Every white person I've ever met has been racist to me.
Every white person I've ever met has been racist to me
cause nigger
chink here, fuck you nigger
Sorry mate. If it makes you feel any better most racism in the world is against white males
take off your memeflag
Oppressed people saying things you don't like isn't racism.
fuckin nigger huuuuuuuuuuuu
it's just smart to cross the street when a group of black people are coming your way.
take the hint
>uppity bigger gets treated like an uppity nigger
>gets sad
Have you tried not being a nigger?
Are you a chink?
Post pictures of your hand with timestamp, Chiam.
It's not that I hate niggers.
It's just I don't get or feel comfortable around your culture and prefer being around my own kind.
Bullshit Paco. You probably only see a white person once a month. Your personal inferiority complex in the presence of an Aryan isn't them being racist.
That's what you get for being a nigger.
Normal we don't want you here
entitled to think everyone has to like you
fucking nigger
If its systematically allowed in the government or work without repercussion, then yes, it is.
The only place whitoids are racist to me is on Yas Forums where they can hide behind anonymity.
Yeah go fuck yourself mate. Its institutionalised against white males, and no other race
You’re not oppressed faggot, you’re an insecure cockroach.
it's probably because you're a nigger
just be white bro
Maybe you shouldn't live in their countries?
Maybe you should stop breaking into their houses then?
I’ll call you a nigger anywhere, at any time. It’s the biggest reason I got my CC. So if some ape freaks out and wants to get stupid I just ventilate it.
Don't worry user, I'm totally not racist! See, I'm so comfortable with blacks I even let them fuck my wife!
>Every normal person I've ever met has been racist to me.
FTFY nigger
Every white person i've met was very nice to me
You deserve that.
Maybe you should do us all a favor and kill yourself?
you filthy kike, bibi just took over your shithole country and you have nothing better to do?
really larp posting as a nigger is your answer?
You got a concealed carry license so you'd have the guts to be racist to African-Americans? Very impressive.
No nigger in a million years would post this, they are proud to be who they are and you know Wakanda and sheit. Get lost shlomo.
Is Israel a good country to visit? (once coronavirus is extinguished)
white people lynched me 5 times and would not buy my mixtape
whites are an oppressed people
I'm a white person and I have never witnessed whites being racist to any other race ever. When I was young I was bussed into a predominantly black school with a bunch of other smart white kids to raise the average test scores. The only racism I have ever witnessed was black kids harassing white kids and beating up white kids. In other words their parents taught them to hate white people...especially smart white kids.
i have a way of calling niggers niggers that makes them feel i'm friendly, i just do it, treat them the same as eveybody else and call them nigger, call the chinese guy nigger, call the white guys niggers and faggots call the faggot nigger....people just love me being abusive to them.
Wonder why
nobody says anything honest to you. You are not viewed as the same level of human. Everyone knows you are one or two wrong words from being a violent irrational NIGGER. You can't take mild criticism nor can you take responsibility for your actions without blaming everyone and everything but yourself. Nobody is real with you. They don't call you a nigger for the same reason they don't talk to you about anything other than low level nigger tier shit. You don't have respect.
>people just love me being abusive to them
cool story
Im sorry about the racist people but a guys got to eat let me get that wallet black boy I need to acquire some gin to have with my homemade tonic water elixir . by the way where the black girls at. I know they aching for some BWC during the Apocalypse
I guess if you're Christian we have a lot of christian sites, and if you like hiking we have lots of beautiful places for that. I don't think we have many of the generic tourist attractions like in other countries.
We have nice beaches and a top tier bar scene in tel aviv.
Hello internet tough guy
How does it feel that any single moment there is a tiny chance that some white people may show up at your house to lynch you because the race war started and you didn't know?
There’s something wrong with you then. I’ve met a lot of white people who treated me well. Even those who disliked me at first became my friends once they got to know me.
Yeas! Loads of hot studs in tiny speedos all over the place.
kys nigger
If you think its literally all of them, they aren't the problem, you are.
If you weren't chimping out on the subway so often, you wouldn't get stereotyped
>it's brown
tfw when you nigger
Chink faggot
Have they been racist, or did they call you out for behaving like a nigger? Those are two different things.
says the Chink who posts niggers cause his tiny Asian penis is so small KEK
Who said anything about me being tough? Ohhh you are taking someone being honest with you as "fightin words" because if someone explained this to you in real life you would become a violent NIGGER. Yea you have proved to us that you are human with that one.
nigger slavery
Look at all this cope. It must really suck to be a nigger
Sure, but government actively working against white people and protecting every other ethnicity is.
Sorry bro, they don't mean it on here they're just larping
Well, let's not part with tradition you fucking filthy nigger. Get sickle cell and die
Nothing personal, it's a survival instinct.
You whitoids have the strangest copes
You're too autistic to leave your house
Explain pls?