why are they so bad at this?
10% death rate
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too based to lie
too old to survive
too stubborn to change their affectionate and hyper social culture
The boats were flooding them with mass immigration, so they were fucked.
Mama mia that's a spicy virus!
>too based to lie
Are Korea and Germany also lying?
meh, just want to watch the world burn
Two main reasons.
They have a very old population. Because they dont have enough medical resources they have had to triage, some some patients get no medical treatment at all.
Italy has 8.3%, there are several countries in the 7% to 8% range. Iran is at 7.2%
You don't think there are mass quarantines for just the flu? The governments know this is much more deadly than publicly known and they are down playing it so everyone doesn't freak out.
>You don't think there are mass quarantines for just the flu?
Can you repeat that in English?
Wake up sheeple!
Only meds are dying from this!
Northern people are immune!
Italy - 3500 deaths
Spain - 1000
Iran - 1500
France - 372
Germany - 44
Switzerland - 43
Netherlands - 76
Poland - 6
Finland - 0
korea is yes
germany is not, but they are much younger and much less social/affectionate and more prone to heeding advice
>korea is yes
what makes you say so?
they are asian. maybe the govt is being transparent, but the ppl are lying and not seeking the medical help they need.
Median age
Germany 47.1
Italy 45.5
Maybe it's revenge for them stopping the chinese from mass fishing in their waters
Not to worry. They have plenty of young and culturally enriching migrants to replace them when they get too old to work.
So it's the nordcucks who made the virus cuz they jealous BLACK AND MED BVLLS be fucking their white women.
Stupid ass commie politicians reduced public healthcare spending to increase the money given to nigger parasites
Pol, now is the time to assemble your finest collection of plague songs.
percent of population over 65
Germany: 20
Italy: 23
In germany if you have alopecia, they don't count as corona dead
They are probably the most honest about it
Yup that 3% is really explainatory.
> percent of
I'll just leave this here
i have some Italian friends and it ain't looking good over there chief...
They did nothing while it spread (Hey BoJo)
When they took steps to limit the spread, the population was "fuck this shit, it's nothingburger, lets mingle"
Then their health system was chocked with too many patients
Then they literally had to decide who dies and who gets a chance to live
Hospitals have reached critical mass in italy.
Italy covers any death of an infected as corona death whereas most other countries dont if they had other serious illnesses.
Supposedly a lot of old people in italy are getting it.
Italy being a med country has had a far more social millieu before the lockdown so the virus spread faster and reached more of the old and sick people that way.
Use your heads anons, this isn't rocket science
>be doctor
>Take sick patient suffering from an acute case of pneumonia
>look for covid-19
>Find it (because it's literally fucking everywhere)
>panic because you've been told IT'S THE BIG ONE!
>rather than put them on oxygen and let nature take its course like you are supposed to with such a patient you immediately start administering courses of every anti-viral drug you can get your hands on
>drugs cause impaired organ function
>patient loses fight with virus due to impaired organ function
>blame COVID-19 to avoid getting your ass sued.
They’re refusing to cheat with the numbers like they do in the Football.
Greece - 7
They simply dropped the ball user.
Germany is lying af
Why would you think Germans are much younger? What could even make you think that?
>germany is not
where are the Italian flags? i haven't seen one yet and they're all inside their houses
italians are fucking ritardato
it isn't 10%.
Only people that need care to survive, are being counted. So many cases go under the radar by people staying at home
all third world countries have 5%+ mortality rate
Then it was "just the flu" and no one gave two shits I guess.
I'm so scared, I have ordered some prepping equipment and fear I might get infected from touching same surfaces as the courier even when I'm wearing like three pairs of gloves please help me AAAAARGH!
so you're saying it's 80% mortality rate?
The number of deaths aren't even reliable anymore. Far more than those reported are dying without getting tested at all.
sp/user/iard gets it
43 must be nice.
they don't wash their hands and they finger each other's buttholes, constantly
too many boomers.
Have you ever seen italians? They stand so close to each other when talking. They like to hug and kiss each other all day. Then when it comes to dinner time they all rub their forks in each others plate to "share the food".
