Modeling has shown that more than 60,000 homeless people could become ill with the coronavirus in California over the next eight weeks, badly straining the healthcare system, the state governor said on Wednesday.
Hospitalization rates for those infected with the flu-like disease was about 20%, creating a requirement for additional hospital beds that could quickly overwhelm hospitals if the modeled predictions come true, Governor Gavin Newsom said.
"Over the next eight-week period, we have modeled that of the 108,000 unsheltered Californians that are out on the streets, if you had an attack rate of about 56%, you're looking at 60-plus thousand individuals that may have COVID-19," Newsom, a Democrat, said in a Facebook address to the state.
Let them die, fucking Amerisharts deserve it. Especially the veterans.
Chase Phillips
That's gonna be rough if the homeless fill up all the hospitals first because they get sick first on the street and then the regular tax payers start dying because there is no hospital beds.
Leo Johnson
>Let them die, fucking Amerisharts deserve it. Especially the veterans. Edgy Teen Lord Alert. Must be nice posting from your parent's multi-million dollar home.
Sebastian White
I'm curious if they will stay in Cali now that people arent roaming the streets giving them handouts.
Joseph Edwards
Don't you burgers have guns anymore? Just shoot'em and burn the bodies
Chase Gutierrez
the wall needs to be extended to cover California as well
Samuel Wright
> Socialist hellscape full of illegal residents straining the system paid for by citizens > HELP No. Die in the hole you dug.
Asher Cox
>California >guns
the only people who have guns in California are the police and criminal gangs
Carson Peterson
>Just shoot'em and burn the bodies Germany checking in.
Ian Collins
Its what you deserve. If you don't have the balls to return them to Africa and get home for the whites its just logical and reasonable to have such a followup.
John Ross
>of the 108,000 unsheltered Californians that are out on the streets, if you had an attack rate of about 56%, you're looking at 60-plus thousand I am most astonished by the fact that Newsom can do simple math.
Jace Nelson
Veterans were useful cattle at some point their worthless lives but now they are USELESS and must be discarded to make way for the new wave of foot soldiers that will inevitably take their place at some point in their lives. Understand? Soldiers exist to be used and abused like whores lol. Fight the good fight soldier, die for the empire! hahaha, I'm going to sit on my massage chair for another hour before I head into the Jacuzzi.
Parker Robinson
>multi-million dollar home. given the value of NOK recently, more like $20 home lmao
Aaron Collins
They literally have an excuse to execute all their homeless.... INTERESTING
Aaron Ramirez
a lot of the homeless are white junkie hippys
David Moore
these fuckers literally have the plague I don’t think a seasonal flu is going to do much unfortunately
i would kick this fucking guy in the teeth if i ever saw this where i lived. how do these people have no pride? you just sit there taking a picture instead of beating? fuck, this country sucks
Gavin Ross
>people who have survived for a decade on crack cocain, heroin, subway sandwich leftovers and black coffee are going to die from the flu I can see how morons could think this, but these people will only multiply as the economy slows and more normies find out that oxycontin makes you not give a fuck that you're financially ruined.
You're unironically worse than Canada. Oh how the mighty have fallen.
Jace Moore
>Big action star of the 80's
>Cucks to a potato headed Swedish girl's fake climate change agenda.
This is why Sly was the better of the two.
Benjamin Morales
The wall that will never be built, good plan.
Juan Gutierrez
>Oh how the mighty have fallen.
As if the Jew S and A have nothing to do with that
Angel Watson
It doesn't strain the system if you leave them to die. Decisions are going to have to be made in the very near future. Do you want to use ICU beds for productive, tax paying members of society or for insane, diseased street-shitters?
The choice is yours California.
Joshua Moore
In this specific case, a bunch of it comes down to U.S. District Judge S. James Otero, and the martin vs Boise case where judges ruled that you CANNOT enforce basic hygiene and safety standards on homeless sleeping in the street.
California decided to put them all in hotels.
Jaxson Cook
>The choice is yours California.
As a Californian I can say THIS is your first mistake.
Blame the elected officials. This is a governmental failure.
Luke Davis
Based aquafresh.
Nicholas Morris
California is gross. I live in CT aka little Cali but damn it isn't like this.
Lucas Bailey
Many troubled youth are either coerced to join or face jail by a judge, or their parents. Everything from schizophrenia to pedophilia is funneled in to the military. A lot of mental illness prior to joining goes unchecked, and once they return to society, their behavior spirals. There are veterans who are suffering because of horrific trauma during service. But there are a whole lot more potato peelers and tank washers who were wrecked before they got there. Military seems like a saving grace when you can pawn your mental kid off on them to fix them. The murderer of Chris Kyle is a perfect example. Dude was schizo long before joining but mom was either clueless or trying to keep his ass out of prison.
Thomas Peterson
Burn southern california down to the ground...noone gets out alive...west coast will improve
Matthew Lopez
Based and redpi- Cringe, gay, and bluepilled. Don't forget the goblin maid he banged to create an ugly bastard mutt.
Homelessness and illegal aliens will destroy California, and that;s a good thing.
Ethan Ross
As another Californian, yeah, don't give them the option of a choice just fucking send it. Let the D.A.C (dead animal collection) crews collect the bodies.
Anthony Gomez
Thats really all their is to it
Tyler Campbell
>be calimutt >pay 90% of income to the government and the remaining 10% in gang protection money >plague strikes >die coofing locked in your home by the Newsom inquisition while juanita and that crazy homeless man who raped half the women in your neighborhood get state of the art healthcare for free NICE STATE CALIFATS HHAHAHAHA
Our homeless look like ancient philosophers with their long beards and hair and don't beg or bother anyone, just sitting in front of the train station drinking cartons and jars of terrible cheap sake
Hudson Ross
I guess I've never seen a homeless Jap in my entire fucking life
Jackson Reed
The regular tax payers who've voted for idiotic democratic policies? Yeah, well, have fun reaping what you sowed.
Caleb Cooper
>Warm weather >Prop 22 which basically legalized crime Even of this plague kills 99.9% of them that .1% would still be in Los Angeles with a tent and a bucket of hot diarrhea
>bullshit pulled out of my ass: the post Homeless people are useless, especially the veterans. If you're not a retard, the military sets you up to basically be set for life. Just because retards, who would have been homeless anyway, mopped the floors on some Army base in the 80s doesn't make them special when they continue to fail at life.