What do anons? They basically told everyone they aren't going to close no matter what.
The managers don't give a fuck and get to work from home.
What do anons? They basically told everyone they aren't going to close no matter what.
The managers don't give a fuck and get to work from home.
Walk out and cripple the business. You're fucked anyway, take those greedy sociopaths down with you.
gamestop? lmfao just quit.
Are you a grocery store worker? I am to and I'm already feeling sick.
I'm in the same situation. I took today and yesterday off to minimize my risk.
I work for Schwan's we deliver overpriced shitty frozen food. We get paid $140 plus 3% commission. We're all working 12+ hour days, no masks, gloves or wipes.
Name and shame and quit your life is more important than some underpaid job. Ps advice from 3year neet veteran
Same user, but I'm a microbiologist
Whites can't receive welfare here
I don't want work to get cancelled because it's like the only thing that I have to do.
Without work I will have nothing.
If you can afford then walk away or demand massive rise.
How much milf pussy do you get on your route?
lol "USA NUMBER ONE" my ass
my company plans to reduce shift from 8 to 6 hours. the different shifts will not see each other to keep possible infection low. we will still getting paid 60% of money for the missing 2hours each day.
i have around 250€ less a month but 40hours more free time.
The nogs just quit because they make more on welfare than what our shitty "essential" job pays.
The dollar is fucked, next week we will unironically posting in store prices if there is still internet. That is all I have to say, make the decision you think is right user.
Quit your fucking bitching. At least you have a goddamn job. Keep it. Things are only going to get worse. We might be at the early stages of an economic depression. Hang onto whatever job you can get. The labor market is tanking.
Then buy some fucking gloves and a mask if you’re feeling that retarded. I’ve been trying to find work for three days now and you’re complaining that you’re still making money? I’ll remember to spot on the next schwans guy in my neighborhood.
I'm about to text my admin and tell them either double pay/hazard pay or find someone else for a couple weeks. I'm just an underpaid cook at a rescare facility they can find another burger flipper
I told my bf for a joke that the hospital called my house and asked if I was isolating. I said I told them that I was but my bf was travelling to the city and back every day for work and they told me to stay away from him.
I didn't expect him to go tell his boss immediately after our conversation on the phone but his boss told him not to bother going into work for a while .... it was supposed to be a joke from me to him but now hes off work for a while
Bruh we're going door to door trying to sell people shit passing shit back and forth. Company doesn't give a fuck that people are sick.
Your bf can kiss that job bye-bye. This quarantine is going to last for months.
Welcome to the club. I'm a pharmacist so i have no choice but to interact with hundreds of coofers daily
no hes worked there forever, its a dance studio and its been closed to the public but the staff have been going in and doing ... nothing ... he will never get fired hahah
I know right? We're fucked.
well since theres a 98% chance of surviving the disease why not just go to work
>i have no choice
except you do, you're just too cucked to say no
You are in a truck by yourself and your business is about to go waaaaayyyyyy up.
Buy your own gloves and make wipes out of paper towels, bleach water and a ziplock bag.
Get a BoyScout bandana to use as a “mask.”
Eh we deliver to a lot of old fucks. I don't really want to be a boomer doomer by giving them the coofs.
theyre going to die anyway
If your essential and irreplaceable, ask for a premium or else just quit.
>all the upper class people get time off for the foreseeable future
>all the poor people, no time off, forced to work and expose themselves to danger
It's funny how the more someone gets paid, the less essential their job is. And funny how things seem to more or less be going smoothly without them.
If we were to stop working like the basedboys the state would mobilize the military and force us to work at gun point because the system depends on us.
Well yeah but not everyone is a sociopath. I don't want to kill people because our company has shit policies.
Can't you just say you're part black or native or whatever?
Good job, you got your bf fired. Have fun going homeless
I lost my job today because of coronachan
so then fucking quit
whats the point of this thread stop crying and do something about it wear gloves and shit stfu and go to work. im not -allowed- to go to work and soon i worry i wont even be -allowed- to leave my fucking house over something that has a 98% fucking survival rate. this is all intentional and nobody seems to care whats going to happen next.
lel i work a job that's genuinely essential (i repair/maintain large scale food manufacturing machinery) but toward the end of last year i scheduled a 3 week vacation which starts today. Now my boss is asking me to cancel my vacation and stay at work because all the old cigarette addicted boomers say they're at a greater risk and the young guys should be the ones handling it.
lmao i am so fucking glad i don't work in a union shop or the union bosses would be bending me over the fucking table right now.
I'm a chemist at a wastewater plant. Our lab measures the amount of pollution removed (or not removed) going back into our drinking water supply
Wearing gloves is pointless unless you're going to change them after every interaction. If you're wearing the same gloves all day you may as well just not wear them and it may even be detrimental and give you a false sense of safety.
>Just quit
Yeah I'll just quit my job and be homeless, or the company could you know not have such shit policies. Why are we even knocking on doors if these people didn't pre order? We should just be leaving bags on the porch. We have fucking freezer bags and gel packs ffs.
thats a great idea bro why dont you write a letter to your boss about that idea
All the boomers at my job picked now to retire so we're understaffed. A big "fuck you, I got mine!" on their way out.
