The Soviet army stormed the cities of eastern Europe without using heavy weapons, as the Western Allies did, so as not to minimize the destruction, at the cost of increasing the death of soldiers, so why are you taking revenge on dead Soviet soldiers by destroying their monuments?
The Soviet army stormed the cities of eastern Europe without using heavy weapons, as the Western Allies did...
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The fuck are you on about, how much have you had to drink? And it’s only 1:00pm.
so as not to minimize the destruction.
OK, But let's reduce it to the ground with strategic bombing.
>heavy weapons
define heavy weapon. now.
you have possibly 1/2 minutes or /thread
Didn’t use heavy weapons?
Don't worry Ivan, we are best bros now
TSAR bomb or heavier
My dick.
lol yeah right there is no heavier.....
A WW2 veteran i know always used to say:
>The black death (germans) got replaced by the red plague (russians)
the germans were killing civilians in the millions and destroying cities for fun while being drugged of their minds on pervitin (crystal meth).
the russians were a little less insane with the destroying, but not really different with the rape and civilian killing (vodka makes you horny and angry)
>lose all your heavy weapons getting btfo by the germans
>zerg rush berlin with your slave conscripts
>instruct them to rape, pillage, and genocide upon taking the city
>75 years later, claim that the soviets were merciful for not using heavy weapons
because the Red Army was honourless - they raped every women between the ages of 8 and 80 west of the River Memel.
I've heard countless stories of germans being humane and actually respecting people they've invaded, but russians and ukrainian subhumans... oh the horror - children rape, killed pregnant women, made their family watch it.
I hope corona-chan decimates their population. They are dangerous animals that cannot coexist with civilised men.
So thete you go, they did not use heavy weapons kek
and in the real world, the russians had a fuckton of heavy weapons throughout the entirety of WW2 (the most famous of them is the Katyusha, built already in 1941), they btfo the germans and raped and pillaged germany after the germans butchered over 26 million of their countrymen.
Russia still hasn’t paid enough blood for this crime. I hope they do one day krautbro
ohh noooo thats terrible, its not like they were doing exactly the same god damn thing.
cry me a river.
dont forget to cry about muh dresden.
soviets had more heavy weapons than all allies combined, look up Kursk battle
>haha we could have leveled your city but we didn't aren't we great?
>oh yeah we're still going to rape your women and occupy your country for 50 years
>butchered 26 million
Ok, Pawel, if that's what you wanna believe.
In reality the USSR was about to attack us and we launched a preemptive strike.
Also, the russians were quite used to slaughtering their own people, god knows how many of these deaths they now blame on us.
Fuck off. What Soviets did weren't much better than what Anglos and Mutts did. They've definitely had a better excuse but their action deserve condemnation not glorification
>started WWII by unjustly murdering germans in freshly annexed territory
because you pillaged most of eastern and central europe leaving them 40 years behind west
This. No step back was a literal policy. Partisans used to rape and pillage villages they were supossed to protect. People from "freed" territories were either killed or send to gulags because they were considered traitors. Fuck soviet apologists
>if that's what you wanna believe.
the germans loved bragging about butchering 26 million russians up until the battle of berlin, lmao.
>In reality the USSR was about to attack us and we launched a preemptive strike.
we're talking here about things that actually happened.
>>started WWII by unjustly murdering germans in freshly annexed territory
we're talking here about things that actually happened, though.
>I fucked you in the arse but I used lube
>>In reality the USSR was about to attack us and we launched a preemptive strike.
Picrelated. Stalin was planning an invasion.
>started WWII by unjustly murdering germans in freshly annexed territory
Yea faggot, do not even try to deny it. Hitler was forced into poland because you niggers couldn't behave.
maybe because you assholes DEPORTED 75K OF OUR PEOPLE TO SIBERIA (most of which died on the way there) ON FUCKING ANIMAL TRAIN CABS W/O FOOD AND THEN FORCED ALL OF OUR FARMERS TO HAND ALL OF THEIR CROPS AWAY TO THE SOVIET NATION. Fuck you russians for crying over your monuments on our soil
>caught between a rock and a hard place
>refused to negotiate
Either way you look at it, you retards caused the war with England (at your own peril)
Tell that to the poolacken i'm sure poles were glad for their subhuman rooster "liberators".
>stalin was planning an invasion
no he wasnt.
>Yea faggot, do not even try to deny it. Hitler was forced into poland because you niggers couldn't behave.
we're talking about things that actually happened, though.
contact me when you have even 1 source or citation for this imaginary bullshit.
