How did the conservative parents of the 50s create the counterculture boomer generation?

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Spoiled their children because they wanted them to have a better future after the hell that was WW2.

By allowing the Trotskyists to take over movies music and academia

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albeit it didn't happen entirely just because they were bored and wanted to rebel they were partially enabled by the CIA otherwise it wouldn't have gotten as much traction

when you introduce nigger worship and kike worship, then yeah, you get this degeneracy.

This, and CIA had a spokesman in every liberal university. Think of Leary, McKenna etc etc
They turned the anti-war movement into a bunch of spineless inoffensive druggies who voluntarily gave up on life.

They gave ground, let media convince them, let their church compromise, filled their kids heads with naive ideas, they opposed authoritarianism.

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Basically, the Communist Party financed a lot of subversion in the west. Read someone like Diana West.

man these communist boomers are out of control in this country

You and your ((KGB)) nigger ants were quite effective

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This, they sabotaged the anti-war movement and ramped up the spread of consumerist 'culture' in response to the USSR. It's also kinda hilarious that all the old Trotskyists turned into neocons.

It all started with hippies.

conformity is boring.

Boomers are the generation raised on TV.

>voluntarily gave up on life.
What does this mean though? Not turning your life into a dick measuring contest like everyone else who believes in the illusion of society?

They prey on the rebellion of every younger generation against the dissonant values of its relatives, but steered it towards pure stupidity.

not at all
it were the (((subversive elements))) in society that created them.
like every single time.
frankfurt school etc were major influence on them and ofc they probably were supported by the soviet unions subversion program


The both sides during the cold war waged a proxy war by making degenerate hippies

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>financed a lot of subversion in the west.
No, the KGB were working with the CIA in a joint operation to usher in a global society of peace.

Think of it like this the old CIA/KGB had a sub-organization within them with their own agenda that was hostile to the rest of their colleagues whenever someone was exposed of either to side to any to which plenty of conflicts happened or agents lost their lives because they were set up by either side. Think of it as a kind of "bridge" connecting and bringing the two together but not the entirety of either.

I'm not sure when exactly the KGB and CIA became one entity but I think it was somewhere just before or during the start of the decline of the Soviet Union.

In a sense people in the CIA either do or don't realize they're working for an organization that's calling itself the "CIA" but doesn't really have anything to do as much with the real one same with what's left of the KGB in modern times which isn't much and pretty much a tiny fraction of their power and autonymous identity they used to have yet for modern standards they're still a force to be reckoned and it's not advisable to fall on their bad side regardless where you live since they can just tug on some connections in the "CIA" to find and fuck you up.

To be honest nobody is really "bad" here. The global government group just wanted peace and so did the old CIA and KGB, they wanted peace by spreading or defending their own respective ideology in whatever way possible and in a way you can see some elements of it live on as part of the objective of the group that subverted and came on top so they're not really losers either.

>lmfao wtf is a pendulum bro

They were not raised by parents proper. The boomers had an staggering paternal absence rate with several men dead and/or traumatized from the war effort, as well as increasing role of propaganda and media machinery as the US rallied in an information war against the upcoming rise of the USSR into a global power. They were the first generation almost entirely raised by sheer propaganda and we are now "reaping the benefits".

Great question.
Look into the Beat Generation and LSD being given out to subvert people in the US. Tell me we aren't living in a Freemasonic shopping mall.

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No narcissism is thinking you deserve a big house and a hot wife for being a corporate whore

it was just a prank, bro.

>Spoiled their children because they wanted them to have a better future after the hell that was WW2.
This, although part of it was they were guilt tripped into not opposing the Jews. They all knew it was Jews behind it, they just didn't want to be hypocrites after defeating Germany.
The US was lost as soon as FDR took office.

they were literal antifa trannies who loved race-mixing

Israel was ironically created just to be destroyed and used an example for nuclear de-armament. When that was going to happen or if it's still happening I'm not sure but neither do I know how they were planning to rid the world of nuclear weapons other than to resorting fringe science and stuff but that's mostly a theory of mine not something I'm certain in it could've been just been a hollow dream to hook people with so they have a purpose or something to look forward to and not really something that's possible to be done or was going to be done. I don't know.

