Germany has started social distancing and awareness about 10-12 days ago. And the measures are working, new cases are leveling off. Deaths remain at a record low 44 out of 16.5k cases.
How long until we are China-tier virus free? Probably 2 more weeks and the factories will be back at 110% making up for lost time.
Oh, German companies are also making huge sales for expensive automatic testing machines (Roche Germany Diagnostics) and “home-kit-testing”. Also, we already have many volunteers vaccinated with novel anti-corona virus drugs which we will be selling to Americans for billions once they hit 10 million infected.
>Probably 2 more weeks and the factories will be back at 110% making up for lost time. I'm sure people will be fighting each other for their S class Mercedes right about now.
Lincoln Rodriguez
It's not that simple user. Just because we could have the infection rate under controll doesn't mean we can resume normal life. If we do that, we're back where we started with only about 1% of the population getting immune. We need to be carefull and only lower the countermeasures slightly to not overwhelm our hospitals capacity to treat severe cases.
Cooper Ward
Immune? You can get reinfected
Chase Wilson
>US offers europoor company 1 billion for a vaccine >hurr durr Euro pride and not for sale >Eurocucks give their company 80 million as compensation >th-thi-this is fine
As it seem this is realy unlikely and most "re-infections" where caused by faulty tests. Just as a reminder: The early tests had terrible accuracy.
Ethan Rodriguez
Most of our revenues come from machines for factories, drugs and specialized materials
Angel Brown
Post real numbers Germany
Connor Torres
Cope harder. There's no immuity. It goes dormant for awhile but never leaves. It's like HIV. Once you got it, it's treatment for life. If you get pneumonia it scars your lungs & reduces capacity. You can only have pneumonia so many times before you die.
Henry Gray
>1 billion offer >for a vaccine which will save hundreds of millions in Europe >EU / Germany says no >Amercia butthurt
Develop your own cure, Amerimutt
Evan Wilson
Mistake was to claim it exclusively or even more to say it. Company had honor unlike Trump
Jackson Robinson
Aiden Roberts
happening cancelled?
Gabriel Jenkins
>It goes dormant for awhile but never leaves. Dude, you know that you can detect the virus in the blood? It’s a rather large virus, a “coronavirus” that has a “corona”, which means a large spherical membrane around it. We can easily see those with microscopes.
No more viruses in your blood means no more corona.
Ayden Watson
TBF selling companies to America is economy cancer. No matter the price. t. Citizen who's crown jules have been flogged to septics.
Carson King
Myth. There is no reinfection, you become immune
Tyler Cooper
Germany admit that death rate is 20k and only 44 people is left alive.
Wyatt Reed
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
Luis Butler
Fuck you e and Pi are more real
Jose Ramirez
IT hides behind the blood-brain barrier
Nathaniel Foster
>already peaking more and more infected every day. wtf are you talking about
Gabriel Davis
>social distancing is working It’s a fucking flu And we let them ruin the world Literal Jews, Chicoms and journalists win again
Yeah, I don't think you can say it's not growing anymore based on the change over 1 day. The longer-term trend is obvious. We'll see where it's at in a week.
Carson Walker
There are no accurate numbers for any country. Just the people that got tested positive. Yea, just 43 NEETs are alive.
That was a fake story, user. Lets focus on the real enemy for now.
Lincoln Clark
china locked down the entire country for 4 MONTHS and they literally sprayed every street with mobile disenfectant trucks.
if germany were as effective as china we would have a LOCKDOWN until JULY atleast.
Julian Jones
you are fucking retarded, they just started the full blown exit lock, because too many retards are still grouping up to party. we won't put any children back into school before the summer(!) vacation.
Brody Thompson
It’s ogre
Angel Stewart
Springs is coming. Humidity is already here. Birds. Wind. Water. Have fun.
Jose Miller
rare germany shill thread im impressed
Jonathan Russell
China had to take drastic measures because of how 3rd world it is, wealthier countries will be alright.
