Is Trump Mocking Typewriter Celebs

Trump released his white house sec press release and it was written on a typewriter, is he mocking them?


Other urls found in this thread:

Ban chinks, sign now

Tell China they have to say something nice about Taiwan if they want to use it

Think about it. Can't be hacked. It may be THAT BAD

Maybe the internet is going to be terminated :)

How many of you don’t understand the type writer thing? Guessing 7/8

also possible. sitting here for 2 days now no ISP

Really? Verizon is it?

illuminate us

Attached: spoon-fed-babies-more-likely-overweight-obese-810436.jpg (590x350, 34.25K)

It’s been done before

Well, let’s get a bigger sample size

Its the sign

Anons, now is the time to trust in god for HE WINS

I don't. You're probably right 7/8.

So feed me.

I have to go to bed very soon..


We are blessed anons
soon a BLESSED america will be upon us

Attached: 1584123912586.jpg (1920x2268, 1.36M)


Fuck off already

It’s about the data protection act

Come on you can’t deny something is up

Attached: 78CF4A94-5558-4921-B51A-CAB5045E9840.jpg (1125x983, 111.17K)

He didn't write it.


I'm legit asking this. When a lawmaker creates a bill, they can use any number for it as long as it's not taken?

Pasta from comfy thread

Corona typewriters (Hanks, Madonna)
>Unabomber Ted Kaczynski's personal items were auctioned off by the U.S. Marshals Service in 2011. The Smith & Corona typewriter he used to write his manifestos fetched $22,003.
>Sold for $22,003
>223 | 322

Attached: S & B C.jpg (346x328, 33.97K)


The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation hosted Event 201, a high-level pandemic exercise on October 18, 2019, in New York, NY. The exercise illustrated areas where public/private partnerships will be necessary during the response to a severe pandemic in order to diminish large-scale economic and societal consequences.

Attached: 1584668946748.png (399x351, 195.43K)

Sold to Steve Soboroff
>My favourite age

Attached: (598x307, 51.78K)

John Hopkins, everytime

Based Trump

Attached: 1584669469722m.jpg (512x1024, 62.26K)

What the fuck

Checked and WITNESSED.

Attached: 1584672419258m.jpg (473x1024, 61.88K)

Corona is a famous brand of typewriter.

well it gets lost in the sea of shills here but the white house has released several serious conserns on internet security the last few weeks

it went as far as saying: maybe we should just remove all encryption because it's bullshit anyway at this point

nothing on this site about it, not one single thread

him doing this
after the whitehouse doing the above

shit might be more serious than we think, remember when they exposed the kikes spying on all the wireless communications around the white house?

the kikes have now been found to spy on their wires as well, encryption is bypassed because its their hardware

again, shit is really serious
but nobody seems to notice
nobody seems to care

just enjoying that big blue terrorist jewsih cock rammed up their debt ridden arsses every fucking day

america 2020

Attached: look at those dirty mental kikes.jpg (1280x720, 97.19K)


auto correct is for faggots

If it's so fucking important go make a bread about it. Like seriously people have different theories about what's going on with so many happenings. It makes just as much since this has to do with the celebrity Corona typewriter posters. In fact theres more evidence for the latter. But if you want anyone to care making them feel dumb is only going to push them away

wtf, now im genuinely curious

Think about this. The celebs with typewriters were flying around with them before coronavirus became a thing. How did they know?

Bro dont fucking reply to memeflags its some fat fucking jew who makes a dime every post theyre here to DERAIL and shit everything up

Dont even read anything or look at anything from a memeflag

its called a side channel attack. you can get the cpu to give you everything. no way for user to stop or monitor. been there since 2013. not news. encryption is bullshit for personal protection. "we" put it there. there are no plans to fix it.

Attached: sidechannel.png (611x508, 126.92K)

Look at this image

0:46 seconds in... Is the video length 322 also?

46 + 2:36 = 322

3:16 + 6 =

>Look at this image
>0:46 seconds in... Is the video length 322 also?
>46 + 2:36 = 322
>3:16 + 6 = qmartial law tribunal false flag! its so obvious its habbeebening!

6 goes into 201 33.5 times.

Image in detail

Attached: 1584672706911m.jpg (903x1024, 131.26K)


Why would you have the subliminal "evil thoughts" in your home? Yikes

tl;dr ?

Absolutely fucking based and tedpilled

The defense protection act my bad

you stole your last few lines from a carlin bit

EMP inbound
screencap this

Of course it is.
I've got two mechanical type writers.
I am very suspicious my old electric one can somehow be put online even though it's like 90s.

There is not a single button you have hit on a device in your entire life that isn't logged and stored somewhere.

