Anti-porn thread

Now that many of us are on lockdown due to the coronavirus, let's get an anti-porn thread going to try and limit usage. Dump your best memes and infographs to show how it's designed to demoralise Western males and is used to control and brainwash us.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Consider porn in light of pic related.
Porn is a weapon.

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Yes, stuff like this. Porn is the new opiate of the masses.

What's the situation like in the UK? Are not on restrictions and social his distancing? Is it true that they're out of panadol and calpol?

I live away from major cities, but public transport is bare and many essentials in shops quickly run low. But an Aldi 3 minutes from where I live is fairly well stocked.


What about female masturbation? I suppose the depletion of sexual energy would be the same but not the sapping of organs?

Males expend nutrients when they ejaculate. They also take the edge off their hunger, makingb them passive. Coupled with a poor diet and a sedentary job and you can see why men are so weak these days.


Do you think it is also possible to heighten your sexual energy with masturbation if you do not ejaculate or is it always a loss? Could your mentality during masturbation be what determines if it takes away or gives you energy?


>Porn is as powerful as any external drug
>Porn reduces the reward centers of the brain
>Porn damages dopamine receptors
>Porn can cause PIED (porn induced erectile dysfunction)
>The porn industry will owned and operated buy ((them))
>Porn cripples testosterone levels

TL;DR: Stop watching porn, stop supporting the jew, stop destroying your own future.

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It's strange. I've been essentially a squalor goblin before this, cooming onto my bedsheets before falling asleep every night. Barely showering, never cleaning, just working, lazing about the house and cooming. But Since being isolated and temporarily laid off I've refused the coom, since the start of this week I've cleaned the house top to bottom, cooking proper meals, and showering daily and I've so much more willpower and self discipline
Take the noporn pill. It helps

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Fuck off faggot, cooming is the greatest thing ever.

good goy, keep it up

>showering daily
Is this such a novel concept? Why the hell wouldn't someone shower daily?

The cooming turned me into a lazy undisciplined faggot. I was cooming every day for months and months, I lost all self respect and didn't do anything more than the bare necessary to survive, eat, sleep, work, coom, repeat. No more.

>the pre-last post

It describes perfectly my expirience about coping with porn and ejaculation addiction.

I've been addicted to porn since pubercy. I highly doubt someone here will be surprised with 2 to 3 ejaculations everyday. Sometimes even more. At some point, my ejaculation addiction like any other addiction, started to require a deviation to bring pleasure. A new expririence to sense. Other way, sensual expirience by masturbating to any kind of porn became shallow and lackluster.
So, thoughts about "switching" places with girls started to slowly pop up in my mind. And long story short, that's how I ended on porn dedicated boards with threads and manuals on prostate orgasms. Yeah, these kinds of orgasms are indescribable. But, as the time flew, I began to notice myself changing. I abosolutely lost interest to women's bodies. No matter how hot they were. Yeah, I admitted they were beautiful, but I had no sexual desire towards them. At some point I admitted my sexual preference is changing. And I didn't want that to happen. I realized, that if I not stop now, this will be a point of no return.

Not to mention my health. Once after 6 ejaculations during one day, I felt a heartache. The constant procastination and emotional unstability. The eyesight. Underweight. Even my voice became more high-pitched.

>t. has never been depressed

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So I declared a war to my addiction. I inspected every single book on sex and masturbation that was worthy of reading. They were all about that threadshot says.

I've learned that certain food, mindset and environment can affect (and in fact is affecting) the amount of semen, thus increasing pressure into my "lower parts", making the urge to ejaculate unbearable. I've learned that this urge is further exploited by my subconscious as an excuse to get what it wants. I've learned that proper diet, and certain breathing techniques combined with physical ones can reverce the flow of energy from genitals upwards, thus "cooling" the urge.

The more I learnt, and practiced. the more strong my control over my addictions became. But occasionally, they came back in the bright of day with pictures of old pleasurable expiriences. Believe me, there is no way to can describe this shit through text. These "visions" were so strong my knees were shaking. Every single cell of my body and my mind was demanding sensual pleasures they've expiriences in the past. Sometimes I couldn't stand it. But eventually, they all were gone.

I began from masturbating everyday to a year without any. The only way I lose semen now is during a sleep pollutions once per 3-4 months. The feeling of freedom I've get is indescribable. Back then I didn't even belive there is a way one could reverse this shit into normal. My body slowly recovered from many minor health problems. I've gained healthy weight. And my body started to react to women bodies' curves normally. Again.

The interesting thing I've discovered while reading some books, is that there is no really deep study of nighttime erection, a.k.a. the "morning wood". The shitty medicide articles I've read claims this is normal. This isn't. Until I myself made a research on this and got rid of it, I couldn't get rid of my addictions.

tl;dr - the Man begins since he aquire the control of his sexual desires. Not since they control him.

gee no porn, guess its high time OP is being turned into a cuck by force.

