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Freemasonry and Pedophilia
cam you just tell me what this is like explain what the link is
Masonic strategy for procuring children to rape and getting away with it because other masons in the legal system/bureaucracy will let them get away with it every time
I saw this happen where I'm from, a headmaster of a private school was busted with a ton of cp and had an adopted Russian son he abused, case dismissed because "search warrant was too broad"
>you'd never guess who owned then school too, or maybe you would
Pics or it didn't happen.
They do this in all the Anglo countries.
Masons are shabbos goys who study kabbalah and think they're enlightened by fulfilling jewish prophecy.
The more serious habitual criminals and the incurably insane are sentenced to death in the lethal gas chambers by the courts
The Urantia book
>[Paper :Section. Paragraph]
The methods of this people in dealing with crime, insanity, and degeneracy, while in some ways pleasing, will, no doubt, in others prove shocking to most Urantians. Ordinary criminals and the defectives are placed, by sexes, in different agricultural colonies and are more than self-supporting. The more serious habitual criminals and the incurably insane are sentenced to death in the lethal gas chambers by the courts. Numerous crimes aside from murder, including betrayal of governmental trust, also carry the death penalty, and the visitation of justice is sure and swift.
These people are passing out of the negative into the positive era of law. Recently they have gone so far as to attempt the prevention of crime by sentencing those who are believed to be potential murderers and major criminals to life service in the detention colonies. If such convicts subsequently demonstrate that they have become more normal, they may be either paroled or pardoned. The homicide rate on this continent is only one per cent of that among the other nations.
> [72:10.3]
Efforts to prevent the breeding of criminals and defectives were begun over one hundred years ago and have already yielded gratifying results. There are no prisons or hospitals for the insane. For one reason, there are only about ten per cent as many of these groups as are found on Urantia(Earth).
1/8 Eugenics
>unwise perpetuation of racially degenerate stocks which have tremendously retarded the progress of civilization
The Urantia book
>[Paper :Section. Paragraph]
The groups going west became less contaminated with the backward stocks of mutual ancestral origin than those going east, who mingled so freely with their retarded animal cousins. These unprogressive individuals drifted southward and presently mated with the inferior tribes. Later on, increasing numbers of their mongrel descendants returned to the north to mate with the rapidly expanding Andonic peoples, and such unfortunate unions unfailingly deteriorated the superior stock. Fewer and fewer of the primitive settlements maintained the worship of the Breath Giver.
> [64:1.8]
And thus it has ever been on Urantia (Earth). Civilizations of great promise have successively deteriorated and have finally been extinguished by the folly of allowing the superior freely to procreate with the inferior.
After all, the real jeopardy of the human species is to be found in the unrestrained multiplication of the inferior and degenerate strains of the various civilized peoples rather than in any supposed danger of their racial interbreeding.
The church, because of overmuch false sentiment, has long ministered to the underprivileged and the unfortunate, and this has all been well, but this same sentiment has led to the unwise perpetuation of racially degenerate stocks which have tremendously retarded the progress of civilization.
The inner and the outer worlds have a different set of values. Any civilization is in jeopardy when three quarters of its youth enter materialistic professions and devote themselves to the pursuit of the sensory activities of the outer world. Civilization is in danger when youth neglect to interest themselves in ethics, sociology, eugenics, philosophy, the fine arts, religion, and cosmology.
The Mason War
>Hiram Abiff (their Muhammad, old temple builder for Solomon that got murdered, creating a mystery the modern goys haven't figured out yet)
>Lots of role playing, initiates usually act out Biblical stories before getting their higher degree and asshole tucked
>Strong oaths, at the point of swords literally, many ex masons found dead
>33 = highest rank, symbolic for Jesus who died at that age, or maybe the trinity (probably roots back to ancient Egypt though)
>Lodges (their places of worship/sort of church or mosque) contain autistic Egyptian design and an all seeing eye
>Compass represents their stone cutting ancestors, that use to bitch for the catholic church
All I know about them, also G (symbol they use) is a numerological reference to 7. Which probably ties in to something else.
>many ex masons found dead
Like who, and why?
Based dönmeh poster
Get this book, learn the ciphers
>Jean Mamy, old French director/film producer
>Cause of death execution (by firing squad)
>His last film was the anti-Masonic 1943 film Forces occultes, which he directed (he had from 1931 to 1939 been Venerable of the Renan lodge of the Grand Orient de France, but had since parted company with Freemasonry).
Can't be a coincidence.
note: always call them freemasons, the bastardized version of the first masons who weren't child raping, child killing, and child corpse eating faggots
I'll look for a pdf copy.
Was he the only nazi collaborator killed after the war?
Sorry to burst your bubble, but what actually happens in ritual child sex abuse is that they drug and disorient the child so they are confused.
They then lie to them about where they are and what's going on, so that when they inevitably tell their story, they sound crazy and no-one believes them.
Pedophiles who abuse kids in rituals always do this. It's a lot easier to discredit your victim if you convince them that they were abused by some grand international masonic conspiracy.
Don't know.
Yep. Masons are our secondary kikes
So you think Pierre Laval was let off scot free?
And either way, that's only one name. There must be others.
The same can be said for Christianity and Islam as well.
