Inb4 these same assholes are screaming for suspension of foreclosures. Maybe should have budgeted better

inb4 these same assholes are screaming for suspension of foreclosures. Maybe should have budgeted better.

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>300 properties
Maybe you shouldn't be so greedy.

>US government stops foreclosures on their properties

speaking as someone who already owes his landlord over 3k this couldnt have come at a better time.

Commie pieces of shit

if they cant evict renters they should not foreclose on property owners. this is just common sense and Im a poor renterfag. Of course I won't pay rent now this bullshit psyop killed my business.

Stop being such a fucking Jew. People are losing their fucking jobs and CAN'T pay rent you heartless piece of shit.

Talking about the back rent, she won’t be getting front rent, none of it. Corona virus came and went, didn’t pay the rent, and out the door I went.

>jewish slumlord gets jewed
God is in his Heaven and all is right in the world.

>want to be a capitalist
>dont have enough capital to weather a storm
>be mad you'll go bankrupt and that someone with capital will buy all your assets for pennies on the dollar

Fuck off (((landlord)))

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You can’t evict us all

This piece of shit has over 300 properties and is crying because some niggers will not pay rent for 1-2 months lol

I hope he gets killed by corona

Lol I bet he rents to beaners and niggers, destroying white communities for money. Fuck him and fuck all you slumlord faggots.

>300 properties

Imagine being such a fucking parasite. How about you get a fucking job, you piece of shit?

i have probably made more money in the years 2012 - 2017 than you ever will in your life.
sometimes bad things happen to good people?
the only reason its just 3.5k is because i had savings.


>anyone who doesn't like landlord jewish parasites is a communist!
If being a capitalist means I have to be a jew then I'll gladly stay a national socialist.

Their credit will be fucked then .

being a landlord should be made illegal

the problem is the taxes and utilities. towns can't operate without property taxes and for apt buildings they are extremely high. my water bill for one of my buildings is $12k a year and the property taxes are $100k a year, $25k every quarter, for one building. the trumpbux need to go directly to the landlords because these shitbags will spend it on bling and phones.

what's a budgeted? i just have money and spend it.

boo fucking hoo

With 300 rent payments they'll be making an absolute minimum of £99,000 a month. It's not like more than 14% of their clients are going to bail on payments, so they'll just have to make do with a minimum of £85,140 per month for the next 28 weeks or so.

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Fuck landlords. They’ve been happily absorbing ridiculously high rent for decades. Maybe they should have set some aside for hard times. Also if you don’t own your investment properties free and clear, you’re doing it wrong.

Its likely one apartment complex has over 100 tenants. He has 300 complexes

That's literally it.
He built cheap housing in the middle of a small white-majority town and gets subsidies for it.
Meanwhile the wealthy whites left for other places to raise their kids while the less well off whites must shoulder the new higher crime rate and search for a way out.

Burn the parasites.

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Renting always seemed to me to be a vulture way to make an income anyway.

It's a market that depends on people not being able to own a home of their own.


Go ahead, call me commie
You are not going to get paid

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I'm curious if adverse possession can apply to people that stopped paying rent. If renters can just use the quarantine order to basically get a free property. Because those would be some spicy legal disputes in 2022.

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Well, fuck, add two zeros onto his "hardship" then. How will he survive on ~£8,514,000 a month? What a fucking joke.

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Lol no

Just stop

Realistically, there would be thousands of homeless if they threw them out. That would not be in the interest of anyone. Yeah, the landlord is missing out on payment, but he should be happy they don't smash the windows and pour cement down the toilet on the way out.

>Landlords in 2009
This is a national CRISIS. Please daddy government, we need you to step in and put a national BAN on foreclosures!!!! but don't call it socialism ok...

>Landlords in 2020

They’re in a great place right now too. Home values are going up faster than I can save up a down payment.

Everyone's will be, and if everyone has bad credit, it is meaningless.

I hate landlords as much as anyone, but being able to rent a place to live is real nice, if you think about it. I don't know how to build a house and I don't want to live in the woods or under a bridge, so I try to keep my rent paid on time.

You're a dumb nigger, thats what it means.

>"I deserve money for nothing because I took all the risk"
>risk comes along

Most likely he rents to poor niggers and spics, single white females with children in low income places. Government will stop subsidizing them.

Im kind confused about this.
Do you want state housing?

To be fair, if tenants can stall rent, landlords are well within their rights to stall maintenance.

you think he just pockets $8 m / mo?

literally this

Gonna have to suspend property taxes.

fucking stupid faggots have a cure, and won't use it, so instead the entire fucking nation turns upside down?

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>well within their rights to stall maintenance.

