Post countries throughout history that have fascinated you politically and culturally

Post countries throughout history that have fascinated you politically and culturally.
Hard edition Nazi Germany or fascist Italy arent allowed.

For me, it has to be Socialist Albania. Just like with other socialist countries it had an extremely fast growth from a poor country with practically no army, no industrialization to a country able to support itself and an army which scared of the Soviets and Yugoslavs who both wanted Albania under their control. and it completely BTFOs libertarians saying that all authoritarian government takes away the guns as citizens were encouraged to own and learn to shoot guns by the government. and the first nazbol state.

Attached: 1280px-Flag_of_Albania_(1946–1992).svg.png (1280x914, 49.28K)

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They are truly making Norway a more fascinating place.


all immigrants are like this. Polish immigrants, Russian immigrants English immigrants German immigrants. they act like all immigrants are brothers and that Norwegians are bad.

Socialist Albania received shit tons of gibs from USSR and China

Don't act like all migrants are the same.

yes, but the split with the Russians happened in the 50s and china in the 60/70s. Countries such as Yugoslavia did a lot better,

they do. you'll have Norwegians who have lived in Norway for extremely long and they do a DNA test and get for example, British. after that, they'll put the British flag in their bios in social media to flex they arent Norwegian. there are greek thug rappers in swede. this dude is called "greekazo" and is one of the most popular rappers in Sweden. but I won't respond with a video of some random thug to a post about interesting countries where someone picked greece.

men mest sannsynlig er du en serber eller noe. dere må slutte å krangle, serbere og albanere ser jo prikk like ut.

fag OP.
analbanians have zero national identity.
they sided with every enemy against greece in desperate attempts to conquer a bit of greek land and failed misarably.
when hoxa came into power he he fucked up the country even more. analbanians were poorer than they were before.
they sold all those shitty AKs in the black market and some of them got rich. then they started infesting other countries and denying that they are analbanians.
you picked the most pathetic country in the history of mankind to admire.
those retards where in the best place to create civilization and didn't even manage to invent mud hats or a stick.

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Yugoslavia in general

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Something close to a million little bunkers were built, fucking weird

>there are greek thug rappers in swede. this dude is called "greekazo" and is one of the most popular rappers in Sweden.
Trust me, I know.

Haha no I'm not. Besides, Albanians are more swarthy than Serbians.

>they sold all those shitty AKs in the black market
Ahhh those in vid rel?

most probably. after the fall of xoxha's (how's that fucktard's name even written) regime fell, very low quality AKs and humans flooded the market.
that's the sad part about AKs. Russians gave everyone licenses to build them without any qc and that's how you can find AKs for really cheap that can't take any abuse.
also, analbanians are the europe's mexicans. They smuggle drugs, their best export good is undocumented immigrants working without papers and ofc they are the first to jump the ship and unlike mexico they have virtually zero army.

Early in the fight for taking back the Iberian peninsula from the muslims they carved out their own piece and kept it. Then this small country went around the world and owned half of south america.
An underdog, a conqueror, a explorer, a empire.

They are 1 million of these cunts here , atleast they breed in the same level as us so they wont become majotity but they have to be removed

>they sided with every enemy against greece in desperate attempts to conquer a bit of greek land and failed misarably.
if they failed miserably why do you guys cry over southern albania? and they did much better against the ottomans than byzantium did.
>albanians have zero national identitiy
really? what is their language, its one of the few paleo balkanic languages which still exists. and if im not mistaken wasn the first time there ever was a unified greek country in modern times? throughout history youve been roman larpers or city states.


imagine being so mad that I didn't pick Greece that you lash out all you have against Albanians. but again you greeks are a shell of what your people used to be.

Yugoslavia was high up there for me as well, but it was doomed from the start.

you Balkans truly are pathetic, all of you are in the same genetic cluster. you all look the same. most of you speak the same language. you eat the same type of food. you drink the same type of alcohol. but you all hate each other. all of your countries are equally fucking shitty. there will never be a new Serbian, Greek, Albanian or whatever the fuck you want an empire.

I mean, why didn't you pick Sweden?

Jamtland er norge!

Attached: 1200px-Jämtlands_län_in_Sweden.svg.png (1200x2311, 631.67K)

dna testing is on our side, bro.
those bastards are so opportunistic that even greece is bottom of the barrel for them. they are flooding the rest of the europe now.
dna testing will show who's breeding outside of their race.