Rapunzel lived in isolation for years occupying her time with many hobbies. The kingdom in the Disney version is named "Corona"

What does it mean? They can't have electronics? Spill it

The top of crown ties in with the W shapes posted in Tom Hanks recent posts...good threads here

Attached: 1584666259999.png (800x450, 323.72K)

I hate in when Q doesn't post for a while. All his retard dementia stricken followers then come here to shit up the board with pure retardation.


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Is anyone else starting to freak out about this? Thats more than a fucking coincidence


Not freak out but it's intriguiging

God is One. He created the universe and everything in it, and nothing happens without his approval. God always wins. He wins when children are tortured and raped for fun. He wins when your wife decides after a couple kids and 20 years of marriage that you are pathetic and she needs a bigger cock. He wins when kids are born addicted to crack, when people have to rummage through garbage in Indian shit rivers for food, he wins when men lose their jobs and their families. He wins with war, poverty, disease, humiliation, defeat, and hunger. God always wins. I doubt you will though.

Does he win when people see such things and ignore them?

Or could most of these things be fixed by the global community if people weren't so into entertainment and consumeristic trash?

Looks like the evil thoughts over the left eye are wired to the mouth. Electricity or lightning bolt activated? Is this about mkultra mindslave stuff?

Watch the highlights of the event on YT. They basically say everything that is actually happening now. At the end they say the stock market will drop 40%

From a different thread, an user posted:
QRD: Anons in the Hanx self-isolation and Ellen Degeneres mental breakdown threads agreed there was something suspicious about which letters were deliberately messed up or missing from a letter pop star Madonna typed on a Corona typewriter in photographs accompanying her Madame X tour. What made anons curious is it's the same typewriter brand as Hanx mysteriously has been real talkative about too recently. Autists like me started to gnaw and pick. A great user (not me but I wish it was) suggested that the muddled or missing letters be pieced into words because they might be an anagram. One I think Canadian user started doing this autism mentally. I began using some anagram programs. Finally the user credited in OP hit upon the phrase DUMP CORONA being formed by some of the letters with a jumble of letters and a 4 left behind. Anons thought it might mean Yas Forums.

I ran the remaining letters through the program and an entire message appeared that makes a lot of sense.


It appears she tried to warn fellow elites not to "use" something because it was poisoned.

You can follow the whole thing as it happened here. #

>Electricity or lightning bolt activated?

You're possessed by a demon.

hello fren. law student here. no, they can't just use any number. the first number is, I believe, the session number, the second is the bill or resolution number. the numbers are chronological, so they are not determined at will.

>so they are not determined at will.
Here is a lesson for you little law buddy
The law does not apply to some people or operations.
The law is for plebs.

I doubt it. Life is a biological hierarchy. The hierarchy exists under any political system, with those at the bottom shit on by those at the top. That is the nature of life across all species that live in social groups. The top of the hierarchy will always adopt belief systems that help to perpetuate their position. The masses will always adopt cuck religions to help them cope with the fact that they are humiliated slaves. It has always been this way. It will always be this way. If you dumb, ugly, poor, sexually deficient, or otherwise weak, you are fucked. Doesn't matter if you live under capitalism, communism, technoglobalism, or anything else. This truth will always remain.

I have a deep aversion for faith based faggots who live shitty lives and still pretend everything is great because they are too weak to assess reality honestly. This is what Q followers are. They disgust me. Either rebel, or put your head down and do your work slave. Stop telling fantasy stories to yourself like a child because you cant cope.

>can't be hacked
that is false.
russians modified selectric typewriters in the supply chain on their way to embassies back in the day.
there's nothing fundamentally secure about a typewriter and no reason a mechanical one couldn't be altered in a similar manner.
never assume.

Could also be a mishapen hieroglyph. Looks pretty similar to the one they use for 'Throne'. Feel like there's a reason for the line segment as well (thought/s).

Attached: Isis-throne-hieroglyph.jpg (289x309, 18.44K)

I feel sorry for people who don't know God exists.

You know the hieroglyph for star is the same as it is for gate, if you go to egypt and pick up literature on it.

Madonna wants to be shot on stage, or outside her hotel, like John Lennon or Dimebag Darrel

Two options:

1.) Conspiracy theory.
2.) Our scientists are actually competent as fuck.

lol. you give the people sitting on Capitol Hill way too much credit. Are there people running things behind the scenes? Probably. Are they the ones introducing bills and resolutions, following the same exact pattern of numbering that has been followed for over 200 years? Not likely. But please, do go on about how no procedural laws exist in any state or federal legislature because a select few elite can either buy their way out of prosecution.

Substantive law =/= procedural law.