedom, you nigger?
I don't know, is being allowed to leave my house and live my life an apt definition?

Loicense for the cope, lad?

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Organic foods (Aliment biologique) is much more rare in France than America, don't lie.

I dont want to be linked to kikes and serve them as protector .

But do you wear deodorant?

You missed a fuckload in that pic there were 438 mass shootings in the US in 2019

Its somewhat of a minimal wage by US standards, but my country is very poor so for me its more than enough to live here from 6 to 8 months, and to cover transport expenses

No, not in the circumstance of a widespread communicable illness. Just like the "border exception" absolute freedoms result in fewer freedom for society at large. You sound like these wetbacks saying that crossing the border illegally is your "right to movement".

I have composed a masters thesis that reaches its peak in caps lock hysteria about americans being dumb pigs regarding the kinder egg product even though I'm fully aware it was banned do to regulatory laws and if you search for child kinder egg deaths all you will find is a 3 years old french girl
>t. every yurostarve

Every supermarket has an organic-only area, even small ones.
Also I source my organic grass-fed meat directly from the farmers. Quality food is much cheaper here than in the SF Bay area where I used to live.

Freedom of movement is as American as apple pie and baseball.

>Not having to live near fat fucks
>Not having to worry about getting shot
>Not having to pay for an ambulance
>Not having to slave for paycheck by paycheck just to afford rent
>Not having to worry the entire world will hate me when I go traveling
>Not having to dodge millions of aggressive niggers and mestizos
>Not having to die for for Israel
>Not being uneducated and actually learn shit in school

Good news, plenty of 56% whites for you to go. Mine looks quite like this.

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>Not having to worry about being locked in your own home or else you'll be executed for a stupid flu
I wish I could be Australian. Or anywhere else.

I unironically would hate to be American

I wanted to be american as a child...
Then I grew up and saw how shit life is there. I've got Yank froemds who csnt afford to be sick, seen other septics begging for money on social media to pay their bills.Fuck that. I live on an island that's almost entirely Scottish. Have a working hospital, can afford my mortgage and have a nice school for my daughter.

Life is comfy

It's not like we don't have any unprocessed foods, it's just that processed crap is cheap and the average american is too lazy to cook

We have Bolsonaro. We get raped by America like everyday. It's kind like being american.

Australia is pretty much america except:

>BBQ, Beer, swimming pool and bikinis are a human right
>Stricter immigration and an entire ocean to protect our borders
>Cheap holiday vacations right around the corner.
>Higher wages. Lower living cost. Higher living standard.
>Soldiers dont slave for Israel

holy motherfucking based

Pretend that as a leaf i am basically American...

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You pussy ass cuck faggots gave up your guns. You're nothing like America.

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>Australialians be like
>Hurrr durrr we are free to live as we choose, until we're not free to live as we chose anymore. BTFO USA!

It's to avoid people with complications from getting killed by the virus, retard.

Don't you have a hospital to be in?.

I just take it one day at a time

usa number one

God I would love to be literally anything else besides African or Turkish.

Very well. I'm glad that I'm a Canadian.

Aren't you more scared than anyone else right now? Aren't you scared of the end of the world more than anyone else?

usa will be latin american country in 2 generations

So does the US, funny how quickly you shifted goalposts when you find an American that actually knows about your country. Also you niggers, even the middle class eat McDonald's, albeit less.

mutt pls