Have you ever rented dude? lmao

Man oh man, do I love hearing a landlord's lament. Chop, chop, piggie. It's over 4U

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Can't pay rent if the housing association doesn't exist.

Getting someone to a property right now may not be an option anyway.
Not alot of people willingly going on house calls.

Yours is not an Ohio flag, so you will still have to pay

>stall maintenance.
lol. And nothing changes

Talk about caring for your fellow American in a time of crisis. His jew nose is showing.

Maybe its this weed I'm smoking but like, imagine if all landlords - and their properties - suddenly disappeared. Where would you go? Odds are you don't know how to build a house, so you would just have to live in a subway tunnel with the clowns.

Fuck off nigger. People can't work.

>Government will stop subsidizing them.
Ironically the unemployable are the only ones outside of designated Key Workers who are left with guaranteed pay days for the next three months or so. Almost everyone else has a big question mark over them. It's getting to the point where this government is seriously suggesting reverse taxing workers, a sort of micro-UBI.

>tfw Key Worker in a designated corona-chan hosptial, woo hoo~

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>i cant replace a toilet flush valve or a thermostat in a stove
i can smell the soi on your breath over the internet

they've also cancelled foreclosures during this time. it's just rich fucks bitching they won't get their easy money to live large off others slavery

no they have done the same here.

State won't suspend property taxes, he's still paying for your schools and roads and FD.
Buildings won't stop needing repairs from dindus who shit in the shower.
Insurance won't stop requiring monthly payments.
Am I missing anything?

The part where he won't end up on the streets.

Get fucked kike.
I'd usually be on your side but this is the risk that you take of being a landlord. If you can't afford it then you're really no better than the losers that you like to shit on.
You faggots are parasites.

>charge people like 5x what their room is worth monthly
i hope you all suffer, fuck you people wringing the money out of everyone else and then crying like jews when the fees that you enacted to make people live paycheck by paycheck stop people from being able to pay you.

Why exactly is this a good thing? Although based on the responses in this thread it seems Yas Forums is pretty retarded.

this. people should only be able to rent out a second home if it's used for vacations or short term not long term residency. landlords should be abolished

This. Isn't that bullshit line they tell everyone else? yOu ShOuLd HaVe SaVeD uP

I will do all that shit without asking, if it's my property. If I have a contract, I probably won't, because I don't want the liability if it's fucked up before I touch it.
And do you think for a second that most renters are renting because they know how to keep a building?
You can't smell anything, the Corona has gone to your brain.

If he has 300,000 tennants paying out at the lowest UK rent of around £340/mo and around 14% are on zero contract hours likely to take advantage of the civil courts de facto closing down, then sure. Unless I've skipped a zero or something?

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Shoulda budgeted better, buddy

let the burning of all properties and their inhabitants begin!!

How do you know that? Just because he made his business organizing housing doesn't mean he doesn't have bills, or parents who may be sick.
It's amazing how you project the worst onto people you don't know, because they were successful at something.

It's hard to feel sorry for property owners who rent out since they've jacked the housing price to be 3x it's actual worth.

Because he’s one of those “net worth” millionaires who uses aggressive lending tactics and is highly leveraged with probably zero in reserves. These people can honestly eat a fucking dick.
This micro depression has really exposed those who are over levered. Let them die I don’t care. I’ll keep paying my rent because I’m not a scumbag and because I keep a solid 3 months living expenses in cash, plus have other means of liquidity because there’s no fucking bailouts for workers like me.

Chances are he doesn’t “own 300”, the bank does. He has loan payment, property taxes, insurance, on top of maintenance.

One bourbon, one *coof* scotch, one beer

>inb4 you don't understand muh high costs of ownership
these fucks act like they rent from the goodness of their hearts and are doing it as a charity and not because they are getting rich off it

Why do people rent to niggers? I own 23 properties that I rent out for cheap, and I only rent to White people. If you get black applicants, the $25 credit check fee usually takes care of the problem. If not, I can just refuse to rent to them.

>yeah, people should be locked into being poor like I am, they shouldn't try to get things better in their lives by taking risks and working hard. nobody can be above my economic situation if everyone is forced to be equally poor.

Good luck finding new tenants in an economy that is projected to contract by 14% in Q2. Thank you greedy landlords for crashing the housing market, and parts of the banking sector with your short-sighted behavior

>over 300 properties
what a greedy asshole

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If they're successful then they've got nothing to fear. It's the rest of us that have problems just surviving.

Pretty much. Those are same people that demanded a freeze on foreclosures while shitting on a ban on evictions. What a joke.

>t. chink on proxy or braindead holdover eastern-bloc who misses his time as the blue-van driver
eat another dick, commie.