>Porn made me act like a lazy fuck

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>takes away from womans pussy monopoly
>much cleaner than real roasties because no chance to get herpes, other stds or babys
>not degenerate like hookup culture
>can be obtained for FREE
>makes men spend much less on roasties
>even guys who cant get laid can see naked 10/10s
>boosts your immune system to fight off Coronachan

yep Porn and Masturbation is based (and life saving)

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I'm not blaming porn, I was a lazy fuck set in my ways, but porn and cooming was part of it, and breaking the habit in any way can pave the path to being productive and not a wastrel

Always stuck at home. Always watching porn. [spoiler]Wife is always riding my dick.[/spoiler] WTF else is their to do other than work at my steam backlog.

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So why do those of us who like to coom and live productive lives get attacked by nofappers and coomer posters

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>takes away from womans pussy monopoly
you're watching videos zooming in on pussy. it actually heightened the monopoly
>much cleaner than real roasties because no chance to get herpes, other stds or babys
if your mentality sets "real roasties" as the default option for real sex, you've got bigger problems than herpes and >babys
>not degenerate like hookup culture
>not degenerate
i bet you couldn't share your porn history with a gun pointed at your head and a grenade in your mouth
>can be obtained for FREE
makes it easier for you to get addicted
>makes men spend much less on roasties
again, if your default mindset is that you need to "spend" on "roasties" that you'd rather watch "roasties" get fucked on screen, you've got bigger problems
>even guys who cant get laid can see naked 10/10s
you mean sluts showing off their fake bods to millions of NEETs and incels? yeah, that's what turns you on
>boosts your immune system to fight off Coronachan
you won't die of corona. you're already dead inside
>yep Porn and Masturbation is based (and life saving)
congratulations, you graduated from npc training

>go to /gif/
>loli threads
basically normalizes pedo sexual preferences
>tranny threads
this is probably the most cunning tool to brainwash males not only into jacking off of these mentally-ill abominations but subconsciously convincing them to become one of them
>cuck threads
i don't even know when this became mainstream
>pegging threads
see tranny threads
if you're not so far into this mindfuck of an abyss, going to that board is enough to get you anti-porn pilled

masturbating is good for your prostate, lowers the risk of cancer. But i guess science denial is part and parcel of pol.

it also makes you fat weak and short

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I am definitely not one of these nofap fanatics, but with this lockdown/confinement bullshit I find myself far more happy and motivated engaging in constructive hobbies with all my alone time... been writing up some pretty sweet stuff for my DnD group, been writing new music, doing a lot of work projects around the house, gardening, and ammo stockpiling... really hasn't crossed my mind once to jerk my dick off... and I think I'm probably happier and more chill for it.

This is "tantric masturbation" and was supposedly used by Hitler and Rasputin to increase charismatic energy. Supposedly edging with a specific goal in mind is a way of forcing space-time to bed to your will or something. As crazy as it sounds, I've had it work in a Twlight Zone type way. If I edged/tantra-masturbated with redheads in mind, for example, I would meet a friendly redhead soon, but she'd be old or already with a bf or something. Ultimately, the prostrate cramps are too uncomfortable. You feel like your "sexual energy" is stuck in one chakra rather than freely flowing like pure abstinence gives.

fucking homos. off to pornhub i go.

>imma talk out my ass and not provide any sources to any of these beside anecdotes
literally you.

> and short
nofap actually shrinks your dick, you dont use it so you lose it.
Its like a man who sits in a wheelchair and doesnt use his legs, if he sits around for months in that wheelchair he wont be able to run when he suddenly needs to.
he will be crippled, same principle for the dick.
it needs to be trained like every muscle in the body.

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good thread. ive been crossdressing and binging porn for the last week or so, completely losing track of things. i've quit many addictions, nicotine being the toughest (took several years) porn seems harder.

i was on nofap for like 40 days but then i thought it was a scam. totally ignored how good i felt. gave in to the desires instead.

my newest fetish is actually not cooming, but just masturbate and edge, and eventually have a prostate orgasm. youre telling me i shouldnt? i am struggling with learning and creativity, which makes me frustrated.

On nofap these days, but partly because pornhub went to shit.
>proam false amateurs
>amateurs are often too shy to show face
>new good pro content mostly non-existent thanks to whores moving to camming
I suspect porn and sexual exhibitionism is more of a millennial thing. Zoomers don't seem to upload college sex as much. Or there's some secret zoomer porn site (that I want access to.)

In order to do this, one needs to masturbate and focus on directing the energy upwards, through the cerebrospinal system and to the pineal/center of forehead. Masturbate to the point of climax, but instead of ejaculating, maintain the focus on retaining the semen and directing the energy upward. This should result in a "crown chakra orgasm" that comes from the top and goes down through the body. It can feel as though warm honey has been poured on the brain. This allows you to increase your personal power in the form of increased electro-magnetic presence. Women are most attuned to picking up on this. Whenever I have sex I never ejaculate. I facilitate a crown chakra instead. My partners pick up on this and it drives them crazy. From my experience women will drastically increase their efforts to get you to ejaculate. They sense the power, and they want it for themselves. Never give in. That power is to be reserved for procreation, or transmuted for the purpose of manifestation i.e. taking action and getting shit done.