>I didn't pick Greece
nobody cares if you picked greece or not. Greek history doesn't need validation by an analbanian.
North Epirus is where greeks still leave. Every time analbanians mess with them, a happing is prone to happen.
language!=civilization. analbanians never evolved beyond the aboriginal stage. their day to day life changed only with the mass import of merc-benz cars.


>gayreece doesn't have civilization. gayreeks are Turks from Anatolia who changed their religion. only Macedonians are inheritors of Hellas. gayreece is a shithole with an artificial culture and doesn't deserve any validation. north epirus is holy albanian #1 land. all of gayreece is shitty aboriginal never evolved country criminal mexico history stealer

Hahaha fucking knew it! Your anti-Swedish butthurt still lives :D

P.S. Tröndelagen is Swedish.

gayreek history summed up. idk seems pretty gay

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ohahahah, you mad analbanian?

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Everything was great in the kalmar union (yugoslavia) untill sweden (croatia) ruined it.

>doesnt understand that im just saying the same stuff as him but acting as if im Albanian to show him how retarded he is.

Imagine being this pathetic

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I’ve always been fascinated by two groups who have significant parallels: the Boers and the Mormons. The Boers fascinate me because I’m half afrikaner(and half Rhodesian, which is another fascination) and the Mormons fascinate me because my next door neighbor growing up was one and there are a lot of parallels to the two groups.
>both forced out of initial home
>both forced to continually move further away from authority
>both faced extreme hardship trekking further and further away
>both significant minorities in the area they inhabit
>both groups are fiercely loyal to their cause
>both are very pro-white and conservative
>both understand the danger of being a minority in their own land
>both are very wary of authority and treat outsiders with scrutiny

Two very interesting groups that few have drawn parallels to.

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as I said before, analbanians have zero national identity.
if there's money involved, they will try to change even their dna.

I don't know if you're completely honest about them due to your Greek butthurt about North Epirus. Them seem to have lots of cultural identity going on for them.

this, except german immigrants. nigger.

North korea

>dna testing is on our side, bro.
kek only a matter of time before greeks realize 25% of their ancestors are just assimilated albos

Hmm let's see

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Obviously this, more then a thousand years ahead of their time

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Every day I am amazed that such a country like Shitaly not only exists but is is considered first world

>t. Amerishit

of course it's a Gayreek

Rhodesia, Chechnya, and Francisco Francos fascist Spain.

Yeah, this was actually easy mode. Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy literally sought inspiration from Rome, like many other empires and kingdoms before them.

You shouldn't have chimped out and instead should have just admitted that you're on Swedish clay.

Bitch you should be glad we gave you independence
Keep running your mouth and we might revoke it

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Monkey here.
Is exchanging Trøndelag and Jämtland worth the hassle?

The Albanians are interesting. They're an indo european group unrelated to slavs, turks, Italians, or greeks. They have some words and names that go back to ancient Illyria, which some speculate means that they are modern illyrians.
Further more, it's interesting how many albanians live outside the albanian border lines. They really dont have the correct borders for their country. Seeing as all neighboring regions of Albania are majority Albanian, northern greece, west Macedonia and Kosovo, southern Montenegro, etc.
I tend to like the Albanians I've met over the years. They kind of act and look pretty independently compared to other immigrant groups I deal with in NYC. Most of them are pretty nice people who just like to take care of their families here. But I'm Italian so I tend to get along fine with Serbs and Greeks and Croatians too. But Albanians definitely are an interesting study for any history enthusiasts out there.

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Albanians are like Jews in every aspect of their being, but their aren't smart nor hard working and their language has only 8,000 words.

European Imperial Africa

Poles and Germans don't. Norwegins also have a superiority complex, despite being inferior.

And Polish, Hans.

Countries I admire:
> Montenegro under Njegos
> Serbian Empire
> Independent state of Croatia
> Fascist Argentina
> Estonia

>They kind of act and look pretty independently compared to other immigrant groups
Please tell me you're joking. Look pretty? Really? They look like Turks and are known for their gypsy-esque ways.

Leave Yugoslavia out of it no one there was ever afraid of Albania

It did not scare of the yugoslavs or soviets. Both just saw that there is Nothing to gain in this poor shithouse