We've all brought this up but they're telling us to chase every sale, get every dollar we can during this "unique" time. We literally have morning huddles where we talk about ways to exploit the crisis to get extra sales. They literally don't give a fuck.
My employer is playing this angle too, but profit is the only thing businesses understand.
>Now more than ever, the world needs the products we produce.
I'm in pharmaceuticals and we just happen to make flu medicine. Great job and I've advanced quite a bit, have good insurance. Really don't want to walk but it's getting ridiculous
Is that really up to the company to decide? In Germany the government has already specified what businesses are essential
with a 98% chance survival rate your bosses seem pretty woke. are they jewish? i bet they know its all bullshit you should casually ask about their bunkers maybe you can raid them and take them over when martial law is declared
all of your bases are now belong to us
Been working from home for 5 days now and I honestly just wish they didn't close the office its driving me nuts
lol everything is normal for grounds maintnence workers at the city where I am from too. 4 people in one truck. im in the one of the hardest hit cities in America. They read coronovirus news in the morning, and we stay 8 ft apart from each other, but afterwards they tell us what trucks to go to, 4 people in one. Mowing lawns at the banks, picking weeds at the waterfront. Very essential lol
This whole thing is a joke to be honest its a matter of time before we just say fuck it and resume shit as usual. Old people going to have to deal with it
What are you bitching about? They've told you your paycheck is secure. You should be celebrating. Just imagine being laid off in the middle of an international employment crisis.
Fucking bawww. With commission, especially on a 12 hour day you probably clear a lot. Especially now. You can afford some gloves. You can still find automotive gloves and 20 bucks for a paper mask is price gouging but you can afford it. I just got laid off from the oil industry you lazy faggot.
Companies are more important than people are in America they can decide whatever they want.
lol facts dude! I am a heroin addict and all my friends and me are pretty stoked about the lower class and corporate bailout, i feel a little bad that middle class might be paying for this till the day they die, but i am dope sick, and so are millions of other americans, buying $1,200 worth of dope would relieve so many addicts of their struggles, we can focus on oru families, etc.
Municipal garbage man here. We havent skipped a beat. No lost time, no lost wages. In fact, trash is heavier, because everyone is stuck in their homes, spring cleaning.
make sure to inject that 1200 all at once for us
find a good hiding spot and milk this like the j00s are dipshit
rise up, gamestop employee
this is the important question
Not really. We get paid per day it doesn't matter how many hours we work. 3% is insultingly low too for a comission. You can sell your ass off and see very little gains.
yeah broham all you need is just that $1200 worth of dope bro and you literally wont have to worry about anything ever again dude because that 1200 worth of dope will just last forever you wont be in the same shit place you are in the blink of an eye dude literally ez street
Ya right, this is going to good use. I need to be awake and well, so do all the homeless in America, we can't let them suffer. Addiction and dependency is huge. This bailout is going to help millions like me who have fallen victim to substance abuse. got a few kids too hoping that I can get a little more money. I still get social services so i am stocked the fuck up on food, but some extra money to give them coins for their video games would be cool. Were in this together
Okay, this is some good bait. Well done.
Well im not worried about food, we stocked up. I got a few kids so social services sort of hooks up the EBT, my girlfriend has a few kids and has EBT as well. We have food, id never let my kids go without food.
If your not getting sales in 12 hours of driving what are you doing the entire time?
right yeah dude youre a great heroin junkie dad i bet
I work for a well known TV station in Australia and they have sent an email saying everyone but operators and engerinering will be working from home or in isolated one person per room rules.
Our desks are open plan and we are constantly next to people sitting less than a meter away in order to access the equipment that keeps us on air.
How do you get into the pharmaceutical field? I dont know where to look
Never said I wasn't getting sales. Sales are way up these last 2 weeks but my check barely went up because the comission rate is so low. Literally selling twice as much but making like $20 more.
We go to work and enjoy breaking quarantine daily and load up on all the toilet paper while the rest of the losers sit at home.
I thank God there are real Republicans in the Senate, and Donald Trump can put their hate aside and realize the lower class needs help right now. We don't own homes like the middle class, also big corporations like airlines need a bailout because they run this country. There are only a few people who REALLY need it right now, lower class, corporations, and the hotel businesses
But how are you gonna keep sucking cock when merkin says no close contact?
10 Sheets triple ply for BattleToads for the Switch
That's easy just find a longer cock so you can be further away from the person.
depends on the job, it this really a bad thing because you can be earning money while everyone else goes broke.
i used to work a 24/7/365 job that had special permits from the government to ignore labor laws because it was critical to national security. i honestly liked that i could take work shifts on holidays when the entire country wasnt working and get like 300%+
there's even one holiday (yom kippur) when our taxi service dosnt work so we basically work 2 days including sleep and shower at work and just in those 2 days of work i got like almost a normal month's pay.
>when the first post is also the best post
The (((boss))) fears the Out Of Office email
Just go to work and don't do anything and make them fire you. Then collect that unemployment all the way through the lockdown...
Fuck u nigger. Stop knocking on my door.
It sucks.
I had a full time job for 8 months in 2019 and the PA Unemployment Jew thinks I didn't work enough to be eligible.
Was hard enough getting a job before the Boomers panicked about this virus.
I'm still out of work.