动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre
>70 old man with diabetes and high blood pressure catch Coron virus and dies.
In italy: cause of death Coronavirus
In Germany: cause of death diabetes and hearth failure.
It's >0.1% mortality rate.
Germany is the only country controlling for immunocompromised individuals on their statistics (because these people would die from literally fucking anything). And they have about a 0.1% mortality rate.
South Korea is the only country attempting to control for non symptomatic cases (but isn't controlling for pre-existing conditions) and has a 0.3% mortality rate.
So the actual mortality rate of the virus could be estimated (based on this information) to be about 0.03%. Aka 30% as lethal as the flu. We're basically being put under house arrest by the nanny state to protect us from the fucking common cold.
Someone made a grave epistemological error when analyzing numbers out of China (they were looking for COVID-19 in people who were already sick and dying and finding it because it's literally everywhere).
And I think the panic, cramping people inside together instead of letting them outside, etc. is now starting to artificially inflate the normal body toll for cold and flu season. Lots of people die of viral pneumonia, and people are seeing it for the very first time because they never pointed news cameras at them before. We're in one big gigantic mass delusion.
>too stupid to understand that 10% case fatality rate
>doesn't know that the % of all infected who will require ICU to not die is.... 10-12%
>too stupid to understand that a virus with a R0 between 2-6, long asymptomatic incubation with asymptomatic spread, that is airborne and the primary method of spread is breathing... that a virus like that will spread so fast as to fill up every hospitan in every country it goes to
>too stupid to take those FACTS and assemble the conclusion that the case fatality rate for this virus is 10-12% minimum everywhere on earth that it is allowed to spread fast enough that hospitals will be overwhelmed
>too stupid to understand that this fate is locked in for every western country
Poor pastabro's.
too stupid to know the difference between mortality rate and case fatality rate, and why (((mortality rate))) is meaningless until after the epidemic has completely run its course in a year or two
primary method of spread is airborne transmission, do not greet the carrier. have him set it down. then, wearing gloves bring the box in, cut it open to let it dry out inside, dispose of the razor blade, set the box in a warm room for 10 days to allow any virus to be inactivated. decontaminate yourself after doing this with soap and water. decontaminate any surfaces with a diluted bleach solution.
>t. virologist who has worked with coronaviruses
Source for Germany controlling for immunosuppression in their statistics?
they switched sides and joined the winner
not an argument mongloid
too smart to post in slide threads
What’s the status of the migrant boats now anyways?
Have you shot the politicians yet? Electorally, of course.
Pretty cool sideways Italy
also too corrupted by mobsters to effectively function
>>too stupid to understand that a virus with a R0 between 2-6, long asymptomatic incubation with asymptomatic spread, that is airborne and the primary method of spread is breathing... that a virus like that will spread so fast as to fill up every hospitan in every country it goes to
Here's a response: I'm not an expert like you, but I've read several articles and heard opinions that this doesn't take into account that some people are less prone to catching it and as is the case with every pandemic, it never reaches the nightmarish proportions that early numbers suggest.
I think this is one of those articles:
Instead of treating those in actual need (old people) they decided to treat young people who are extremely unlikely to die. This combined with a very high old people population, bad hygiene standards and lots of Chinese moving in and out gives you those results.
>too stupid to understand the grave epistemological error.
People keep asserting it on here. I'm too lazy to look it up. But I do know that Germany is reportedly testing 12,000 people a day (vs. USA and France who are only testing 2500 people a day each) and imagun my shok. There's an inverse relationship between death rate and number of people getting tested. Because the statistical fuckup caused by the unscientific analysis of the numbers becomes smoothed over.
You can't just determine the death rate of a virus by testing people who are already sick. This isn't like "oh you can only have one virus or bacteria present in your body at any given time." There's an entire fucking micro-ecology at work. You have to isolate COVID-19, statistically, and that we HAVE NOT done. And the personalities who are capable of getting this message out have instead erred toward political opportunism. It's the ultimate chance to praise their precious nanny state. People like Thundercuck who has decided to play "LOL JUST LISTEN TO THE NANNY STATE IT'LL SAVE US." even though HE FUCKING GOD DAMN KNOWS.