>>refused to negotiate
hmm? got some citations or sources for this imaginary nonsense?
The USSR used lots of artillery and rockets to destroy everything before storming.
Nice meme m8.. russians even raped their fellow russians because those apes have no honour.
What you didn't know that you snubbed the krauts and gave them no choice but to show you just how perilous your situation was?
Russians always look for an opportunity to:
1.) Get drunk
2.) Steal
3.) Assault someone
4.) Not work
what are you even talking about at this point?
please, at least try posting a source or a citation, because im not sure if you're talking about harry potter or some other imaginary horseshit because you're sure as hell not talking about WW2.
5.) Complain and argue
Pic related is normal nothing suspicious.
Building airports direct at the border to reach deep in the enemies lands is total normal nothing unusual.
Soviets never planned to attack it was 100% just defence measures.
200k here
Before they invaded, the Germans wanted certain concessions from you poles, but you presumably got offended and stopped communicating.
>no he wasnt.
Provided you with a source and you dumb faggot will keep pilpulling around
>we're talking about things that actually happened, though.
contact me when you have even 1 source or citation for this imaginary bullshit.
Bloody Sunday?
The fuck are you even talking about, retard? It is a well known fact you tried to genocide germans
Doesn't excuse kraut chimpout for clay.
Very dishonorable that these krauts now complain about how savage russians were when the retards started shit, can't even take it like a man.
Talk shit get hit bitch.
if you think the poles could of avoided the war by giving up danzig your retarded
>The Soviet army stormed the cities of eastern Europe without using heavy weapons, as the Western Allies did, so as not to minimize the destruction
Yeah, right
why do you want to be friends and find excuses with western pussies?
Just be glad that they are destroying your monuments and not converting them to gay pride memorials.
By the way soviet monuments are beautiful
True. Russians massively raped Baltics, almost all women in Estonia were raped, and many males as well.
The fuck are you on about? Literally every single fucking major Red Army assault was preceded by heavy shelling, followed with an armoured thrust. Every fucking assault. Every single time.
That's an utter load of shit.
>a week after the invasion started and half of country got leveled
ill say again:
contact me when you have even 1 source or citation for this imaginary bullshit.
they didnt plan to attack.
>Provided you with a source
you provided good old suvorov opinion-piece-bullshit.
lmao, you russians really fucking suck at lying in modern times, you were really goot at it during communism, but now you cant lie for shit.
>more imaginary sourceless drivel
come on, one citation, one source.
Nothing wrong with wanting to eradicate the Bolsheviks. You idiots were so asleep you actually allied with them, only to realise after the war that Hitler was, in fact, right all along.
>1 post by this ID
sage in all fields
No they aren't. Soviet architecture is brutalism and should be destroyed. You have no fucking idea how demoralizing it is to have a statue of a communist kike who killed millions of your coethnics in the middle of your town "because we shouldn't try to erase history"
Pervitin isn't a crystal retard
Sorry dude, your Kazakh grandpa was a rapist.
polish posters are the only sane posters on this board.
But at least USSR gave you rich german clay in exchange of belarus shithole.
I'm not justifying the Russians but still better.
My grandpa served in SS. Fuck off
>Nothing wrong with wanting to eradicate the Bolsheviks.
>The Soviet army stormed the cities of eastern Europe without using heavy weapons,
Yeah this sounds like bullshit.
We should destroy all the judeo-bolshevik monuments. Kikes murdered millions of you guys, and you still worship them like gods.
>Hitler was, in fact, right all along.
Pffft what, what was he right about you dumb fuck? Some austrian napoleon wannabe.
And like I said, talk shit get hit. The fact germs are even dare to complain after US injected them with so much cash after WW2 to rebuild, entitled little fucks.
>But at least USSR gave you rich german clay in exchange of belarus shithole.
it wasnt even a good deal to begin with, we received utterly ruined cities we had to rebuild brick by brick ourselves (no free jewish money from the Marshall plan the west had) and lost untouched cities we had for 900 years.
maybe if you retards left after your "liberation" then those statues wouldnt have been torn down
just shut up little bitch. Stalinist classicism was way better than german rationalism.
Your grandpa was a traitor and it passed the genes of infamy to you apparently, I am disappointed that Russian patriots didn't shoot your entire family so that we wouldn't hear your bullshit.