Juan Martinez
that depends on how the body responds, its actually been confirmed that in the vast majority of cases the person becomes immune
Robert Reed
which is pretty guarenteed to start come Sunday
Easton Evans
This. And even if they had a surge of new cases do you honestly believe they would report those? Especially after the Head Communist Supreme announced they won the war against the virus.
Josiah Sanchez
This. Also antibodies were found in the recovering victims from Webasto, so German scientists looked into the reinfection thing and investigated the cases in China who were "reinfected". They found out that it was the same infection and they just went to one doctor with mild symptoms first, and then to another one or the hospital after they got worse after a week, but since the second hospital/doctor didn't had any knowledge of the prior infection it was counted as a new infection, thus making it appear on paper as if the person had 2 infections of coronavirus, which suggested reinfection.
Joseph Morgan
No, they don't go full normal again anytime soon. They just went out of lockdown and resumed working to a certain degree again.
Aiden Cook
no it's not you fucking retard
Jaxon Lee
Ryan Allen
>China-tier virus free You're joking, right? Please tell me you don't believe winnie the pooh's lies.
I have hope for you fren, but this is not necessarily true.
Short story: if the rate of your testing grows faster than the rate of your new infections, you will see a "decrease" in the growth rate of the number of cases. It should then begin tracking the actual growth rate of the virus. If you get it below R0 of 1, then you can expect it to level off. I don't know that German measures will have done that yet.
Joshua Richardson
Josiah Williams
Hey, OP, you’re an idiot. Just thought you should know.
The numbers are real. The only countries that did extensive testing are germany and south korea and they proved its a nothingburger.
Inb4 muh shitaly
Connor Anderson
They are not. They are just less Natural.
Jackson Torres
Our peak is predicted to be around April 6.
Henry Cox
South Korea whose death rates are more reliable as they've been dealing with the virus longer has death rates an order of magnitude larger than the flu despite optimal medical care. With the South Korean death rates, if everyone in the US received optimal medical care (they won't) and we treated it like the flu, 2.2 million people would die.
Liam Hernandez
Lol get fucked amerifatty
Josiah Diaz
>tries to buy a company for 1 billion >while it has a ongoing contract in a state, which payed for said contract >State can legally prohibit sale, so no point in trying >trump to retarded to react to crisis in time >think quick, just throw money at it Brainlet
Daniel Allen
It takes a while for this fucking thing to rek you faggots. You can prolong the death rattle for weeks if you know what you're doing. But death is the only way out of the hospital with this thing.
Nicholas Gray
Worry not spaghettifriend. You’re already at the peak.
This one checks out. Although they have a surge of new cases at the end there.
Ryan Mitchell
You certainly cannot. Their growth is shown on the graph. It’s the blue line. As you can see, it sloped up faster than the projection for a couple of days. Obviously it isn’t going to be completely accurate; it’s fitting a smooth idealization to a sparse discrete data set. God, how did you pass fourth grade?
Asher Johnson
Why should weak pathetic nobodies be given a vaccine anyway?
If you are such a weak loser that you end up on the IC for the disease that gives normal strong people a rummy nose then that means you are so weak that you shouldn’t even be able to spread your weak genes further.
This chinkvirus will separate the weak from the strong and that is darwinism at its finest.
Tyler Cooper
thank you ,Germany
Camden Thompson
we don't need you money,give it to your master,Kikestan,please.
Anthony Jones
In an exponential function the effect of a 1000 extra cases is absolutely gigantic. That graph is badly wrong and you'll see it soon.
Matthew Cooper
Yes, the projections are most susceptible to volatility at the high-jerk regions. Also note that testing capacity improves once the spread rate has tapered off due to being more willing to test patients not in critical condition.
Noah Torres
This makes no sense. You’re schizophrenic.
John Richardson
Based toothpaste bro. China trying to push fake stories to deflect the blame.
Jose Lopez
Remember about your jolly good servants from Protektorat Böhmen und Mähren. We are always loyal to our german overlords so please send some vaccines here
John Rogers
>Believe the numbers, goy! >We did it, Reddit! >Globalism works!!!