This is just a narcissistic Jew trying to take credit for something that they had nothing to do with
'ole benjamins satement (he was prime minister of the uk)
someone red-pill me on the connection between Freemasons and the Furries... Disney is an obvious confluence of the two.
they are jews that worship saturn(also known as jehovah in the torah), what do you expect. These fuckers literally signed a blood contract of binding that lasts an eternity, It can never be broken. It's literally why they wear a black cube on their foreheads representing saturn, and their arms have straps that represent them being binded. jews wear hats because it's a sign of humility that saturn wants. It's also why saturn is a hexagon and the star of david has a hexagon in the middle.
It's alot easier to scare the victim if you tell them the same. It's alot easier to hide your actions if you use a massive network.
One thing I'm sure of, I don't trust any of these secret groups, and there are more groups than just the Masons out there.
>lasts an eternity
Theft by deception is a breach of good faith and cause for termination of contract in any court.
It lasts for as long as they don't know how to break out of it, Which only the entity knows(it's not a god). They do a blood sacrafice and give up all their future, past and present to serve saturn in binding humanity. It's why jews hate the white race, White people are not intrinsically drawn to power. Saturn gives jews power and money, because it knows all things in time, It's the entity of time, But it comes at a price. You must sacrifice your soul. All people in hollywood do this, they think it's just temporary but it's permanent. If anything the actors in hollywood are just clueless as what they've got themselves into, But they will happily take the millions upon billions of dollars not knowing what they've got themselves into.
It's also why jews wear black exclusively, It's the color of saturn. Saturn represents death, destruction, poverty, misfortune. If you worship saturn it will give you the opposite of these effects in your human body, But you must serve it in binding. Jews get money and power, but their souls are eternally trapped in an energy vortex from this entity.
Sauce on first Masons?
It's also why jews have always succeeded in the physical realm, despite being hated by almost everyone throughout history ever. Saturn hates humanity and the earth, But what it hates the most is human advancement and humans in general. Founding fathers knew this and this is why they gave us inalienable rights to protect ourselves in our physical bodies
Bump because it’s true
Deepstate, the freemasons, the satanic churches, synagogues, the zionists are all the same enemy of the People. They are a worldwide thread. They have official lodges and secret lodges in almost every country in this planet, including Iran, China, Russia, and the said “adversaries” of the US/anglo-empire.
checks out
ufc hexagon
Same here, Grand Orient loge basically owns half the country, the justice system, education, media, choked full of masons.
user, you might be... user, you’re a fucking retard!
All higher level freemasons world wide engage in such bestial behaviors.
Lower levels are just tools of the beast, sometimes never realizing that their higher ranked “brothers” are engaging in satanic abusive rituals.
Freemasons —-> the real Enemy of the People.
Some patience user, burger-user didn’t explain only dropped that it first sounded stupid to me, but then, they are monster (666) ads all over the hexagone.
Plus the contenders engage in a bloody fights with enrage public around, which is pretty bestial/satanic.
So it is against life, and for the destruction of life in the name of competition and money.
Pyramid of natural order inversed.
And even when you run your own business, and you happen to be successful, freemasons still engage you and try to recruit you into their cult.
They use all kind of approaches and multiple times (only for interesting candidates), they send you a good friend of yours, or a family member, or a business partner to portray freemasonry as something good for humanity, to seduce you enrolling with their “brotherhood”.
For those that make it to the very top without having a freemasonic membership could became targets of the brotherhood if the person is redpilled and based in a anti-zionistic way and vocal about it.
>grand orient
So this is the thread being slid like crazy right now
wow, link to this book please?
It's the first English translation of a Sebottendorff book I've ever seen. I have Bevor Hitler kam but it's in German and in fraktur font. My German is rusty and my eyes aren't that good anymore.
btw fun fact: Sebottendorff killed himself in 1945 by jumping into the Bosporus.
>lasts an eternity, It can never be broken
it really cant be broken ? what if you acknowledge that you are a sinner and that Jesus died for your sins . What if you repent and you try to live a life in which you serve God
Bump for jews are mongrels and masons are stupid goyniggers.
You can find any fuckin pdf on this site
It can be broken obviously.
Yep. They were taken over very early because to rebuild the 3rd Temple you need actual Masons.
They were English stone masons who kept their secret techniques closely guarded. They were immensely powerful due to their ability and having a monopoly on the skills needed for grand architecture. Some speculate they used druidic teachings alongside this. "Speculative" Freemasonry which allowed aristocrats and non masons to join was where things changed for the worse.
Some context around this, is that freemasonry's myths and lore is all based on the old testament. Especially around Solomon and his temple, and before that specifically the descendants of Cain.
The man was some type of nut. He converted to Islam, was a freemason and fought for Turkey in the First Balkan War. Why do Anglos and Swedes always do this? Why betray Europe and side with Turkey. Makes no sense at all. en.wikiredia.com
>they are jews that worship saturn(also known as jehovah in the torah
No, the jews see satan (basically the same as Saturn) as a helper of God, his left hand basically, and not his enemy like Christians see him. So Sabbatean jews worship Saturn because they think that they can find redemption through sin and that they are ultimately helping God and more importantly the jews to attain world power in their messianic age, by bringing closer the end of days through this.
>The man was some type of nut
welcome to the wonderful world of secret societies