Btw I hate communism, but it is always better than national socialism
No, this is a typical and absurd Russian lie. Your grandfather was a central Asian second liner that raped and murdered white women at the first opportunity.
But you still are heroin addicted vodkaniggers with AIDS. YOUR POINT?
They could have avoided the war if they had have not given Hitler no other choice but to go through them to get to the USSR.
I don't know what history they teach you in but no - you didn't have a perfect diplomatic relationship with Germany then they just invaded randomly all of a sudden....
>you didn't have a perfect diplomatic relationship with Germany then they just invaded randomly all of a sudden....
yeah no shit, the nazis were killing any international relationships in europe for 20 years
How else we be going to achieve a border with Russia through which to invade you tacticlet?
>spent the next 50 odd years in a cold war with the USSR which nearly culminated in the destruction of the entire planet
>"n-no... Hitler wasn't right!"
Russian patriots that didn't die during the civil war and didn't flee to the west wanted nothing more than for bolshevik state to collapse. Hitler killed less Russians during war than fucking kikes did during peace time.
>central Asian
>muh russian are asian mutts
Fuck off leaf, you have your wifes boyfriend to attend to
yes but Russia financed the rebuilding. In Warsaw a lot of buildings were rebuilt in classic stalinist architecture.
and about the government, Bierut was just a pawn but later Gomulka and Moczar seemed rather independent.
The only tragedy of the war is that we didn't do the Soviets next. Only an actual cuckold would side with square headed Krauts or Soviet subhumans. And before you launch into some tired rant about degeneracy, that's the legacy of communism, not some intrinsic aspect of democracy or the west.
Communism and National Socialism are autistic German ideologies. Reject them.
So you finally see that you were infact refusing to negotiate despite your historically proven perilous position?
Enjoy niggers, muds, trannies, faggots, pedos and zoophiles in your country. But at least you don't have to speak German.
>i-i-it's because s-s-soviets
Yeah, it is slavs who run your society and push anti-white degeneracy on you.
Why dont you naziboo retards understand the difference between negotiating and giving daddy Hitler everything he wants
have you ever been to Germany?
They are faggots and cucks, stop idealising them only because they made good parades.
The Nazi Party displayed jewish people inside and in Russia Stalin got rid of the jewish trotzkyst.
Also Mensheviks were significantly more jewish than bolsheviks but still they fought with the white army.
>muh Bloody Sunday
You people are so stupid
That happened after Hitler had invaded Poland, when the war had started
When you're in the position Poland was in, you give daddy Hitler everything he wants.
because we saw how Hitler respected the pact with Czechoslowakia.
They invaded them despite having aquired all the german land.
I wish all of Europe died and communism took over so you could later die a long and painful death. Much like the siege of leningrad, just self-caused.
The soviet air force were a joke. A complete fucking shambles. Most of the german fighter aces came from the eastern front, and not many of them were all that proud of how many kills they got simply because of how easy they were to get. Some aces told stories of how soviet planes would never even attempt evasive maneuvers.
I'm sure the soviets would have liked to pull off some carpet bombing, but they simply did not know how to fly.
still Poland won and acquired most of Ostdeutschland while Germany was doomed to destruction.
Who is the stupid about negotiating now?
Well congratulations
Then Russians occupied us in 1940 no one was against CCCP in general. Our enemy no 1 was poles and germans, but commies killed , raped, and deported so many that people seen Nazis occupation as liberation. So yeah if you smell shit everywhere maybe is you ?
>The Soviet army stormed the cities of eastern Europe without using heavy weapons, as the Western Allies did, so as not to minimize the destruction,
hahahhahhahahah what a retarded post. The coooooomies destroyed our cities far more than Germans ever did
t. Polish
>without using heavy weapons
Bullshit you dumbfuck.
Well you didn't have much success with plan b either did you?
they won though
Poland ceased to be a country.
On the ground sure, lucky for them they had lend-lease agreements with the US.
So did Germany
> Russia Stalin got rid of the jewish trotzkyst
The fact Trotsky lived that long while being very open of his ideas of Jewish supremacy and Soviet union is a golem state for Zionism tells you all you need to know. New Soviet Men, lmao. They were so open about it it's actually still shocking.
>The Nazi Party displayed jewish people inside
>pls purityspiral reich had few jewish mutts serving it
Nah. Germans were the last people to stand up against international hyenas, represent and fight for interests of their people instead of the interests of bankers. They were turned into the most evil people to ever exist for a reason.
>The Soviet army stormed the cities of eastern Europe without using heavy weapons