Other urls found in this thread:
>Big letters
wow le based!
Remember Israel is truly our greatest ally stupid goys!
Yeah this was posted earlier... How come the right page is suddenly not blurred anymore and perfectly readable? Fake and gay.
this man knows how to get the media's attention
Ummm.... Hello? Based Department?
based fuck chinks
that is pretty based.
Yes, and fuck chinks to hell..exterminate them by the millions.
Better my dick shrink
than suffer the chink
He would be cool if he did not have jew dicks in him, shame. Very bad.
This is the sort of stuff that I love trump for
he's as blind a bat (soup)
the world should not forget the chinks created this plague
absolute mad lad
This. Is. Outrageous.
Don't let those dirty chinks bury the truth with doublespeak.
This it the CHINESE VIRUS.
it's good to see that he has his priorities straight
Man who found the cure calls it the Chinese Virus.
boomers fight back
You would think after 5 years (((The Media))) would stop taking such obvious bait but (((they))) just can't help themselves.
This looks so fucking shopped
But hippies will do whatever to make him look bad
Hand over the reparations chinky
Yas Forums really doesnt understand how huge this is
Hes literally going to war with china right now, pretty much singlehandedly. If he wins (and he already is), it will be the single greatest achievement of any living human by far and will usher in a new age of prosperity and abundance.
I'm extremely excited to see this play out.
We dont know for sure the origins of the virus and just because it was first spread in Wuhan it doesn't mean it has originated from there. The bat soup theory is just a catchy meme.
In the other hand the US has experimented on its own citizens over hundreds of times in the past and it's all public declassified info , what promise do we have this isn't another one of them??
He posts here, doesn't he?
>to make him look bad
This really doesn't make him look bad unless you want hate him to begin with.
I'm really starting to like this guy
I love this man
Media tries to parrot CCP narrative but fuck the chinks, the world needs to remember China caused this.
>Never forget pearl harbord
But that was Japan.
Im convinced at least one of his sons keeps him updated on the shit people are saying on the internet
Don Jr. for sure.
maybe barron himself is shitposting here
>Using a capital 'h' and 'n'
You really need to try harder.
Donald “Chink Destroyer” Trump
Trumps knows exactly what he's doing. He does these trivial things on purpose knowing it will make the left explode in an apoplectic rage. This makes the left look stupid, pumps up his base, and drives the centrists further from the left. It's genius. One word. The entire world has gone absolutely nuts over one word that even 2 weeks ago was a non-event before Trump said it. It's trolling artistry.
Time to lead a nation and chew bubblegum and I'm all out of gum.
>Terracougha Army
/ptg/ needs to leave.
>at least I didn't die a racist
Holy shit I love this man.
Self-hating reddit cucks like you need to leave
Focal length you fucking lenselet
Hello based department?
lmao that boomer font size
I didn't quite make the list, only screencapped it.
Add on if you what. Im partial to Shanghai shivers and wu ping cough
Virgin private speakers detected
absolutely Yas Forumscore
wow based blondie
This controversy is the absolute worst case of "ORANGEMAN BAD"
Checked & Based
probably fake but that would be hilarious if it was real
He deserves to be worshipped, any disrespectors should be flogged publicly
Fuck off you lying piece of shit. The whole world knows this started in China, the whole world knows CHINA is the place that genocides its own people, and the whole world WILL DESTROY THE CHINESE COMMUNIST PARTY. Now go kill your mother, then yourself, you fucking parasite.
Cringe boomer, muh China
So ptg hate is coming from leftypol shills?
It all started in China.
The science is settled.
All the time.
>flu manchu
Love him. Yankees better elect him once more
Chink virus.
>Israel is truly our greatest ally
"in that region." ..but I guess the Palestinians are right up there with them, eh?