>This (((German))) poster shilling for pornography in every NoFap thread.
Show real flag, Moshe :D

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Porn cartoons are still ok.

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>all woman are whores
>i'd rather jack myself off watching them on a screen forever
>look at this hot ""teen"" who is definitely female and not a tranny
>look at her pretty eyes that are definitely not drugged up
>she a whore but she make me feel gud
to be this cucked
>ugly IRL 5/10s cant compete with
and projecting this hard
user, whoever told you that coooming is the only way to love yourself is lying. you're better than this desu

The sheer amount of success stories from doing nofap and giving up porn is high enough to prove its worth

Porn is anti human.

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I did the noporn + nofap thing about 7 years ago.

First attempt I lasted 800 days, I'm not fucking joking, somehow I managed to succeed at it the 1st time.
Long story short, not sure if it's related but I converted to Christianity (got baptized in Catholic church). I recently got married and got my first son, I'm fucking blessed.

I recommend to everyone here, especially if you're 20-30 yrs old to stay away from porn, it's a fucking trap and steal your vital energy. It's culturally accepted that's what the trick is.

Do not fall into that shit, it's one the biggest culprit of our lives for the millenial generation that Im part of.

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According to the Vedas, storing semen inside the body is useful and provides vital energy, the Veerya.
Why not redirect that energy to other chakras to power them instead of edging and frying your neurons?

>Women are most attuned to picking up on this.
Right? My neighbour slapped my ass and gave me a kiss in the cheek after I fixed her computer. That happened after like 3-4 weeks of NoFap I was like WTF

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all porn is ok.
>all woman are whores
yes they are, everyone with a brain knows this
>i'd rather jack myself off watching them on a screen forever
in current times its the better option although brothels are fine too
>look at this hot ""teen"" who is definitely female and not a tranny
what trannies?
>look at her pretty eyes that are definitely not drugged up
>that are definitely not drugged up
who cares lol
>she a whore but she make me feel gud
>to be this cucked
its not cucked, at best it makes you a voyeur.
>ugly IRL 5/10s cant compete with
yes they cant compete, thats why porn takes away from the pussy monopoly.
its overall a good thing for Men.

>The sheer amount of success stories
>nofappers spend their time on anonymous imageboards whining about other mens dicks

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Did you have success with ditching other addictions before going on nofap? For me, everything was going well until I bought into some shill info that I'm retarded for doing nofap.

Then you defeated the jabberwock and went on to save narnia?
Let's not kid. Giving up porn makes you productive and improves quality of life. But not having a wank for a month or 2 isn't gonna make you a chick magnet. Fucking larper

After you do a long time of NoFap you start feeling like the child again. Remember that feeling of peace inside and being happy from every second of living?
Yeah .. that goes back to you if you ditch pornography and masturbation COMPLETELY.

Good luck Janusz here's a calendar for you

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Did you miss the part where I said to not ejaculate? Semen retention is what the "crown chakra orgasm" is based on.

good job if true.
>i've quit many addictions, nicotine being the toughest (took several years) porn seems harder
i think cold turkey fallacy applies to all addictions. if you force yourself to suddenly stop doing something your body and mind have become too accustomed and dependent on, they'll rebel against you. you have to do it slowly but surely and discipline both mind and body to get used to healthier habits and find pleasure in that
>i am struggling with learning and creativity, which makes me frustrated
take your time user, but don't give up. there are other pleasures in life that are more fulfilling. go to /lit/, /diy/ and Yas Forums. those boards were able to convince me to read more, lift more and build stuff from scratch

Why? You don't lift weights anyways.

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>But not having a wank for a month or 2 isn't gonna make you a chick magnet.
I fucking swear to God mate I laughed from all these stories about pulling out chicks after not fapping I thought these people are retarded or larpers.
Then it happened for real to me. You have to try it yourself it's like you give out this energy, you're so sure of yourself .. I can't even describe this feeling. It's like you're out of your body and you just go with the flow.

Edging is worse than fapping. You can just visualize the energy entering your upper chakras instead.

I just coomed twice today. Before bed time I will coom the third time and I feel based

I dont really remember having other addictions. I guess computer/internet would be one but I never quit and since I work with computers I cant really get off it.

I dont know what kind of shill info you read, but Im sure deep inside you know that porn is poison. Masturbation isnt that bad per se if you can moderate it, but doing nofap really help with getting in control.

I'm circumcised and wash my ass with water, I still shower almost everyday because I workout

You still use your dick to pee and have morning woods everyday, now show us your nose


Cooming is a vice, same as alcoholism or cigs.
Yes you are able to do it occasionally and not become addicted, but it's an easy thing to fall into. Especially to those with addiction prone minds,

thats not enough

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