Only the newfags are falling for this. Everybody know these Boomer-hate, Millennial-hate, Zoomer-hate threads are just lame Russian propaganda to divide the West.

> t. Red diaper boomer

>boomers are conservative
Went to Woodstock

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This. The anti-war movement pre 1960s was less filled with stoners, and instead with individuals such as Charles Lindbergh, who cock blocked FDR for as long as he could until pearl harbor came along. It was based off nationalism, instead of CIA made idealistic pacifism which doesnt really do much nor is that effective.

Its not Russian propaganda
Its Maoist propaganda
Remove the 4 olds

The idea that the hippie generation were rebels is a sad delusion.

The boomers were raised with literally EVERY institution spewing collectivist rhetoric at them every day. Every school, every church, every community organization. All of them.

They grew up getting gold stars for regurgitating Thoreau-style "freedom of conscience" and FDR-style "socialism lite" and when they got to college they decided to take it seriously and live it in real life.

Calling them rebels is as ridiculous as calling Greta a rebel. Greta has been literally surrounded for her entire life by adults preaching environmentalism and rewarding her for repeating it back to them.

They adopted a Trotskyist foreign policy and a Fabian domestic policy

they didn't the CIA and satanists did using techniques the Nazi's developed during WW2 perfected afterwords


everything is Russian propaganda.

The parents didn't do it, the CIA and military intelligence did. Read Dave McGowan's "Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon". Most of those famous musicians at the time had parents in the CIA or military intelligence.

Actually good info.

> CIA experiment with LSD on Ken Kesey
> Who started the Merry Pranksters
> Which started the hippie movement

recognising that the most noble goal of life is to reduce suffering, and contributing (by not taking part) to the demise of society will lead to terrible outcomes of suffering for everyone.

It can also be just self absorbtion in fake spirituality and whatnot. Waving crystals for health instead of helping out at a Church soup kitchen for example. Drug abuse (I'm expanding my mind maaaan) is another, just sit around like a. Lotus eater all day. Gross materialism isn't the only way to be narcissistic.

they are doing this same "hippie" "liberation" program again to our generation:

Hippies or progressive youths were very small minority back then. They were not the ones that made these things happen. Mostly just lame photo opts for the press. It was done at the top, like it’s now.

By coming home from the war with severe untreated PTSD. They proceeded to abuse their children and create fuck ups.

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They were brainwashed by the Academia,Hollywood,the CIA and the government.

It was academia

Sent kids to go die in a jungle

This is absolutely correct

Yeah, when your friends are coming back missing body parts and having flashbacks every time a car backfires or a light blinks, It might make you hate the system that sent them there.

They had too many kids and they allowed jews to raise them through TV and music and other means. jews turned them into what they became

hey kids, you want some drugs? and the rest was history.


That was around the same time when TV became ubiquitous in the USA, and that's not a coincidence and it was also around the time when every kid was expected to go to (((school))) until they were 18. Prior to that many Americans never went to school, they stayed home working on the farm or in apprenticeships, maybe a they might do a few years in a rural schoolhouse but nothing like it was after the war where every single American was in school K-12 getting brainwashed daily.

That era was the rise of high school culture, prom culture, teenagers with cool cars going to drive in movies, beach boys, etc. Innocent compared to now, but a total social collapse from the conservative family first bonded to the land America that preceded it.

their art and music is fucking great tho

They didn't. The russians did using subversion tactics.

Everything is cyclical. If anything, this is good news for me, a young budding capitalist future millionaire boomer.

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Your question should be
>How did a handful of jews create the counterculture boomer generation?
As for your answer, by controlling people through media such as music, movies etc as they do to this very day.